Sambor. Who we are and what we do? презентация

Products we have: Concentrates: apple juice clear 70 Brix organic apple juice clear 70 brix strawberry juice 65 Brix raspberry juice 65 Brix sour cherry juice 65 Brix blackcurrant juice

Слайд 1Who we are and what we do?

Слайд 2
Products we have:
apple juice clear 70 Brix
organic apple juice clear 70

strawberry juice 65 Brix
raspberry juice 65 Brix
sour cherry juice 65 Brix
blackcurrant juice 65 Brix
redcurrant juice 65 Brix
gooseberry juice 65 Brix
aronia juice 65 Brix
elderberry juice 65 Brix
see buckthorn juice 65 Brix
organic see buckthorn juice
blueberry juice 65 Brix
vegetable concentrates

NFC Juices
apple NFC
cherry NFC
blackcurrant NFC
vegetable NFCs

Puree (single strength)
fruit and vegetable purees
Investment for 2017

Слайд 3
Our targets
1. Reaching 20 000 ton volume in juice concentrates

000 tons of apple concentrate
1 000 tons of «red berry» concentrates

2. Reaching 6 000 ton volume in NFC
5 000 tons of apple NFC
1 000 tons of «red berry» NFCs

3. Production of vegetable concentrates and NFCs in 2017

4. Production of fruit and vegetable purees in 2017

Слайд 4
1. Ukraine / «SO`OK» Ltd.
8 000 tons of apple concentrate
2 000

tons of organic apple concentrate

2. Poland / «SAMBOR» Ltd.
10 000 tons of apple concentrate
1 000 tons of «red» concentrates
5 000 tons of apple NFC
1 000 tons «red» NFC

Слайд 5
Our locations

Слайд 6Raw material base in Poland:

Слайд 7Raw material base in Ukraine

Слайд 8SO`OK plant:

Слайд 9
SO`OK plant:

Слайд 10
SO`OK plant:

Слайд 11
SO`OK plant:

Слайд 12
SO`OK plant:

Слайд 13
SAMBOR plant:

Слайд 14
SAMBOR plant:

Слайд 15
SAMBOR plant:

Слайд 16SAMBOR plant:

Слайд 17
Thank you for your attention

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