Tools & Resources for Librarians + Libraries презентация @janedaily

Слайд 1Tools & Resources for
Librarians + Libraries


Слайд 3Origins in Copyright
CC Licenses & Tools
CC + Libraries
School of Open

Слайд 5We make sharing content easy, legal, and scalable.
What do we do?

Слайд 6All Rights Reserved

Слайд 7A set of exclusive rights granted to creators of
‘original works

of authorship’

Слайд 9

All Rights Reserved
Lasts a very long time
Keeps getting


Слайд 10The problem: Traditional © designed for old distribution models now governs

the Internet

Слайд 11In a digital world, most everyone is a creator of copyrighted


Слайд 12Technically,
it’s so easy to share!

Слайд 13Legally?
Not so easy.

Слайд 14$750-$150,000 per copyright infringement

Слайд 17With Creative Commons, creators can grant copy and reuse permissions in


Слайд 18Free legal tools that express these permissions for you.

How do we

do it?

Слайд 19Origins in Copyright
CC Licenses & Tools
CC + Libraries
School of Open

Слайд 20(1) Copyright licenses

(2) Public domain tools

Free legal tools

Слайд 21(1) Copyright licenses

Слайд 22Public Domain Dedication

Слайд 23All CC licenses are combinations of 4 elements:

Слайд 24CC licenses are unique because they are expressed in three ways.

Слайд 25Lawyer
Legal Code

Слайд 26Human
Readable Deed

Слайд 27
Readable Metadata

Слайд 31(2) Public domain tools

Слайд 32CC0 (read ‘CC Zero’)
Public Domain Mark

Слайд 33What’s the difference?

Слайд 34CC Zero =
I want to waive all of
MY rights to

a work.

Слайд 35PD Mark =
For works already in the public domain.


Слайд 4174 jurisdictions

Слайд 42500 million works

Слайд 44CC is built on © law
CC gives creators more options
CC minimizes

transaction costs

Some things to remember

Слайд 45Who uses Creative Commons?

Слайд 46Wikipedia: Over 76,000 contributors working on over 31 million articles in

285 languages

Слайд 50How do I find and use these works?

Слайд 55Best Practices for Attribution: (TASL)

Source – Link to work
License – Name

+ Link

Слайд 56Best Practice Example:

You have assembled a textbook consisting of OER from

various sources. Here’s what a credits page at the end of that textbook might look like.

Слайд 62Origins in Copyright
CC Licenses & Tools
CC + Libraries
School of Open

Слайд 631) CC0 for library metadata
2) Tag resources with rights info
3) Open

license for library owned content
4) Open policy for university research

Слайд 701) CC0 for library metadata
2) Tag resources with rights info
3) Open

license for library owned content
4) Open policy for university research

Слайд 71Europeana: 30M metadata items under CC0, 5 million digital object with

PDM and 2.8 million digital objects under one of the CC licenses

Слайд 741) CC0 for library metadata
2) Tag resources with rights info
3) Open

license for library owned content
4) Open policy for university research

Слайд 771) CC0 for library metadata
2) Tag resources with rights info
3) Open

license for library owned content
4) Open policy for university research

Слайд 79Origins in Copyright
CC Licenses & Tools
CC + Libraries
School of Open

Слайд 84
Creative Commons and the double C in a circle are registered

trademarks of Creative Commons in the United States and other countries. Third party marks and brands are the property of their respective holders.

Please attribute Creative Commons with a link to

Слайд 85Photo: “fuzzy copyright”
Author: Nancy Sims
License: CC BY-NC


“Students in Jail”
Author: Judy Baxter
License: CC BY-NC-SA


Обратная связь

Если не удалось найти и скачать презентацию, Вы можете заказать его на нашем сайте. Мы постараемся найти нужный Вам материал и отправим по электронной почте. Не стесняйтесь обращаться к нам, если у вас возникли вопросы или пожелания:

Email: Нажмите что бы посмотреть 

Что такое

Это сайт презентаций, докладов, проектов, шаблонов в формате PowerPoint. Мы помогаем школьникам, студентам, учителям, преподавателям хранить и обмениваться учебными материалами с другими пользователями.

Для правообладателей
