Meerkat & Periscope: Is Live-Streaming Video Legal? презентация

Hello! My name is Kerry O’Shea Gorgone Lawyer, Podcaster, Speaker, Writer You can find me at: @KerryGorgone

Слайд 1Meerkat & Periscope: Is Live-Streaming Video Legal?

Слайд 2Hello! My name is
Kerry O’Shea Gorgone
Lawyer, Podcaster, Speaker, Writer

You can find

me at:

Слайд 4Download key takeaways:

Слайд 5
Insert Periscope screenshot
Meerkat and Periscope
Enable users to live stream video and

share the feed on social media

Слайд 71,000,000
Number of people using Periscope to live stream video content 10

days after the app’s launch

Слайд 8
Screen cap of NBC Nightly News with my comment visible.
How is

this new?
Couldn’t we instantly share video already?

Слайд 91.
You want to use the latest technology, and live streaming

seems like fun, but the minute you start filming people you don't know, you're at risk.

Слайд 10Periscope and Meerkat
So new and shiny!

Слайд 12Content goes live...
without review.

Слайд 13You might live stream
someone’s copyrighted content.

Слайд 14You might live stream
someone’s private conversation.
Photo by lisa-m_photography,

Слайд 15You might live stream
a sports game or concert (and get kicked


Слайд 16Live streaming can even be a crime
Careful where you point that

smartphone camera!

Photo by itsmadisontaylor,

Слайд 19The real problem is not whether machines think, but whether men

~ B. F. Skinner, American psychologist

Слайд 20PLAN a live stream
As carefully as you would plan a

video shoot

Слайд 21Hecklers

Слайд 22Unfortunate framing

Слайд 23Using someone’s likeness for promotion
(without permission)

Слайд 25
Stream responsibly
Tips for planning to stream video

Слайд 26Control your location
to minimize outside interference

Слайд 27Storyboard
then frame your shot

Слайд 28For branded content, get signed release forms
from anyone prominently featured

Слайд 29Post crowd releases at your event
to alert people in the area

that you’re live streaming

Слайд 30Have a contingency plan
In case unforeseen issues arise while you’re streaming

Слайд 31Now you try…any problems?

Слайд 32Now you try…any problems?

Слайд 33Now you try…any problems?

Слайд 34Now you try…any problems?

Слайд 35Now you try…any problems?

Слайд 36One more…any problems?

Слайд 37“A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships

are for.”

~ William G.T. Shedd, [TITLE]

Слайд 39Shhh…
Presentation Handout
Download key takeaways:

Слайд 40Thanks!
Any questions?
You can find me at:

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