Lay's maxx. Promo brief презентация

Слайд 1PepsiCo Confidential


Слайд 2
LAY’S MAXX PROMO BRIEF 2016 Marketing support
PepsiCo Confidential
Lay’s MAXX Marketing campaign

9 weeks
20’’, 15’’ with promo tag

OOH (non-standard, brandmauer, subway tbd)

Sampling in Modern trade

Digital placement
(high reach campaign, aiming to lead to promo website)

In store activation (branding, POSM, secondaries)

Слайд 3
LAY’S MAXX PROMO BRIEF 2016 TA description and brand positioning
PepsiCo Confidential

Fun of new experiences, but no extreme (e.g. bungee jumping)
Taking from day to day life as much as you can – be creative everyday but not necessary investing a lot of money in this
Enjoy life with you friends, having good time together
Releasing spontaneous, crazy ideas

Teens, young adults up to 20, skewed to males EER PC consumers, Millenials and Gen Z’ers, hungry for life = who value
life experiences more than material goods, who want to live fully, who embrace carpe diem mindset. They are social, doing verything with friends.

They do not need super extreme experiences to enjoy life.
Self expression with friends is one of the most important elements of their life. Even when they snack they want to look cool.

Experiences are much more important than things,

I want to live life fully, carpe diem. Maximize

everyday experiences

Lay’s MAXX TA and insights

Слайд 4


Develop strong support program for relaunch

(focus it on consumer communication in Trade)
Develop breakthrough promo idea with simple but inspired mechanic to drive trial (with codes inside the pack, quantity of promo packs – 1.7 mln items);
Tell consumers about the product and its unique shape to Differentiate Lay’s MAXX from Core
Promo banner on the Pack is the main source to announce the info (make it clear and eye-catching)
Develop BTL mechanics with sampling that involves, makes WOW effect, high KPIs (reach, conversion) with Focus on TA (students, teenagers etc), use relevant communication channels with point of sells the product (Institutes, cinemas, etc)
* 2016 Toolkit is attached

Lay’s background
Lay’s - #1 brand in the world in PC category . You can find it in over 100 countries around the world.
#1 in Ukrainian market in total since Oct’16. Chips production in Poland by world quality standards.
Lay’s consumption and equity grow in 2015: the brand boosted both occasional and regular consumption (among younger consumers mostly)and improved significantly all components of brand power resulting in reaching Lux in Brand Power Score for the first time
Competitors’ media activity is aggressively growing.
TA called pleasure seekers. It means specific mindset that exists in each of us. It’s when we choose optimism and focus on the positives. When we embrace spontaneity, especially with friends and family.
Lay’s MAXX background
Lay’s MAXX market share (and volume sales) has been decreased recently due to weak price architecture
Unclear format architecture (50g is too small, 100g is perceived as a Middle format)
RTB is not clear enough for customers currently
Low sub brand awareness and differentiation

Sept’16 – MAXX relaunch
New pack/price/design will give a reason to re-load Max in retail
up-sizing (from 50 to 62g, from 100 to 120g)
re-design (to strengthen visualization)

Слайд 52. Brand Positioning

Слайд 6


Everyday tastes to the max with

Lay’s MAXX because Lay’s MAXX is max ridged and max intense

Experiences are much more important than things, I want to live life fully, carpe diem. Take the maximum from your life!
Everyday tastes to the max with Lay’s MAXX


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