Six Growth Hacks to Get More Conversions from your Content Marketing презентация

Sean Ellis, CEO Qualaroo (@seanellis) Sean Ellis is the CEO of Qualaroo and founder of Prior to Qualaroo, Sean held marketing leadership roles with breakout companies including Dropbox, LogMeIn (IPO),

Слайд 1Six Growth Hacks to Get More Conversions from your Content Marketing

your content engine into a growth engine.

Слайд 2Sean Ellis, CEO Qualaroo (@seanellis)
Sean Ellis is the CEO of Qualaroo

and founder of Prior to Qualaroo, Sean held marketing leadership roles with breakout companies including Dropbox, LogMeIn (IPO), Uproar (IPO), Eventbrite and Lookout.

Neil Patel, Founder QuickSprout (@neilpatel)

Neil Patel is the co-founder of Crazy Egg, Hello Bar and KISSmetrics. He helps companies like Amazon, NBC, GM, HP and Viacom grow their revenue. The Wall Street Journal calls him a top influencer on the web, Forbes says he is one of the top 10 online marketers, and Entrepreneur Magazine says he created one of the 100 most brilliant companies in the world.

Слайд 3#contenthacks

Слайд 4Why Content?

For many businesses content marketing is still the number one

way to improve traffic, gain leads, and drive sales.

Слайд 5The Challenge

How do you get real conversions from content?

Слайд 6Content Conversions
Success with content requires a series of micro conversions that

lead to ultimate customer conversions.
Webinar registration
Email subscriber
Social share/fan
Github follower

Слайд 7The Basics
Know what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, and who

you’re doing it for. Ask questions like:

Great questions by:

Слайд 8Pick a Meaty Topic

Слайд 9Pick a Meaty Topic

Слайд 10Pick a Meaty Topic

Слайд 11Content Hack #1 — Wait, There’s More!

Слайд 12Content Hack #1 — Wait, There’s More!

Слайд 13Content Hack #2 — An Offer Too Good to Refuse

Слайд 14Content Hack #2 — An Offer Too Good to Refuse

Слайд 15Content Hack #2 — An Offer Too Good to Refuse

Слайд 16Content Hack #3 — Free Tools

Слайд 17Content Hack #3 — Free Tools

Слайд 18Content Hack #4 — Make it Easy

Слайд 19Content Hack #4 — Make it Easy

Слайд 20Content Hack #4 — Make it Easy

Слайд 21Content Hack #5 — Serialized Content

Слайд 22Content Hack #5 — Serialized Content

Слайд 23Content Hack #5 — Serialized Content

Слайд 24Content Hack #6 — Remix Everything

Слайд 25Be the First to Try Nudge

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