Launching the project Аuchan-Аide презентация

Reporting 1.2.Technical conclusion 2. Information for End Users 2.1. Warranty card_UPGRADE 2.2. Basic information for End Users Documents Authorization coverage

Слайд 16th of April, 16
Launching the project

Слайд 2
1.2.Technical conclusion

2. Information for End Users
2.1. Warranty card_UPGRADE
2.2. Basic information for

End Users


Authorization coverage

Слайд 3Reporting
1.2.Technical conclusion
In case of unavailability to repair a device, the system

will generate the form of the technical conclusion automatically. There is all needed information in the TC concerning a device, its data, End Users’ information.
The form of the TC was agreed by AUCHAN.

Слайд 42. Information for End Users
2.1. Warranty card_UPGRADE
It was offered to modify

the warranty card by adding the web-site on it. AUCHAN agreed this suggestion.
It’s needed to place on it.
This web-site will be fully supported and updated by AIDE’ team.
It will include the following information:
ASC list
FAQ for End Users
Warranty conditions
list of warranty devices.

Слайд 52. Information for End Users
2.2. Basic information for End Users
AIDE offered

to place the manual for end users here:, which will include the following information:
auchan-service website
brands in warranty
It will be handy for end users, especially for the fist time after launching.
It was already discussed with AUCHAN who waits for validation and support of AUCHAN Russia.

Слайд 6Documents
AIDE got the right to use AUCHAN's trademark, as a result

AIDE/AUCHAN should sing the non-disclosure agreement and include this clause.

Слайд 7Authorization coverage
It is needed to cover 24 cities in which there

are AUCHAN stores:

Слайд 8Authorization coverage
Coverage according to segments. The most problematical segment is “Large

home appliances”

Nevertheless, more than half cities are fully covered, means SC are authorized with all segments.
The only city without coverage is Chelyabinsk. Currently AIDE negotiate with several SC to pick the best one.

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Это сайт презентаций, докладов, проектов, шаблонов в формате PowerPoint. Мы помогаем школьникам, студентам, учителям, преподавателям хранить и обмениваться учебными материалами с другими пользователями.

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