Designer. Donatella Versace презентация

Слайд 1Designer. Donatella Versace
Kurtseitova E.S.
1st year student group TДО-15

Слайд 2In fact, the designer - a vast profession, which includes the duty of the artist-designer and designer.

Слайд 3
Donatella was born in the Italian town of Reggio Calabria,she was the youngest of

four children in the family.      Thanks brother, associated with the fashion houseVersace, Donatella plunged into the fashion world. In 1995,Gianni began producing perfume dedicated to her, - BlondeGianni also given the right to distribute Donatella Versusspirits

Слайд 4Age Donatella Versace is already considerable - 61 year. She was

born in 1955 in a small Italian town. About Donatella glory, unlike his brother Gianni, not dreaming. And so, when his brother founded his fashion house, she did not even think to join him, and was admitted to the University on the faculty of Italian literature. But later, she still joined the business, and his brother eventually became the PR-manager of the company. And after the death of Gianni Versace, Donatella has become fashionable to manage the house and again he was able to elevate. For those who are interested, the growth of Donatella Versace is 164 cm, weight - 46 kilograms

Слайд 5Donatella was the first who began to use a variety ofcelebrities on the catwalk to show the world your

clothesinstead of using unknown models. The second was SantoVersace, Donatella's brother, who is a famous fashion designer and owner of «Finanziaria Versace», which is oneof the branches of the house Versace.

After just three months after his brother's death, Donatella has released his first collection of Versace main line, which took quite restrained, that did not bother the energetic Italian. She continued to work hard, managing to make all the running earlier collections and at the same time seek their own style. In an interview, Donatella said: "On my collections poorly responded, but I always knew that I could not just continue what I did Gianni. To stay on the crest, you need to look for something new. " Donatella made the new model more feminine clothes, comfortable and less sexually aggressive, while remaining within the style created once Gianni - sensuality and luxury remained unchanged components recognizable style of Versace.

Слайд 6In 2010, for his work «Do Something With Style Award» she

received «VH1 Do Something Awards». She was nominated for her, for what has enabled children to create art, they created a bag of braided rug whose income went to the «Starlight and the ONE Foundations». Showing ceremony conducted by «VH1», dedicated to people who want to inspire more young people.

Слайд 7 Before she began to do plastic surgery, it looked pretty good. In

appearance of women have never had a special beauty, but her face was a kind of "spice" that makes it quite attractive. Donatella is always different from the rather large nose, so even with a small hump and massive chin.The two parts did not give her the face of femininity, but rather deprived her of this. But at the same time, thanks to its natural charm, a young Donatella Versace has always stood out from the crowd. Moreover, women are beautiful dignity expressive eyes rich hazel color, the look which can not remain indifferent. In general, it is enough one look at a photo of Donatella Versace in his youth, to understand that a person is smart and creative in front of you, for only such people can be enchanting, even if the mother-nature has deprived of their beauty.

Слайд 9Trendsetter and one of the most popular designers of our time

freely experimented on himself with the help of plastic surgery. Donatella has long had time to get the "title" of the victim of plastic surgery. That this woman is one of the first to come to mind when talking about a completely unsuccessful operations. Donatella Versace, of course, doing Botox injections themselves. But this - the smallest and most insignificant part of its transformation. In addition, Botox has long been the tool, which is used by almost all celebrities, once the notice wrinkles on your face. Besides Donatella resorted to rhinoplasty, trying to correct the shape of your nose. That she was able to, although we can not say that the nose has changed for the better. And the last link in the list operation Donatella Versace - a change in the shape of lips. Perhaps the worst of its plastic, because Donatella lips were naturally beautiful and that she did himself with the help of surgery, does not look particularly attractive. But, despite the fact that Donatella Versace before surgery looked much more attractive than it is now, and age still prevails, this woman remains popular throughout the world thanks to his talent and charm that simply can not be denied.

Слайд 11In addition to creating fashionable clothing collections at the beginning of the two thousandth Donatella Versace alsofascinated

by other kind of activity. During this period, she began to invest a lot of money in the creation and development of resorts for a privileged public. For example, in "Palazzo Versace" originated in Australia, Dubai andsome other prestigious resort areas. Currently, Donatella Versace is one of the key figures in the fashion empire, as well as one of the most popular designers in the world.

Слайд 12Thank you for attention

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