Our industry... in 20 years! презентация

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Слайд 1Our industry... in 20 years!

Trends and predictions in events, meetings, hospitality,

and travel

August 2015

Dan Berger | CEO | Social Tables

Слайд 2Audience-Presenter Contract
Leave at any time.
Join the conversation: #WEC15 or @danberger.
Steal everything.

or don’t.

Слайд 3I am a participant.
I am a planner.
I am a believer.

Слайд 73,000 customers (50,000 users)
150 countries
3 languages

Слайд 91 billion sq ft of function space
500,000 events created
63 million attendees


Слайд 10Just how big are meetings and events in the U.S.? Globally?

Слайд 11
Three Ways to Measure the Impact of Meetings

Слайд 121.8 million meetings in the U.S. per year for a total

direct spend of $280mm.

The U.S. meeting market is large.

The Economic Significance of Meetings to the U.S. Economy, CIC Study, PwC, 2012

Слайд 13$565 bn in 2012, including accommodation, transportation, and support costs.
Hotel revenue

associated with meetings and events is $103 bn.

The global meetings and events market is even larger.

Frost and Sullivan, “A Survey of Meeting and Event Planning Professionals and Hotel Operators,” June 2013

Слайд 14Source: World Travel & Tourism Council
Global GDP contribution of travel will

be $8 trillion in 2015 and is rising to almost $12 trillion in 2025.

Слайд 15Frost and Sullivan, “A Survey of Meeting and Event Planning Professionals

and Hotel Operators,” June 2013
Special Events Magazine

Businesses spend money on events.

Businesses spend 1% of revenue on meetings/events.
25% of corporate planners expect to plan more events this year.
Millennials value events more than previous generations.

Слайд 16Live Nation Concert Revenue was up 29% in Q1 of 2014.

search for sport tickets up 32% from 2 years ago.

Consumers spend more money on events.

"Lifting the Curtain on Live Events," Think with Google, 2014
Brookings Institute

Слайд 17Why do meetings and events matter?

Слайд 18Meetings and events are a leading indicator of the economy.
Meetings and

events precede leisure travel.
Their true economic significance is immeasurable.

Meetings and events matter.

Слайд 19Predictions for 20 years in events, meetings, hospitality, and travel.

Слайд 20
The number of event planners will continue to rise significantly.
There were

94k planners in the U.S. in 2012.

That number will grow 33% by 2022.

Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics

Слайд 21Meeting and event professionals will be more strategic than ever.

Слайд 22Event planning will be a more respected and common field.
Of the

3,000 universities in the U.S., 80 each meeting planners

Слайд 23Which trend excites you? Scares you? What will you do about


Слайд 24The industry as we know it will be obliterated.

Слайд 25The industry will continue to consolidate.
7 hotel companies own 80 brand

IBISworld, USA Today

2 companies make up 20% of the event revenue.

Expedia and Orbitz control 80% of the OTA market.

There are only 3 major air carriers

Слайд 26Event logistics will be automated.

Слайд 27Technology will be more integrated into our lives, and thus, into


Слайд 28Which trend excites you? Scares you? What will you do about


Слайд 29Group business will be booked mostly online.

Слайд 30Event planning software will be free and integrated.
There are 200 event

registration softwares.

Слайд 31Custom event apps will no longer exists.
There are 120 event app companies

Слайд 33Networks at hotels and events will be a target for hackers.

Слайд 34Which trend excites you? Scares you? What will you do about


Слайд 35Live events will be an important source of revenue for most


Слайд 36Identify attendee segment.
Simulate their experience from cradle to grave or survey


Journey Mapping

Source: The 8 Phases of a Successful Event, Maritz

Слайд 371990s
Virtual audiences will be
a basic component of events.

Слайд 38Discovery will be seamless and perfect.

Слайд 39Event space will be more commoditized than ever.

Слайд 40Hotels will do mostly group business.

Слайд 41Which trend excites you? Scares you? What will you do about


Слайд 42Events will mostly be indoors or under covered structures.

Слайд 43Everything you will need will be available on-demand.

Слайд 44

Слайд 45Organized labor will be
less of an issue because events will be

setup automatically.

Слайд 46Which trend excites you? Scares you? What will you do about


Слайд 47There will be a subscription model for events.

Слайд 48Free events will be expected by consumers.

Слайд 49There will be no cash at events.

Слайд 50Events will be crowdfunded.

Слайд 51

Слайд 52F&B will be replaced by more efficient supplements and synthetic alternatives

Слайд 53Which trend excites you? Scares you? What will you do about


Слайд 54Education will be the key component at meetings.

Слайд 55Content will be crowdsourced.

Слайд 56Events will be smaller and more intimate.

Слайд 57There will be no more weddings.

Слайд 58Experiences will be more common and more expensive.

Слайд 59Face-to-face interactions will be even more coveted.
Source: eMarketer, April 2014

Слайд 60Which trend excites you? Scares you? What will you do about


Слайд 61Connecting | Q&A
email: dan@socialtables.com

phone: 917-359-7757

twitter: @danberger
if you give me your card, I

can send you the slides!

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