5 Reasons Now is the Right Time to Move Learning to the Cloud презентация

Слайд 15 Reasons Now is the Right Time to Move Learning to

the Cloud

Слайд 2Enterprise Thinking vs Cloud Thinking
Over 60% of higher education institutions report

that they are currently reviewing, converting to, or running their LMS in the Cloud.

- The Campus Computing Project: 2014 National Survey of Computing and Information Technology in US Higher Education


Слайд 3Enterprise Thinking vs Cloud Thinking

Слайд 4Why Cloud? Why Now?
Scalability & Elasticity
Innovation & Change Management
Big Data

Слайд 5Flexibility
Heavy virtualization
New resources can be spun up (or spun down) in

minutes or even seconds

Rapid Provisioning

Cloud services designed for highly scaled, shared management of resources
Redundancy leads to durability

Resource Sharing

Слайд 6Flexibility
Blackboard Cloud Architecture

Multi-tenant architecture
Rapid provisioning supports both horizontal and vertical scaling

of Learn

Слайд 7Scalability & Elasticity
Dynamic provisioning of resources in response to system performance

either horizontally or vertically

Auto-Scaling & Elasticity

Move the content to the “edges” of the network
Reduce latency

Content Delivery Networks

Слайд 8Scalability & Elasticity
Blackboard Cloud Architecture

Expand to meet demands of peak periods

latency through Amazon CloudFront

Слайд 9Reliability
Built for resilience
Increased reliance on monitoring
Fault Tolerant Application Design
Vulnerability detection


Deployment Automation

Слайд 10Reliability
Blackboard Cloud Architecture
Self-healing environment
End-to-end automation ensures consistency and quality
Zero downtime

updates with very high success rates
Native denial of service protection

Слайд 11Innovation & Change Management
Always current
Painless updates
Software as a Service
Test-driven development
Ready to

deploy at any time

Continuous Integration

Smaller releases = less change management
Feature toggles

Change Management

Слайд 12Innovation & Change Management
Blackboard Cloud Architecture
Rapid delivery of updates
Incremental updates on

a regular schedule
Less change management
Faster bug fixes
Appropriate feature controls to manage change

Слайд 13Big Data
The three “V’s” – high Volume, high Velocity, high Variety

technologies designed for big data sets


Student retention
Data-driven decision making

Why Big Data?

Слайд 14Big Data
Blackboard Cloud Architecture
Re-tooling our collection of data and our instrumentation

data stores
Individualized reporting for faculty and students where they need it, when they need it
No more “reporting backwater”

Слайд 15Physical & Network Security
To protect your infrastructure & the mission-critical information

it contains

Data Security
To recover lost data and restore courses

To limit the effects of “anything” going wrong

To maintain the system if the physical surroundings are compromised in any way

To enable and support growth

People & Processes
To effectively & efficiently support the environment 24x7x365

Monitoring Practices
To track and report what is happening on the network and ensure responsiveness

Change Management
To ensure ongoing successful utilization of the technology

Critical Factors to Consider in Managing Your Online Learning Environment

Слайд 16Is someone available every night and weekend to handle problems that

may arise?


Do you have enough people on staff with the expertise needed to successfully support this mission-critical environment?


If any one person is out sick or leaves, is there someone else who is trained, ready, and able to perform his or her duties?


Are there more strategic or mission-critical projects that you / your team could be working on if you had more time?


Do you have peace of mind when it comes to managing your learning environment or are you bogged down in minutiae?


Слайд 17Blackboard’s Approach

Слайд 18Rethink Teaching and Learning
And the Business of Education
Program Selection

& Marketing

Student Support & Retention

Learning Delivery

Career Placement

Слайд 19

Learning Core
Traditional learning delivery

Learning Environments to meet varied student and institutional


Learning Insight
Measuring effectiveness of online and traditional programs

Learning Essentials
Offering online courses and programs

Learning Insight & Student Retention
Developing strategy and tactics to maximize student retention

Слайд 20
Cloud Strategy

Mobile First
Big Data
Key Focus Areas

Слайд 21Blackboard and the Cloud

Blackboard Collaborate
Blackboard Connect
Blackboard Engage
K12 Central
Blackboard Transact eAccounts
Already a

major provider of cloud services to education:

Our seven data centers on four continents represents the largest private cloud in education world-wide

Слайд 22Learner-Centric

Слайд 23

In Development

Слайд 24

In Development

Слайд 25

In Development

Слайд 26

In Design

Слайд 27

In Design

Слайд 28Improved customer experience
Zero downtime updates

Better innovation and market responsiveness
Get enhancements

and new features more quickly

Higher quality
Get fixes and maintenance to you more quickly

Easier change management
Small updates instead of monolithic releases

Delightful user experience
Learner-centric interface coming to the Cloud

Better support
Less variety of versions, environments

How to Summarize & Communicate the Benefits

Don’t forget to

the Slideshare!

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