@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl презентация

This is a story about a noise:value ratio that has gotten out of whack.

Слайд 1

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1nuTW0Q

Слайд 2This is a story
about a noise:value ratio
that has gotten out of


@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/Up2Gt

Слайд 3Editorial voices are outnumbered by public relations professionals by almost 5:1

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 4


@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

“Many [PR professionals] have a misunderstanding when it comes to the difference between advertorial and guest posts.” – Gigaom.com

“Too many submissions we get are clearly just pitches for a company, attempting to masquerade as thought pieces, a press release dressed as a guest post.” – TechCrunch.com

“Over time [guest blogging] has become a more and more spammy practice.”
– Matt Cutts

Слайд 5Our Research

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 6We interviewed over 500 writers, editors, and publishers.
Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1pXwPw9

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 7This Is Their Story

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 8
About how many stories do you write per day?

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1xzC2fG

@RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 9

@KelseyLibert,@RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/TBxFBj

Слайд 10The majority of people you’re pitching only write ONE STORY per


Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1n2DRL4 @KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 11
About how many pitches do you receive per day?

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1xzC2fG

Слайд 12
"300-plus. No joke!"
- Reuters.com

"Too many to count, seriously."
- HuffingtonPost.com


- I have lost track.”
- USNews.com

"I mostly filter these or unsubscribe."
- Lifehacker.com

“It's CONSTANT! It's like they're rewarded for pitching, not for landing pitches...”
- PopularMechanics.com

“Dozens. I've started filtering them so they are automatically deleted.”

"Anywhere from 15 to 100 depending on the time of year."

"Dozens during a normal business day, hundreds during major conventions."
- DigitalProductionBuzz.com

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1kf24uz @KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 13

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 14Although most writers publish one story per day, 44% of them

get pitched a minimum of TWENTY TIMES per day.

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/TByPNb

Слайд 15
How often do you write a story based on something that

was sent through a pitch?

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1xzC2fG

Слайд 16

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 17Although writers are inundated with pitches, only 11% often write a

story based on content that was sent through a pitch.

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 18However, 45% said sometimes, so there is an opportunity for change.

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1pdIwhX @KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 19Your Strategy Lesson

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 20
Would you rather be pitched ideas that you can collaborate on

or get a finished asset?

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1xzC2fG

Слайд 21

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/SIrBGl

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 22STOP spamming writers with poorly matched assets. Instead, collaborate on mutually

beneficial ideas.

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1n2EWCF @KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 23
What characteristics does the perfect piece of content possess?

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1xzC2fG

Слайд 24

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1rIug1F

Слайд 25
What types of content do you wish you saw more?

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1xzC2fG

Слайд 26

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1j993LC

Слайд 27Your Networking Lesson

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 28
How important is it for a person to establish a personal

connection with you before pitching content?

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1xzC2fG

Слайд 29

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 3064% of writers think it is of some importance that you

establish a personal connection before pitching.

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1kLg9Vy @KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 31Use Twitter as a platform to socialize with your prospects weeks

prior to the pitch. Engage in blog posts.

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1kLg9Vy @KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 32
Which of the following channels do you prefer to be pitched


@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1xzC2fG

Слайд 33

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1o6SCSr

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 34
Put down your cell phone.
Stop spamming on social media.

writing sincere emails
to the best-fit person
for your campaign.

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1myF4IG @KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 35
Use a CRM such as BuzzStream to manage your relationships.


Credit: http://frc.tl/1myF4IG @KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 36Your Pitch Lesson

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 37
What time of day do you preferred to be pitched?

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1xzC2fG

Слайд 38What time of day do you want to be pitched?

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 39Use a pre-scheduling tool to send your emails in the early

morning hours.

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1nuKeso @KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 40
What email length do you prefer?

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1xzC2fG

Слайд 41

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 42
88% of writers prefer a pitch be less than 200 words.

Check your word count before sending.

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1uNnHds @KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 43
Do you open an email based on its subject line?

Image Credit:


@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 44

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 45Test your subject lines in your inbox. What stands out? The

golden rule is 45-65 characters.

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 46
Which of the following subject lines catches your attention the most?

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1xzC2fG

Слайд 47

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1oFpU8O @KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 48
An overwhelming number said they want a subject line that is:

Includes keywords relevant to the writer’s beat

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1oFpU8O @KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 49
How likely are you to delete a pitch based on a

spelling/grammar error, regardless of the content’s quality?

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1xzC2fG

Слайд 50

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Image Credit: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/75364993733755783/

Слайд 51
Do you auto-delete pitches that contain certain words?

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1xzC2fG

Слайд 52

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill www.Frac.tl

Слайд 53
If you could give 1-3 points of feedback to people who

pitch to you, what would you say?

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1xzC2fG

Слайд 54Do your research.
Know the publication.
Be relevant.
Make it newsworthy.
Know my

Don’t use all caps.
Be personal.
Be concise.
Don’t cold call.
Does it fit my beat?
Use spellcheck.
No giant attachments.
Don’t pitch on social media.
Know my audience.
Avoid phony friendliness.
Get my name right.
Avoid the fluff.
Tailor your subject lines.
Die in a fire.

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/VTh6SP

Слайд 55Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1k5uTLo

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

“If I don't respond it's because I'm not interested. If I am interested, I will email you back.”

– NationalJournal.com

“1) Don't send multiple emails and follow-ups. 2) Don't follow up your email with a call.”

– Parents.com

“Do not call me 5 minutes later to follow up.”

– Geek.com

“Don't follow up so many times. If we're not interested, we're not interested.”

– OutOfThePastBlog.com

“Unless I contact you asking for more information, don't follow up 2 and 3 times asking if I'm going to write about the story you sent me.”

– TheGoodWineGuru.com

Слайд 56
What characteristics does the perfect piece of content possess?

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1xzC2fG

Слайд 57Breaking news
Exclusive research
Emotional stories
New hook

A story
Interview opportunities
Data visualizations
Useful information
Interesting analysis
Meets editorial mission
Original content
Solutions to problems
Useful insights
Unique angles
High-quality graphics

@KelseyLibert, @RyMcGonagill, www.Frac.tl

Image Credit: http://frc.tl/1zkwgzt

Слайд 58
Research by Kelsey Libert, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 59Leverage The Science Behind Great Content.
Research by Kelsey Libert, www.Frac.tl

Слайд 60

Build Relationships. Build Buzz.
Check us out at www.buzzstream.com!

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