Breathing New Life Into A Tired Paid Search Campaign презентация

Sometimes it can feel like you’re doing the same things, over and over and over… and you’re not seeing results.

Слайд 1Christi J Olson
Sr Manager, Online Partner Marketing
Breathing New Life Into A

Tired Paid Search Campaign

Слайд 2Sometimes it can feel like you’re doing the same things, over

and over and over… and you’re not seeing results.

Слайд 3Change your perspective, look at the opportunities ahead

Слайд 4New Job
Old Campaign

Same Job
Same Old Campaign

Tired / Bored
Many reasons why

a campaign could use a refresher….

Слайд 5Signs that your campaigns might need a facelift…
Year over Year performance

is up…Everything is good, right?

Слайд 6If the market or your competitors are growing faster than you….

Слайд 7Ask the Search Engines about your Market Share, find out why

it is changing and what you can do about it.

Your Market Share

Your Competitors Market Share


Слайд 9Take a step back…
Evaluate your campaigns as if you were a

new employee or an agency just taking over the campaigns.

Слайд 10Start with the basic marketing questions…
Value Prop
Stage in Buying Cycle

Слайд 11Start with the basic marketing questions…
Value Prop
Stage in Buying Cycle
Understand your

Create a customer profile

What makes your brand unique?
Differentiating factors

Develop messaging to support your price points.

Budget ← Mid-sized→ Luxury

Understand how to target users at different stages in the buying cycle.

Awareness ← Research → Purchase

Слайд 12Then dig into the specifics for Paid Search…

Account Structure


Ad Copy



Bid Optimization

Слайд 13 When was the last time you….
evaluated your SEM campaign &

ad group structure?

reviewed or updated targeting (geo, language, ad targeting) options?

checked your ad delivery options or your ad copy rotation options?

managed lists for negative keywords and placements?

tested new ad formats?

developed a test plan for ad copy, landing pages, device targeting, etc?

compared your SEM performance by device type to your overall sites device performance?

compared your SEM performance to SEO performance and see where you overlap and where there are gaps?

Слайд 14Account Structure is always a work in progress.
Develop a schema to

organize your keywords.
Make it flexible so it can adapt and change over time.

* These are all examples, not actual BB account structure

Слайд 15Don’t accidently exclude 21% of the population via campaign language settings.

you only targeting English speakers in the US? You could miss out on 21% of US visitors.

US Census 2010;

English, 79%


French, 3.5%

Spanish, 62%

German, 2%

Russian, 2%

Chinese, 5%

All Other,

Korean, 2%

Vietnamese, 2%

Tagalog, 3%

Italian, 1%

FIX: Create campaigns targeting foreign languages & multi-lingual keywords

2010 Census Data: Breakdown of Languages Spoken in US

Слайд 16Are you missing out on impressions due to Ad Delivery options?

If you aren’t reaching your daily budget, adjust your ad delivery to accelerated delivery.

Evaluate conversion data to see if Day Parting makes sense for specific campaigns.
Reduce bids during hours with little to no conversions.

Слайд 17Are you missing opportunities in Mobile traffic & Apps?
How does SEM

compare to other Marketing channels or the entire site?
Are you under indexing in mobile traffic?

How to fix if mobile is under indexed:
Increase your mobile bid modifier
Start with best performing desktop campaigns.

App Extensions & App Promotion Ads:
Use App Extension to drive app downloads and installs
Only one App Extension per text ad
Use App Promotion Ads to promote your app in similar apps

Слайд 18Are you not giving consumers the right options?
Why use site

Own more real estate on the search results page
Cross sell products or highlight special promotions
Help people find what they’re looking for

Take Advantage of:
Scheduling features (State & End Dates, DOW, Time of Day)
Mobile specific site links

Слайд 19Do you have physical storefronts that you aren’t promoting?
Why use Local

Help customers find your physical store locations

How to set up Local Extensions:
Link your Google Places to your Adwords Account
Add a location extension in campaign settings

Слайд 20What if the problem is you… or your employees?

Слайд 21Take a closer look as to why….

Слайд 22If it’s your team members or your direct employees…
Provide opportunities to


Слайд 23If you’re the one that’s bored…

Try to figure out what

motivates and excites you…

Sometimes What
You Need
Is Change

Слайд 24Take what you know… Apply it to other marketing channels.
This is

what I manage today.
It’s not SEM. I love SEM, but after 7 years I needed a different challenge.

Transferable Skills from SEM:

Developing bidding algorithms
Optimizing millions of unique items

Competitive analysis

A/B & Multivariate testing
Landing page optimization
Ad Copy & offer optimization

Partner management
Working on a cross functional team

And so much more…

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