Is Google Bringing Its Internet Service To a City Near You? презентация

You may have heard that Google offers a super fast Internet service, called Google Fiber.

Слайд 1Is Google Bringing Its Internet Service
To a City Near You?

Слайд 2
You may have heard that Google offers a super fast Internet

service, called Google Fiber.

Слайд 3Fiber’s maximum upload and download speeds are 1 gigabit per second…

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Which is about 100 times faster than many home Internet connections.

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For example, it takes just 7 seconds to download an HD

movie with Fiber.

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Compared to nearly 11 minutes for a 10 Mbps connection.

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Fiber costs just $70 per month, while similar Internet speeds from

Verizon and Comcast can cost four times that amount.

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Right now the service is available in just three major metropolitan


Слайд 9
Source: Google.
(Current Fiber cities are marked in blue.)

Слайд 10But Google says there are now 34 cities in 9 major

metro areas where Fiber is coming, or potentially coming.

Слайд 11Take a look…

Слайд 12Source: Google.

Слайд 13And Google’s not stopping there.

Слайд 14The company wants its Fiber service to expand across the country

because it wants more competition in the high-speed Internet space.

Слайд 15And it’s already working.

Слайд 16Comcast, Time Warner Cable, AT&T and Verizon have all lowered their

ultra-fast Internet prices in cities where Fiber is available, or coming soon.

Слайд 17Which means that whether you have access to Google Fiber now,

or it comes to your city in the future…

Слайд 18You may have more high-speed Internet options, and pay less money

for faster speeds, because of the increased competition.

Слайд 19Which is a pretty sweet deal.

Слайд 20

Wall Street hacks Apple's gadgets! (Investors, prepare to profit.)

Apple forgot to

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