Modeling non-stationary variables презентация


Lecture Objectives Revisit the concept of non-stationary (unit root) process and its implications for analysis and forecasting Understand key tests for unit root Revisit the concept of cointegration

Слайд 1Modeling Non-stationary Variables

Mikhail Pranovich
Joint Vienna Institute/ IMF ICD
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis,

L02, Vienna, Austria, May 17, 2016

This training material is the property of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and is intended for use in IMF’s Institute for Capacity development (ICD) courses. Any reuse requires the permission of ICD.

Слайд 2Lecture Objectives
Revisit the concept of non-stationary (unit root) process and

its implications for analysis and forecasting
Understand key tests for unit root
Revisit the concept of cointegration
… and testing for cointegration

Слайд 3Outline
Stationary and non-stationary variables
Testing for unit roots
Testing for cointegration

Слайд 4Introduction
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
Many economic (macro/financial) variables exhibit trending behavior

real GDP, real consumption, assets prices, dividends…

Key issue for estimation/forecasting:
the nature of this trend….
… is it deterministic (e.g., linear trend) or stochastic (e.g., random walk)

The nature of the trend has important implications for the model’s parameters and their distributions…

… and thus for the statistical procedures used to conduct inference and forecasting

Слайд 5Key Macro Series Appear to have trends
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis

Слайд 6Deterministic and Stochastic Trends in Data
Two types of trends: deterministic or

A Deterministic trend is a non-random function of time
Example: linear time-trend

A stochastic trend is random, i.e. varies over time
(Pure) Random Walk Model: a time series is said to follow a pure random walk if the change is i.i.d.

Random Walk with a Drift

μ is a ‘drift’. If μ > 0, then yt increases on average

Слайд 7Example: Processes with Trends
Deterministic trend
Stochastic trend

Слайд 8Stationary and non-stationary processes (1)
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
Consider the data generation

process (DGP)

If the variable is stationary (i.e., , has finite mean and variance)

Standard econometric procedures may be used to estimate/forecast this model

Слайд 9Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
If model is said to

be non-stationary and its associated (statistical) distribution theory is non-standard.
In particular:
Sample moments do not have finite limits, but converge (weakly) to random quantities;
Least squares estimate of is super consistent with convergence rates greater than (stationary case);
Asymptotic distribution of the least squares estimator is non-standard (i.e., non-normal).
Bottom line: nature of the trend has important implications for hypothesis testing and forecasting, especially in multivariate settings (e.g., VARS).

Stationary and non-stationary processes (2)

Слайд 10Reminder: Autoregressive AR(p) Process
We shall check how shocks affect stationary and

non-stationary variables, but first recall what is an AR(p) process

An AR(p) autoregressive process (AR-process of order p):

The error εt, is assumed to be independently and identically distributed (i.i.d.), with a zero mean and a constant variance

Слайд 11Stochastic trends, autoregressive models and a unit root
The condition for stationarity

in an AR(p) model: roots z of the characteristic equation
1- θ1z - θ2z2 - θ3z3 - ... - θpzp =0
must all be greater than one in absolute value: |z| >1
If an AR(p) process has z=1 => variable has a unit root
Example: AR(1) process yt = μ + θyt-1 + vt
A special case is θ =1 => z =1 => yt has unit root (stochastic trend)
Stationarity requires that |θ| <1 for |z|>1

Слайд 12Consider a simple AR(1):
yt = θyt-1 + νt,
where θ takes

any value for now
We can write:
yt-1= θyt-2 + νt-1
yt-2= θyt-3 + νt-2
Substituting yields:

yt = θ(θyt-2 + νt-1) + εt = θ2yt-2 + θνt-1 + νt

Successive substituting for yt-2, yt-3,... gives an representation in terms of initial value y-1 and past errors νt-1, νt-2,...,ν0

yt = θt+1y-1 + θνt-1 + θ2νt-2 + θ3νt-3 + ...+ θtν0 + νt

The Impact of Shocks on Stationary and Non-stationary variables

Слайд 13The Impact of Shocks for Stationary and Non-stationary Series (2)
Representation at

t=T: yT = θT+1y-1 +θvT-1 +θ2vT-2 + θ3vT-3 + ...+ θTv0 + vT
At t =0 the variable is hit by a non-zero shock v0
We have 3 cases (depending on value of θ):
|θ|< 1 ⇒ θT → 0 and θTv0 → 0 as T→ ∞
Shocks have only a transitory effect (gradually dies away with time)
θ = 1 ⇒ θT = 1 and θTv0 = v0 ∀ T
Shocks have a permanent effect in the system and never die away:

... just a sum of past shocks plus some starting value of y-1. The variance grows without bound (Tσ2 →∞) as T→∞
|θ|>1. Now shocks become more influential as time goes on (explosive effect), since if θ>1, then |θ|T>...>|θ|3 > |θ|2 > |θ| etc.

Слайд 14Integration
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
Another way to write the stochastic trend model


Thus the first difference of yt is stationary provided vt is stationary (“difference stationary” process). Also referred to as an I(1) variable.
Similarly, in the case of the deterministic trend model, yt is interpreted as trend stationary
because removal of the deterministic trend from yt renders it a stationary random variable

Слайд 15Order of Integration: I(d)
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
In general, if yt is

I(d) then:

If d=0, then the series is already stationary

Слайд 16Problems due to Stochastic Trends (from a statistical perspective)
Non-standard distribution of

test statistics
Spurious regression:
in a simple linear regression, two (or more) non-stationary time series may appear to be related even though they are not
Need to use special modeling techniques when dealing with non-stationary data (VARs in differences or VECMs)
Need to distinguish btw. stochastic and deterministic trends as it may affect estimates of policy-relevant variables
e.g. estimate of an output gap or of a structural budget deficit
… for that we need unit root tests…

Слайд 17Figure 5: Distribution of OLS estimator for θ
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis

Слайд 18Testing For Unit Roots
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
Previous section suggests that I(1)

variables need special handling

So how do we identify I(1) processes, i.e., test for unit roots?

Natural test is to consider the t-statistic for the null-hypothesis of a unit root, i.e.,

Given the previous graph, it is not surprising that the t-distribution for is non-normal

Слайд 19Testing for Unit Roots: Procedures
Dickey Fuller
Augmented Dickey Fuller
Phillips Perron
Kwiatkowski, Phillips, Schmidt

and Shin (KPSS)

Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis

Слайд 20Dickey Fuller Test
Fuller (1976), Dickey and Fuller (1979)

consider a particular

case of an AR(1) model:
yt = θyt-1 + εt
We test a hypothesis
H0: θ =1 → the series contains a unit root/stochastic trend (is a random walk)
H1: |θ| <1 → the series is a zero-mean stationary AR(1)

Слайд 21Dickey-Fuller Test (2)
For the purpose of testing we reformulate the regression:

= yt – yt-1 =θyt-1 -yt-1 + vt = (θ-1)yt-1 + vt =
= ψyt-1 + vt
so that the test of H0: θ = 1 ⇔ H0: ψ = 0
The test is based on the t-ratio for ψ
this t-ratio does not have the usual t-distribution under the H0
critical values are derived from Monte Carlo experiments, and are tabulated (known): see appendix A
The test is not invariant to the addition of deterministic components (more general formulation: intercept + time-trend)

Слайд 22Dickey-Fuller Test (3)
Important issue – shall deterministic components be included in

the test model for yt. Is this
Δyt =ψyt-1 + vt
Δyt = μ1+ ψyt-1 + vt
Δyt = μ1+ μ2t+ ψyt-1 + vt ?
Two ways around:
Use prior information/assume whether the deterministic components are included, i.e. use the restrictions (easy to implement in Eviews):
μ1≠0 and μ2≠0
μ1≠0 and μ2=0
μ1=0 and μ2=0

Allow for uncertainty about deterministic components (more complicated in Eviews) and implement a testing strategy to find out:
restrictions on deterministic components
if yt is non-stationary

Слайд 23DF-Test (3): Deterministic Components are Known
Say, we assume yt includes an

intercept, but not a time trend
yt = μ1+ θyt-1 + vt
We test a hypothesis:
H0: θ =1 → the series has a unit root/stochastic trend
H1: |θ| <1 → the series is zero-mean stationary AR(1)
Δyt = μ1+ ψyt-1 + vt
Test H0: ψ =0 → the series has a unit root (stochastic trend) against
H1: ψ < 0 → the series has no unit root (is stationary)
This way is easy – it is ready for you in Eviews
But, there are risks involved...

Слайд 24If deterministic components are not included in the test, when they

should be, then the test is not correctly sized:
The test will reject the H0: ψ =0, although it is in fact true and should not be rejected (yt is non-stationary) – type I error
If deterministic components are included but they should not be, then the test has low power (especially in finite (short) samples):
The test will not reject the H0: ψ =0, although it is false and must be rejected (yt is stationary) – type II error
This is why we may prefer (a degree of) uncertainty about deterministic components and use testing strategies (see appendix A for details):
Enders Strategy
Elder and Kennedy Strategy

DF-Test (4): Risks Posed by Deterministic Components

Слайд 25The Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) Test
The DF-test above is only valid

if εt is a white noise:

εt will be autocorrelated if there was autocorrelation in the first difference (Δyt), and we have to control for it

The solution is to “augment” the test using p lags of the dependent variable. The alternative model (including the constant and the time trend) is now written as:

Слайд 26The ADF-Test (2)
Again, we have three choices:
(1) include neither a constant

nor a time trend
(2) include a constant
(3) include a constant and a time trend

Again, we either:
use prior information and impose a model from the beginning, or
remain uncertain about deterministic components and follow one of the Strategies

Useful result: Critical values for the ADF-test are the same as for DF-test

Note, however, that the test statistics are sensitive to the lag length p

Слайд 27The ADF-Test: Lag Length Selection
Three approaches are commonly used:
Akaike Information

Criterion (AIC)
Schwarz-Bayesian Criterion (SBC)
General-to-Specific successive t-tests on lag coefficients

AIC and BIC are statistics that favour fit (smaller residuals) but penalize for every additional parameter that needs to be estimated:
So, we prefer a model with a smaller value of a criterion statistic

General-to-Specific: begin with a general model where p is fairly large, and successively re-estimate with one less lag each time (keeping the sample fixed)

It is advised to use AIC
Tendency of SBC to select too parsimonious of a model
The ADF-test is biased when any autocorrelation remains in the residuals

Note: the test critical values do not depend on the method used to select the lag length

Слайд 28Dickey-Fuller (and ADF) Test: Criticism
The power of the tests is low

if the process is stationary but with a root “close” to 1 (so called “near unit root” process)
e.g. the test is poor at rejecting θ = 1 (ψ=0), when the true data generating process is
yt = 0.95yt-1 + εt

This problem is particularly pronounced in small samples

Слайд 29The Phillips Perron (PP) test
Rather popular in the analysis of financial

time series
The test regression for the PP-tests is

PP modifies the test statistic to account for any serial correlation and heteroskedasticity of εt
The usual t-statistic in the DF-test …
… is modified:

Слайд 30The PP test (2)
Under the null hypothesis that ψ = 0,

Zt statistic has the same asymptotic distribution as the ADF t-statistic

PP-test is robust to general forms of heteroskedasticity in εt
No need to specify the lag length for the test regression

Слайд 31The Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin (KPSS) test
The KPSS test is a stationarity test. The

H0 is: yt ~I(0)
Start with the model:

Dt contains deterministic components, εt is I(0) and may be heteroskedastic
The test is then H0: against the alternative H1:
The KPSS test statistic is:

where is a cumulative residual function and is a long-run variance of εt as defined earlier (see slide 32)

See Appendix C on some details w.r.t. critical values

Слайд 32Testing for Higher Orders of Integration
Just when we thought it is

over... Consider:
Δyt = ψyt-1 + εt
we test H0: ψ=0 vs. H1: ψ<0
If H0 is rejected, then yt is stationary
What if H0 is not rejected? The series has a unit root, but is that it? No! What if yt~I(2)? So we now need to test
H0: yt~I(2) vs. H1: yt~I(1)
Regress Δ2yt on Δyt-1 (plus lags of Δ2yt, if necessary)
Test H0: Δyt~I(1), which is equivalent to H0: yt~I(2)
So, if we do not reject, then we conclude yt is at least I(2)...

Слайд 33Working with Non-Stationary Variables
Consider a regression model with two variables; there

are 4 cases to deal with:

Case 1: Both variables are stationary=> classical regression model is valid

Case 2: The variables are integrated of different orders=> unbalanced (meaningless) regression

Case 3: Both variables are integrated of the same order; regression residuals contain a stochastic trend=> spurious regression

Case 4: Both variables are integrated of the same order; the residual series is stationary=> y and x are said to be cointegrated and…

You will have more on this in L-5, L-8 and L-9

Слайд 34Cointegration
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
Important implication is that non-stationary time series can

be rendered stationary by differencing

Now we turn to the case of N>1 (i.e., multiple variables)

An alternative approach to achieving stationarity is to form linear combinations of the I(1) series – this is the essence of “cointegration” [Engle and Granger (1987)]

Слайд 35Cointegration
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
Three main implications of cointegration:

Existence of cointegration implies

a set of dynamic long-run equilibria where the weights used to achieve stationarity are the parameters of the long-run (or equilibrium) relationship.

The OLS estimates of the weights converge to their population values at a super-consistent rate of “T” compared to the usual rate of convergence,

Modeling a system of cointegrated variables allows for specification of both the long-run and short-run dynamics. The end result is called a “Vector Error Correction Model (VECM)”.

Слайд 36Cointegration
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
We will see that cointegrated systems (VECMs) are

special VARS.

Specifically, cointegration implies a set of non-linear cross-equation restrictions on the VAR.

Easiest/most flexible way to estimate VECM’s is by full-information maximum likelihood.

Слайд 37Long-Run Equilibrium Relationships: Examples
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
Permanent Income Hypothesis (PIH)

Postulates a

long-run relationship between log real consumption and log real income:

Assuming real consumption and income are non-stationary (I(1)) variables, then the PIH is postulating that real consumption and income move together over time and that ut is a stationary series.

Слайд 38Term Structure Of Interest Rates
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
Models the relationship between

the yields on bonds of differing maturities.

Prior is that yields of different (longer) maturities can be explained in terms of a single (typically shorter) maturity yield.

For example:

All the yields are assumed to be I(1), but the residuals are I(0) [stationary]. This is an example of a system of three variables with two (2) long-run relationships

Слайд 39VECM
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
Cointegration postulates the existence of long-run equilibrium relationships

between non-stationary variables where short-run deviations from equilibrium are stationary.

What is the underlying economic model?

How do we estimate such a model?

Слайд 40Bivariate VECMs
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
Consider a bivariate model containing two I(1)

variables, say

Assume the long-run relationship is given by

Here represents the long-run equilibrium, and ut represents the short-run deviations from the long-run equilibrium (see next slide).

Слайд 41Phase Diagram: VECM
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis

Слайд 42Adjusting Back To Equilibrium
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
Suppose there is a positive

shock in the previous period, raising y1,t to point B while leaving y2,t-1 unchanged.

How can the system converge back to its long-run equilibrium?

There are three possible trajectories…

Слайд 43Adjustments Are Made by Y1,t
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
Long-run equilibrium is restored

by y1,t decreasing toward point A while y2,t remains unchanged at its initial position.

Assuming that the short-run change in y1,t are a linear function of the size of the deviation from the LR equilibrium, ut-1, the adjustment in y1,t is given by:

where is a parameter to be estimated.

Слайд 44Adjustments Are Made by Y2,t
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
Long-run equilibrium is restored

by y2,t increasing toward point C while y1,t remains unchanged after the initial shock.

Assuming that the short-run movements in y2,t are a linear function of the size of shock, ut, the adjustment in y2,t is given by:

where is a parameter to be estimated.

Слайд 45Adjustments are made by both Y1,t and Y2,t
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis

previous two equations may operate simultaneously with both y1,t and y2,t converging to a point on the long-run equilibrium path such as D.

The relative strengths of the two adjustment paths depend on the relative magnitudes of the adjustment parameters,

The parameters are known as the “error-correction parameters” or short-run adjustment coefficients.

Слайд 46VECM = Special VAR
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
A VECM is actually a

special case of a VAR where the parameters are subject to a set of cross-equation restrictions because all the variables are governed by the same long-run equations. Consider what we have when we put the two equations together:

or in terms of a VAR…

Слайд 47VECM = Special VAR
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis

Слайд 48VECM = Special VAR
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
Obviously, we have a first

order VAR with two restrictions on the parameters.

In an unconstrained VAR of order one, no cross-equation restrictions are imposed, implying 6 unknown parameters.

However, a VECM – owing to the cross-equation restrictions – has only four unknown parameters. Less restrictions are needed to identify the model.

Слайд 49Multivariate Methods: N > 2
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
Can easily generalize the

relationship between a VAR and a VECM to N variables and p lags.

Assume first that p = 1:

Subtracting yt-1 from both sides:


This is a VECM, but with p = 0 lags.

Слайд 50VAR with p lags > 1
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
Allowing for p

lags gives:

where vt is an N dimensional vector of iid disturbances and is a p-th order polynomial in the lag operator.

The resulting VECM has p-1 lags given by:

Слайд 51Cointegration
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
If the vector time series yt is assumed

to be I(1), then yt is cointegrated if there exists an N x r full column rank matrix, , such that the r linear combinations:

are I(0).

The dimension “r” is called the cointegrating rank and the columns of are called the co-integrating vectors.

This implies that (N – r) common trends exist that are I(1).

Слайд 52Granger Representation Theorem
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
Suppose yt, which can be I(1)

or I(0), is generated by

Three important cases:
(a) If has full rank, i.e., r = N, then yt is I(0)
(b) If has reduced rank 0 < r < N,

then yt is I(1) and is I(0) with cointegrating vectors given by the columns of
(c) if has zero rank, r = 0, and yt is I(1) and not cointegrated.

Слайд 53Examples: Rank of Long-Run Models
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
The form of

for the two long-run models we considered above:
Permanent Income: (N=2, r=1)

Term structure: (N = 3, r = 2)

Слайд 54Key Implications of the GE Representation Theorem
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
The Granger-Engle

theorem suggests the form of the model that should be estimated given the nature of the data.

If has full rank, N, then all the time series must be stationary, and the original VAR should be specified in levels. This is the “unrestricted model”.

If has reduced rank, with 0 < r < N, then a VECM should be estimated subject to the restrictions

Слайд 55Key Implications of the GE Representation Theorem
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis

, then the appropriate model is:

In other words, if all the variables in yt are I(1) and not cointegrated, we should estimate a VAR(p-1) in first differences.

Note that this is the most restricted model compared to the previous two, which is important when calculating likelihood ratio tests for cointegration.

Слайд 56Dealing With Deterministic Components
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
We can easily extend the

base VECM to include a deterministic time trend, viz:

where now are (N x 1) vectors of parameters associated with the intercept and time trend.

The deterministic components can contribute both to the short-run and the long-run components of yt

Слайд 57Deterministic Components
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
Suppose we can decompose these parameters into

their short-run and long-run components by defining:

where (N x 1) is the short-run component and is the long-run component.

We can rewrite the model as:

Слайд 58Deterministic Components
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
The term

represents the long-run relationship among the variables.

The parameter provides a drift component in the equation of , so it contributes a trend to

Similarly allows for linear time trend in and a quadratic trend to

By contrast, contributes a constant to the EC-Eq and contributes a linear time trend to EC-Eq

Слайд 59Deterministic Components
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
The equation

contains five important special cases summarized

on the next slide.

Model 1 is the simplest (and most restricted) as there are no deterministic components.

Model 2 allows for r intercepts in the long-run equations.

Model 3 (most common) allows for constants in both the short-run and the long-run equations – total of N+r intercepts.

Слайд 60Alternative Deterministic Structures
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis

Слайд 61Estimating VECM Models
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
If you are willing to assume

that the error term is white noise and N(0,σ2), the parameters of the VECM can be estimated directly by full-information maximum likelihood techniques.

Basically, one estimates a traditional VAR subject to the cross-equation restrictions implied by cointegration.

Using FIML is the most flexible approach, but it requires one to ensure that the parameters of the overall model are identified (via exclusion restrictions). More on this later.

Слайд 62 Three Cases:
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis


equivalent to the unconstrained VAR. No restrictions are imposed on the VAR.

Maximum likelihood estimator is obtained by applying OLS to each equation separately.

The estimator is applied to the levels of the data, since they are (must be) stationary.

Слайд 63Reduced Rank (Cointegration) Case: FIML
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis


cannot be inverted (i.e., reduced rank case, or we are dealing with a cointegrated system), we impose the cross-equation restrictions coming from the lagged ECM term(s), and then estimate the system using full-information maximum likelihood methods.

The VECM is a restricted model compared to the unconstrained VAR.

Слайд 64Reduced Rank Case: Johansen Estimator
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
We can also use

the Johansen (1988) estimator.

This differs from FIML in that the cross-equation identifying restrictions are NOT imposed on the model before estimation.

The Johansen approach estimates a basis for the vector space spanned by the cointegrating vectors, and THEN imposes identification on the coefficients.

Слайд 65 Zero-Rank Case for
Macro-econometric Forecasting and


When , the VECM reduces to a VAR in first differences.

As with the full-rank model, the maximum likelihood estimator is the ordinary least squares estimator applied to each equation separately.

This is the most constrained model compared to a VECM/unconstrained VAR in levels.

Слайд 66Identification
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
The Johansen procedure requires one to normalize the

cointegrating vectors so that one of the variables in the equation is regarded as the dependent variable of the long-run relationship.

In the bi-variate term structure and the permanent income example, the normalization takes the form of designating one of variables in the system as the dependent variable.

Слайд 67Identification: Triangular Restrictions
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
Suppose there are r long-run relationships.

Identification can be achieved by transforming the top (r x r) block of (the long-run parameters) to the identity matrix.

If r = 1, this corresponds to normalizing one the coefficients to unity.

Слайд 68Triangular Restrictions
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
If there are N = 3 variables

and r = 2 cointegrating equations, one sets to:

This form of the normalized estimated co-integrated vector is appropriate for the tri-variate term structure model introduced earlier.

Слайд 69Structural Restrictions
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
Traditional identification methods can also be used

with VECM’s, including exclusion restrictions, cross-equation restrictions, and restrictions on the disturbance covariance matrix.

Example: Johansen and Juselius(1992) propose an open economy model in which represents, respectively, the spot exchange rate, the domestic price level, the foreign price, the domestic interest rate and the foreign interest rate.
Thus, N = 5.

Слайд 70Open Economy Model
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
Assuming r = 2 long-run equations,

the following restrictions consisting of normalization, exclusion and cross-equation restrictions on yield the normalized long-run parameter matrix

The long-run equations represent PPP and UIP.

Слайд 71Cointegration Rank
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
So far we have taken the rank

of the system as given. But how do we decide how many co-integrating vectors are in the vector of N variables?

Simple approach is to estimate models of different rank and then do a formal likelihood ratio test to decide whether restricted model (i.e., the model with rank r less than N) is appropriate.

Specifically, one would estimate the most restricted model (r = 0), a model that assumes (r=1), then a model that assumes r = 2, etc. The process ends when we cannot reject the null (r = r0).

Слайд 72Cointegration Rank: Likelihood Ratio Test
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
Suppose we estimate the

model assuming no cointegration. Let the parameters involved in that model be denoted by

Let the value of the likelihood of this model be denoted by

Now estimate the model assuming r ≥ 1. Obviously, this is an restricted model compared to the r = N case. Let the value of the likelihood in this case be denoted by

Слайд 73Cointegration Rank: Likelihood Ratio Test
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
Using the standard result

for the likelihood ratio test, we get the following LR test statistic:

We reject the restricted model if the likelihood ratio test is greater than the corresponding critical value.

In this case, imposing the restrictions does not yield a superior model.

Слайд 74Cointegration Rank: Johansen Approach
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
A numerically equivalent approach was

proposed by Johansen (1988).

He expressed the problem in terms of the eigen values of the likelihood function – an approach that is numerically equivalent to the likelihood ratio test. He termed it the “trace statistic”.

The critical values of the LR test are non-standard, and depend on the structure of the deterministic part of the model. Critical values are shown on the next slide.

Слайд 75Critical Values of the Likelihood Ratio Test
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis

Слайд 76Tests on the Cointegrating Vector (Long-Run Parameters)
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
Hypothesis tests

on the cointegrating vector, , constitute tests of long-run economic theories.

In contrast to the cointegration rank tests, the asymptotic distribution of the Wald, Likelihood Ratio and Lagrange Multiplier tests is under the null hypothesis that the restrictions are valid.

Слайд 77Exogeneity
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
An important feature of a VECM is that

all of the variables in the system are endogenous.

When the system is out of equilibrium, all the variables interact with each other to move the system back into equilibrium,

In a VECM, this process occurs (as we saw) through the impact of lagged variables so that yi,t is affected by the lags of the other variables either through the error correction term, ut-1, or through the lags of

Слайд 78Weak versus Strong Exogeneity
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
If the first channel does

not exist, i.e., the lagged error correction term does not influence the adjustment process, the variable concerned is said to be weakly exogenous.

If the first and second channels do not exist, then only the lagged values of a variable can be used to explain its changes. In this case, we say that that variable is strongly exogenous.

Strong exogeneity testing is equivalent to Granger causality testing.

Слайд 79Example: Exogeneity
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
Consider the bi-variate term structure model with

one cointegrating vector.

The ten-year interest rate, , is said to be weakly exogenous if
Strong exogeneity amounts to the requirement that

Слайд 80Impulse Response Functions
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
The dynamics of a VECM can

be investigated using impulse response functions.

The approach is to re-express the VECM as a VAR, but preserving the implied restrictions on the parameters.

For example, consider the VECM

Слайд 81Impulse Response Functions: VECM
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis
This VECM can be expressed

as a VAR in levels:

subject to the restrictions:

Слайд 82Appendices

Слайд 83Appendix A: Process moments, key results: AR(1) model with θ


Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis

Mean (first moment):

Variance (second moment):

Key point to note is that the first and second moments are converging to finite constants.

So WLLN applies:

So any estimator based on these quantities should converge in a similar fashion.

Слайд 84Appendix A: Process moments, Simulation of an AR(1) model
Macro-econometric Forecasting and



It follows that


Note that the sample moments converge to these values as the sample size increases. Also, the variance of the estimator is approaching zero as T increases.

Слайд 85Appendix A: Process moments, key results: AR(1) model with θ =


Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis

First moment:

Second moment:

Appropriate scaling factors for these moments are and respectively.

Define (sample moments)

Слайд 86Appendix A: Process moments, simulation of an I(1) Process
Macro-econometric Forecasting and


Notice that the variances of the first two sample moments do not fall as the sample size is increased (Columns 2 and 4).

The variances converge to 1/3, so m1 and m2 converge to random variables in the limit.

Слайд 87Appendix B: Enders Strategy
Test H0: ψ=0
t-ratio test, 5% Crit. value is


Estimate Δyt = μ1+ μ2t+ ψ yt-1 + εt

Test H0: μ2=ψ=0
F-test, 5% Crit. value is 6.49

No unit root (yt is stationary). Additional testing is needed for deterministic components

Estimate Δyt = μ1+ ψ yt-1 + εt

Test H0: ψ=0
t-ratio test, 5% Crit. value is -2.89

Test H0: μ1=ψ=0
F-test, 5% Crit. value is 4.71

Estimate Δyt = ψ yt-1 + εt

Test H0: ψ=0
t-ratio test, 5% Crit. value is -1.64

No unit root (yt is stationary).
yt = θyt-1 + εt ,|θ|<1

Unit root (yt is non-stationary). yt = yt-1 + εt

Test H0: ψ=0 using N-distribution
t-test, 5% Crit. value is -1.64

No unit root (yt is stationary around deterministic trend).
yt = μ1+ μ2t+θyt-1 + εt ,|θ|<1

Unit root (yt has both stochastic and deterministic trends).
yt = μ1+ μ2t + yt-1 + εt

No unit root (yt is stationary). Additional testing of μ1 is needed

Test H0: ψ=0 using N-distribution
t-test, 5% Crit. value is -1.64

No unit root (yt is stationary).
yt = μ1+θyt-1 + εt ,|θ|<1

Unit root (yt is non-stationary) yt = μ1+yt-1 + εt

Слайд 88Enders Strategy was criticized for:
triple- and double-testing for unit roots
unrealistic outcomes:

economic variables unlikely contain both stochastic and deterministic trend as in
Δyt = μ1+ μ2t+ ψ yt-1 + εt , μ2≠0, ψ =0,
this possibility should be excluded from the test
not taking advantage of prior knowledge

Alternative: Elder and Kennedy Strategy

Appendix B: Enders Strategy (2)

Слайд 89Appendix B: Elder and Kennedy Strategy
Test H0: ψ=0
t-ratio test, 5% Crit.

value is -3.45

Estimate Δyt = μ1+ μ2t+ ψ yt-1 + εt

No unit root (yt is stationary).

Estimate Δyt = μ1+ εt

No unit root (yt is stationary around deterministic trend).
yt = μ1+ μ2t+θyt-1 + εt ,|θ|<1

No unit root (yt is stationary without deterministic trend):
yt = μ1+ θyt-1 + εt ,|θ|<1

Unit root (yt is non-stationary).

Test H0: μ2=0
double sided t-test,
5% Crit. values are -1.95

Test H0: μ1=0
double sided t-test,
5% Crit. values are -1.95

Unit root (yt is non-stationary with intercept).
yt = μ1+ yt-1 + εt

Unit root (yt is non-stationary without intercept):
yt = yt-1 + εt

Слайд 90Nonstationary Asymptotics
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis

Слайд 91Nonstationary Asymptotics
Macro-econometric Forecasting and Analysis

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