Slide design презентация

Background colors -Don’t be too creative

Слайд 1Slide Design

Слайд 2Background colors
-Don’t be too creative

Слайд 3Colors
Good contrast is important
Yellow on dark blue
Black on white
White on

Be aware that colors may look different on the screen


Слайд 7Colors may look different on the screen

Слайд 8Colors
You can use colors to emphasize a point, but do it


Using a color as a decoration is distracting

Using different colors for different points is not advisable

Do not use red and green as a combination
Do not use

distracting background
Do not use colors that are not good contrast

Слайд 10Specifičnosti intenzivne terapije pacijenata sa HOBP
Dobro tolerišu loše GAK
U proceni potrebe

za mehaničkom ventilacijom gledati prvenstveno stanje pacijenta(npr da li može normalno da priča) a ne loše GAK
Cilj u korekciji GAK je PaO2 veće od 60mmHG a saturacija O2 veća od 90%
Kod pacijenata sa hroničnom hiperkapnijom stimulus za disanje postaje hipoksija te nebi trebali davati veliku koncentraciju O2 zbog mogućeg prestanka disanja.
Za procenu takvih pacijenata pogledati bikarbonate u GAK(ako su veći od 30mmol/l onda postoji jedino hipoksičan nadražaj respiratornog centra

Слайд 11Text on slides
1.No more than five lines
2.About six words per line

only key words and phrases
4.Do not use whole sentences
5.Less is more!

Слайд 12Fonts
Be sure that everybody can read it
Try to make 28 the

Use different sizes for main and secondary points
Again be sure it is not to small

Слайд 13Typography for doctors
Sans serif for headings
You can use sans serif font

for headings (Arial), and serif (Times new roman) for body text

Serif for longer phrases and short sentences



Слайд 14Fonts
Not more than two fonts per slide

For emphasize use Italic or bold

Слайд 15Keep your color schemes simple and traditional, and never use red

unless you have somthing to hide.

Слайд 16What was wrong with that slide?

Слайд 17Don’t use RED color to emphasize text

Слайд 18PICTURES (Photographs) ON THE SLIDE

Слайд 19Don’t do this!


Слайд 21Animation

Слайд 22Animations
Use sparingly, for emphasizing points
Useful to bring one point at the

It can be distraction

Do not do this

Do not do this

Do not do this

Do not do this

Слайд 23PP slides wont make your boring teaching interesting!

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Что такое

Это сайт презентаций, докладов, проектов, шаблонов в формате PowerPoint. Мы помогаем школьникам, студентам, учителям, преподавателям хранить и обмениваться учебными материалами с другими пользователями.

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