Educational system in Great Britain презентация

The English Educational System

Слайд 1Project: Educational system in Great Britain

Слайд 2The English Educational System

Слайд 3The English Educational System

Слайд 4The English Educational System
Primary education
 It is divided into two periods: infant

schools (pupils from 5 to 7 years old) and junior schools (pupils from 7 to 11 years old).

Слайд 5The English Educational System
Secondary SCHOOLS

Слайд 6There are 3 types of state secondary schools in Great Britain.

They are:

1) comprehensive schools, which take pupils of all abilities without exams. In such schools pupils are often put into certain sets or groups, which are formed according to their abilities for technical or humanitarian subjects;
2) grammar schools, which give secondary education of a very high standard. Entrance is based on the test of ability;
3) modern schools, which don't prepare pupils for universities. Education in such schools gives good prospects for practical jobs.

Слайд 7Compulsory education ends at 16.
After secondary education, pupils take GCSE (General

Certificate of Secondary Education) examination.

Слайд 8Types of Schools in Britain
There are two different types of school:

private schools

Слайд 9Private schools
All students at private schools must pay. Typical fees for

2011 at a private boarding school in Britain are £24,000 per year (inclusive of accommodation and meals). The fees at private schools are exactly the same for British students as for overseas students.

Слайд 10State schools are divided into the following types:
Grammar schools
Technical schools

Comprehensive schools

Слайд 11Grammar schools
Children who go to grammar schools are usually those who

show a preference for academic subjects, although many grammar schools now also have some technical courses.

Слайд 12Technical schools
Some children go to technical schools. Most courses there

are either commercial or technical.

Слайд 13Modern schools
Boys and girls who are interested in working with

there hands and learning in a practical way can go to a technical schools and learn some trade.

Слайд 14Comprehensive schools
These schools usually combine all types of secondary education. They

have physic, chemistry, biology laboratories, machine workshops for metal and woodwork and also geography, history and art departments, commercial and domestic courses.

Слайд 15There are 126 universities in Britain. They are divided into 5

The Old ones, which were founded before the 19th century, such as Oxford and Cambridge;
The Red Brick, which were founded in the 19th or 20th century;
The Plate Glass, which were founded in 1960s;
The Open University It is the only university offering extramural education.
The New ones. They are former polytechnic academies and colleges.

Слайд 16Thank you
for your attention!

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