Time/Task Management презентация

Слайд 1Time/Task Management Presented by the Tomás Rivera Center Arranged by Dionne

S. Dávila

Слайд 2QUIZ
Do you estimate how many hours you will need to study

each week?
Do you meet assignment deadlines?
Do you begin working on semester long projects early in the semester?
Do you write a daily “to do” list?
Do you prevent social activities from interfering with your study time?
Do you have a job that requires fewer than 10 hours a week?

Слайд 3QUIZ continued…
Do you set specific goals for each study period?
Do you

begin your study time with your most difficult subject/assignment?
Do you complete most of your studying during your most productive hours of each day?
Do you treat being a full-time student like a full time job?
For every “Yes” you responded give yourself 1point.
Tally the total number of points you received.

Слайд 4Results
If you scored 8-10 you are doing well managing your time.

Maybe you need to change one or two things.
If you scored 5-7 you are average and have some good time management skills, but clearly need some more help.
If you scored 1-4 you should get a plan together for how you want to address these issues. Good thing for you the TRC can help you with that. Please schedule an appointment with an academic coach!

Слайд 5The goal of time management is to find a balance among

all the things you need and want to do.

Слайд 6What’s the 1st step in managing your time?

Слайд 7Types of events worth noting in your planner:
Professors office hours and

contact info
Due dates for papers, projects, presentations, etc.
Test and quiz dates
Advising or mentor meetings
SI or Tutoring

Слайд 8The most important word in our Time Management vocabulary is… “NO”

Слайд 9Before Setting Goals
Have to determine what you value
(What is

important to you?)

Set priorities
Decide what is most important
What needs to be accomplished first

Слайд 10Set Goals
Setting time/task goals will help you define how you want

to live and what you want to achieve.

Define for yourself what will be long term and short term goals

Слайд 11Making Your Schedule Work
Identify your best time of the day.
Study difficult

or boring subjects first.
Use the same place to study every time.
Use the library or a location with very little distractions.
Avoid distractions
Use “waiting time” to study
Treat school as a full-time job

Слайд 12Adjust Your Schedule Every Day
Write out a daily schedule at the

beginning of each day.

As you write out your daily schedule, assess your priorities.

Слайд 13Evaluate Your Schedule
Evaluate schedule in the morning
Again at the end of

the day
a) Is what I’m doing working? If not what do I need to change?
b) Divide larger tasks or projects into smaller parts or steps.

Слайд 14Avoidance of doing a task that needs to be done
Can lead

to feelings of guilt, inadequacy, depression and self-doubt
Interferes with academic and personal success
Not a good indicator of what you are truly capable of
So…..don’t put things off…


Слайд 15It’s a misnomer that our talents make us a success. They

help, but it’s not what we do well that enables us to achieve in the long run. It’s what we do wrong and how we correct it that ensures our long-lasting success. -Bernie Marcus Founder of Home Depot

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