The Digital Life of Walkable Streets презентация


We cannot afford to leave architecture to architects

Слайд 1
The Digital Life of Walkable Streets

The Digital Life of

Walkable Streets
@danielequercia @rschifan @lajello @walkonomics

Слайд 2We cannot afford to leave architecture to architects

Слайд 3We cannot afford to leave computers to engineers

Слайд 4Neil Gershenfeld
Director of MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms
“Computer science

is one of the worst things to happen to computers or to science because, unlike physics, it has arbitrarily segregated the notion that computing happens in an alien world.”

Слайд 7U C L
daniele quercia

Слайд 14offline & online

Слайд 17Jane Jacob
Kevin Lynch

Слайд 18Quiet
Google for “Happy Maps”

Слайд 19The shortest Path to Happiness

Слайд 20Walkability

Слайд 21Why Walkability?
Adds 5-10 % to house prices
@ the heart

of the cure to the health-care crisis in US
Carbon saving (light-bulbs 1 year= living in a walkable for 1 week) neighborhood in 1 week)

Слайд 22

Public space surrendered to cars ...

Слайд 23

The commuting Paradox

Слайд 24“The General Theory of Walkability explains how, to be favored, a

walk has to satisfy four main conditions: it must be useful, safe, comfortable, and interesting. Each of these qualities is essential and none alone is sufficient.”

Слайд 26Walkonomics is a composite score of

1. Road safety (#accidents)
2. Easy

to cross (street type + traffic)
3. Sidewalks (width)
4. Hilliness
5. Navigation (signs on street)
6. Safety from crime
7. Smart and Beautiful (e.g., #trees, close parks)
8. Fun and relaxing (shops, bars, restaurants)

Слайд 29Hypothesis
A street’s vitality is captured in the digital layer

(there might be

digital footprints that distinguish walkable streets from unwalkable ones)

Слайд 30Method

1. Theoretically derive hypotheses concerning walkability
2. Test them
3. If supported, then

“valid” scores

Слайд 31Reliability

Measurement error
borrow measurement procedures from the literature
(e.g., a buffer

of 22.5 meters around each street’s polyline)

Specification error (Flickr/Foursquare biases) normalization measures (e.g., z-transformations) from previous studies

Sampling error
minimum amount of data such that the same results on repeated trials

Слайд 32Time of Day

Слайд 33Jane Jacobs

Слайд 34The Rockefeller Foundation gave grants for urban topics:

To Kevin Lynch

(MIT) for studies of urban aesthetics
(Image of the City in 1960)

To Jane Jacobs for studies of urban life
(The Death and Life of Great American Cities in 1961)

Слайд 35The Death and Life of Great American Cities

the most influential

book in city planning
(“social capital", "mixed primary uses", "eyes on the street”)

critique of the 1950s urban renewal policies
(attacking Moses for “replacing well-functioning neighborhoods
with Le Corbusier-inspired towers”)

Слайд 36Death caused by elimination of pedestrian activity

(highway construction, large-scale development projects)

Life meant pedestrians at all times of the day
(“sidewalk ballet”)

Слайд 37nothing is safer than a city street that everybody uses

“the eyes

on the street”

Слайд 38253 patterns of good urban design (1977)

Слайд 39
“At night, street crimes are most prevalent in places where there

are too few pedestrians to provide natural surveillance, but enough pedestrians to make it worth a thief’s while”

Слайд 40Question 1
Can safe streets be identified by night activity?

Слайд 41 ni (oi) is the fraction of pictures taken at

night (not at night) on street i

Слайд 42r(safe,night)= 0.60
safe street tend to be visited at night as well

Слайд 44streets with 30+ photos = stable correlations of r > 0.6

Слайд 45What about making “it worth a thief’s while”?


ones are used by men only
OR unsafe streets used by women

Слайд 46Question 2
Can safe streets be identified by gender or age?

Слайд 48mi (fi) = fraction of male (female) users

who have taken a picture on street i

Слайд 49r(manhood,safety)=0.58
Safe streets tend to be visited by a predominantly male population

Слайд 53r(age,safety)=0.32
unsafe streets tend to be visited by a younger population

Слайд 55Crime prevention through environmental design

The physical environment can be

designed or
manipulated to reduce fear of crime (by
supporting certain activities over others)

Слайд 56Questions 3 & 4
Can safe (walkable) streets be identified by the

presence of specific types of places?

Слайд 58R2= 74% (safety from crime)
safe streets: outdoor places (mainly parks)

unsafe ones: residential bits of central London that have no parks

Слайд 59R2= 33% (walkability)
the presence of residential areas drives most of

the predictive power of the regression

Слайд 60Text
we gather the literature on walkability to produce a list of

walkability-related keywords

Line-by-line coding
Collecting documents
Annotating them
Validating them

Слайд 61Question 5
Can walkable streets be identified by walkability-related tags?

Слайд 64To sum up...

Picture uploads from dwellers of walkable streets differ from

those of unwalkable ones, mainly in terms of upload time and tagging *

* limited data vs. high penetration

Слайд 65Theoretical Implication
Social media = Opportunities for Theory

Comforted by our validation

work, urban researchers might well be enticed to use social media to answer theoretical questions that could not have been tackled before because of lack of data

Слайд 66Practical Implications

Room booking
Urban route recommendations

Слайд 67Limitation

It doesn’t work where there is little activity
(yet absence/presence of venues


Слайд 68
Happy Maps
The Digital Life of Walkable Streets

Слайд 69
Smelly Maps
The Digital Life of Urban Smellscapes

Слайд 70Humans Can Discriminate More than 1 Trillion Olfactory Stimuli
Science, March 2014

Слайд 71
Yet, city planning can discriminate only a few bad odors

Слайд 72 nasal ranger

Слайд 73smell walks
Amsterdam, Pamplona, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Newport, Paris, New York.

Слайд 74Good classification

The first urban smell dictionary

Слайд 75
Happy Maps
The Digital Life of Walkable Streets

Слайд 76
Smelly Maps
The Digital Life of Urban Smellscapes

Слайд 77
Chatty Maps
The Digital Life of Urban Soundscapes

Слайд 81
The Digital Life of Walkable Streets

The Digital Life of

Walkable Streets
@danielequercia @rschifan @lajello @walkonomics

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