Gastrointestinal diseases : stomach cancer, colitis презентация

Stomach cancer Stomach cancer - a malignant tumor originating from the epithelium of the gastric mucosa. He is one of the most common cancers.

Слайд 1Presentation on the topic: “Gastrointestinal diseases: stomach cancer, colitis”

Слайд 2Stomach cancer
Stomach cancer - a malignant tumor originating from the epithelium

of the gastric mucosa. He is one of the most common cancers.

Слайд 3Symptoms
Difficulty in swallowing large and larger pieces, excessive salivation.
If it affects

the lower part of the stomach (antrum) primary symptoms may be vomiting and severity. Another sign is halitosis.
Anemia, weakness, significant weight loss and lack of appetite - all signs of cancer in the defeat of the middle part of the stomach.

Слайд 4Methods of treatment of the disease
Methods of treatment of cancer of

the intestine:

Surgical. Cutting the affected areas - considered the most effective way to fight.
Chemotherapy. Is one way to comprehensive treatment.
Radiation treatment. Used as part of the overall treatment regimen.

Слайд 5Сolitis
Сolitis - is an inflammatory disease of the colon mucosa. It

is believed that the manifestations of chronic colitis occur in every second patient with the problems of the digestive system. By colitis predispose the decline in the overall resistance of the organism, the lack of fiber in the diet, goiter, inflammatory diseases of the anorectal area (rising infection).

Слайд 6Symptoms
Acute colitis manifest constant urging to stool, rumbling, bloating, profuse diarrhea,

sometimes with blood and mucus, sharp pains in the abdomen. Today, acute colitis can occur in lesions of the colon specific infection with dysentery or be a lightning form of ulcerative colitis, which is considered separately.

Слайд 7Treatment
Treatment is carried out comprehensively colitis, appointing agents that eliminate the

cause of the disease and eliminate its consequences. For all types of colitis, regardless of its cause is a diet 4 (a, b, c) by Pevzner, intestinal adsorbents medications, regulating stool (laxatives (Guttalaks) or antidiarrheal (loperamide)) that stimulate regeneration (Methyluracil et al.), Reducing microflora (prebiotics and probiotics), desensitizing and detoxification treatments, vitamins and immunomodulators, mineral water and exercise therapy.

Слайд 8Thank you for the attention!!!

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