The Do’s and Don’ts of Native Advertising презентация

Become consumed by this new flow of income. Don’t get blinded by dollar signs and lose sight of what's truly important maintaining editorial integrity.

Слайд 1The Do’s and Don’ts of Native Advertising
How to guarantee your sponsored

content strategies breed engagement and not mistrust


Слайд 2Become consumed by this new flow of income.
Don’t get blinded by

dollar signs and lose sight of what's truly important maintaining editorial integrity.

Слайд 3Put quality content creation ahead of bottom-line results.
For native ads to

work in news outlets, it has to resemble real news. Ensure everything is done as authentically as possible and develop content creation methods that allow the publication to retain its tone and integrity. Consumers want to engage with content that educates no matter the underlying motives.

Слайд 4Position native advertisements as editorial content.
Failing to clearly label native content

can result in lack of trust from the audience. The more skeptical readers become with regard to the content they consume, the more likely publishers risk compromising or losing audience trust.

Слайд 5Set forth specific guidelines for sponsored content creation.
Substandard content can trigger

loss of readership. Publishers must implement rigorous review processes to guarantee content aligns with editorial quality throughout the publication.

Слайд 6Focus on selling the given product or service.
Sponsors should focus on

creating content that provides information and facilitates dialogue, for audiences are no longer as receptive to one-way selling propositions.

Слайд 7Provide added value that drives loyalty and brand advocacy.
Beyond all else,

sponsored content must be relevant, transparent, trustworthy, and valuable. Only then will paid media transcend old and new ways of advertising. Publishers should also limit the amount of native content that appears each week or month to avoid alienating audiences.

Слайд 8Create content that fails to resonate with the given audience.
When native

content doesn't align with the publication's usual voice, readers defect, for they lose trust in the publication and lack interest in the content. Make sure native advertising matches the publication’s usual editorial style.

Слайд 9Establish content creation strategies that boost consumer engagement.
Ultimately, as consumer behaviors

change, sponsors and publishers will have to alter their strategies in order to sustain relevancy and engagement. Sponsors will need to monitor audience preferences and behaviors in order to provide content that continuously educates and delights.

Слайд 10Assume that native advertising will further brand awareness. 
Native advertising only succeeds

when consumers embrace the content, as paid media operates under an "opt-in" mentality. Audiences must obtain value that they could not gain elsewhere. Therefore, instead of producing sponsored content with the intention of increasing brand engagement and awareness, advertisers must first verify the KPIs that will drive desired actions so they may achieve their end goals.

Слайд 11
To read the complete 1to1 Media article,
“5 Do’s and Don’ts

for Effective
Native Advertising”

with 1to1® Media

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