High Risk Drinking:
A Public Health Issue
High Risk Drinking:
A Community Health Issue
High Risk Drinking:
A College Health Issue
Functional activity levels in the brain of a 15-year-old male on memory test
Focus on Environmental Management
Focus on Environmental Management
Focus on Environmental Management
Environmental Approaches to Substance Abuse Prevention
Resources & Materials
Climates & Conditions
Absent or Inconsistent Enforcement
Surrounding Normative Behavior
Myths, Rituals, and Traditions
Absent or Inconsistent Adjudication
Attractive Opportunities to Use/Abuse
Available Spaces and Resources
Access and Availability to Substances
consequences or
positive reinforcement
Spaces, rituals, and practices that support
the desired behavior
Major Environmental Efforts in Other Communities
Major Environmental Efforts in Other Communities
Knowledge Needed to Act
Where Do We Start?
Project Ideas
Project Ideas
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