Leadership Outside U.S Army презентация

Leadership is all about influence. A leader stands out from the crowd A leader is also a manager There are may theories about leadership; hence so many definitions

Слайд 1Leadership Outside U.S Army
Student Name

Слайд 2Leadership is all about influence.
A leader stands out from the

A leader is also a manager
There are may theories about leadership; hence so many definitions of a leader
Some argue that leaders are made while others believe that leaders are born (Avolio, B., Walumbwa, F., & Weber, T. 2009).
In Army, management and leadership is part of life


Слайд 3Even before joining army, I believe that life has taught me

to be a leader
I have been involved in many situations that required decision making
I was once a captain of softball back in high school and even in campus
As a captain I dealt with different characters of people; some who agreed with me and others who were opposed to my leadership skills
However, am happy to say that I was recognized as the best captain in senior high school

Before joining army

Слайд 4When I joined Cadet and was going through lessons of professional

army, I have learnt about skills of army such as a leader and a manager
I have tackled many situations outside army that required me to utilize leadership skills
One of such situation is when my mom went to prison
My family including my dad depended on my mom and after she went to prison they did not have any source of income or someone to take care of them
I had to take them in to live with me

After joining army

Слайд 5When my mother was sent to prison, I was in a

Two siblings needed tuition fee
My dad needed medication and regular check-up since he has heart condition that needs a lot of money for management
I still had my family that depended on me
My medical insurance could not cover my dad yet I was running out of cash
I was torn in between taking care of my dad and paying school fee to my siblings and my own kids

Leadership skills

Слайд 6Some of the leadership skills that I utilized is trying to

diagnose the situation
The situations were:
Mom going to prison,
Dad requiring medical attention
My siblings and my children needed tuition fee,
The bills had gone up and I had to handle mom’s case
After diagnosis, I made several adjustments to cope up with the change

Leadership skills

Слайд 7One skill that I believe to have made an impact is

The situation was a dilemma not only to me but to my family and communication ensured that every person involved understood the reasons behind my decisions
I had to convince my wife why we were transferring our children to another school
I had to convince my dad that it was ok to rent the house they were living in

Leadership skills

Слайд 8ADPR defined Army as a profession and the ethics that Army

should posses
Some of these ethics include honorable service, trust, military expertise, stewardship and Esprit de Corps (The Army profession 2011).
This skills do not only apply when at work but even when away from duty
The heart of Army profession is full of inspiration and motivation
When dealing with my mom situation, the lessons that I learnt on Army as a profession were very applicable

Application of lessons learnt

Слайд 9In army and especially cadet, one cannot work along
Teamwork makes

work efficient and effective (The Army profession. 2011)
Teamwork also makes work easier
This was a lesson well learnt
I believe that were it not through teamwork, I could not have found the solution in time and maybe the situation would have been worse
To solve the problem, we combined efforts with my wife and my father who were very corporative and supportive

Application of lessons learnt

Слайд 10One cannot survive in army without being disciplined
Discipline involved being

punctual and attending to given activities without excuse
To be a leader, I have learnt that being consistent, observing time and doing things as planned is very important T(he Army profession 2011).
I could have made decisions but if I did not have the discipline to accomplish them, it would not have made any difference

Application of lessons learnt

Слайд 11Leaders are either born or made but in army one has

no alternative since one has to become a leader and a manager
The skills learnt do not only apply at work but anywhere else
At one point I was faced with a situation where my mother was sent to prison
I had to deal with my dad medical affairs, my siblings’ school fees as well as my own bills
The situation made me to apply some of leadership skills such as communication as well as skills that were had learnt in class such as teamwork and discipline
I therefore believe that the lessons in MSL 401 has made me a better leader


Слайд 12Avolio, B., Walumbwa, F., & Weber, T. (2009). Leadership: Current Theories,

Research, and Future Directions. Annual Review Of Psychology, 60(1), 421-449. http://dx.doi.org/10.1146/annurev.psych.60.110707.163621
The Army profession. (2011). 1st ed. [West Point, N.Y.?]: Center for the Army Profession and Ethic, Combined Arms Center, TRADOC


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