SPAM EMAIL 8 Do’s and Don’ts презентация

Spam (noun) \spam\ Irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent on the Internet to a large number of recipients.

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8 Do’s and Don’ts

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(noun) \spam\

Irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent on the Internet to

a large number of recipients.

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Roughly 130 billion spam
emails are sent every day!


Bonus fact:

US and China account for about 40% of all spam.


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That’s a lot of spam!

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Spammers have many sneaky ways of getting your email address…

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Anywhere you post your email
address online is fair game.

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If a computer is infected, spammers can access its address book.

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Spammers automate the process by
using robots to crawl webpages.

Слайд 9Take action – the last thing you want is to compromise

your email account!

Spammers use many other tactics –
These are just a few of the most common.

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Spam is used to get your

Personal Info,
Financial Data,

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Spread viruses

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That all sounds terrible right?

Here’s what you can do to

fight spam…

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Use a disposable
email address.

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Services like Mailinator allow
you to get emails without
exposing your

real email address.

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Check the privacy policy
when giving your email
to a website.

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Make sure the site
is reputable before
signing up for anything.


out for “sign me up for newsletters”.

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Report spam

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Most email services have a “report spam” button right in your


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Google search

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You can also do this with “spam” phone calls – just

Google the number that called you.

If you’re suspicious of an email, Google it. Chances are you aren’t the only one who got it.

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Don’t post your
email address

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Spammers get email addresses from blogs, forums, and websites like craigslist.

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Don’t open attachments
if something seems off.

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Even if you recognize the
sender, keep any eye out

anything usual…

Their account may
have been hacked.

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Don’t always trust “trustworthy”emails.

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Sometimes spammers “phish”
by copying the email formats
of reputable companies.


of these are easy to
spot, but keep an eye out – some
of them can be pretty convincing.

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Never reply to spam emails.

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Spammers will love you!

This exposes you as a

person who engages with their email.

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Spam filters have gotten much better over the years, but it’s

still good to know what to look out for.

Spammers constantly change their tactics to get into your inbox.

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If your spam filter isn’t good enough, here are a few


Spamihilator works with any
POP3 or IMAP mail client.

MailWasher works with any email service.

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SPAMfighter works with Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird, Windows Mail, and Apple


Report spam emails at

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Presented by
For more helpful tips,
check out our SlideShare and blog!

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