China is Leading the World in the Internet of Things презентация


The Internet of Things (or, IoT) is the connection of formerly unconnected ‘things’ to the Internet…

Слайд 1China is Leading the World in the Internet of Things

Слайд 2The Internet of Things (or, IoT) is the connection of formerly

unconnected ‘things’ to the Internet…

Слайд 3
Which will enable cars, industrial equipment, homes, etc. to collect and

analyze data, and even automate processes.

Слайд 4
And according to research by GSMA, no country implements IoT technologies

better than China.

Слайд 5Last year, the country had 74 million machine-to-machine (M2M) connections.


Слайд 6While the U.S. has under 50 million M2M connections right now.

Слайд 7And China’s expected to boost its amount of connected things to

336 million by 2020.

Слайд 8Meanwhile, the U.S. will probably have just over 150 million by

the same time.

Слайд 9Take a look…

Слайд 10Source: GSMA Intelligence.
Cellular M2M Connections (in millions)

Слайд 11But how is China leading the world?

Слайд 12There are few reasons, but the main one is simply the

power of the Chinese government.

Слайд 13Back in 2010, the government set up a national IoT Center.

Слайд 14And set a goal to build the country’s IoT technologies into

a $163 billion market by 2020.

Слайд 15To do that, the government set up IoT standards in 2013,

and then integrated new tech into smart cities in 2014.

Слайд 16“Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hangzhou and other large cities have established extensive

database and sensor networks to collect, store, and analyse information related to transportation, electricity, public safety, and environmental factors.”

- GSMA Intelligence

Слайд 17Of course, the private sector is helping to make all of

this possible too.

Слайд 18Specifically, the country’s leading wireless carriers — China Mobile, China Telecom,

and China Unicom — are connecting China to the IoT.

Слайд 19“Chinese operators are developing sophisticated M2M service propositions that go far

beyond the provision of basic connectivity.”

- Sylwia Kechiche GSMA Intelligence

Слайд 20China Mobile helped develop a national IoT platform, sells its own

M2M services, and even started an Internet of Vehicles company.

Слайд 21Similarly, China Telecom is building services for connected homes and vehicles,

and has its own center focused on M2M.

Слайд 22And China Unicom is focusing much of its attention on connected

home services and consumer-oriented IoT products.

Слайд 23China’s IoT expansion also benefits from the country’s large population.

Слайд 24
“China offers economies of scale for IoT unmatched by any other

single country.”

- Josh Builta IHS Technology

Слайд 25And the country’s past economic growth enabled China to build out

IoT systems quickly.

Слайд 26Because of its early lead in IoT, even China’s current economic

worries shouldn't hurt the country’s IoT dominance.

Слайд 27But that doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from the Internet of

Things too.

Слайд 28Check this out…

Слайд 29
This $19 Trillion Industry Could Destroy the Internet

One bleeding-edge technology is

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