How to choose the right social media partners презентация

Why does this matter? Contents are proprietary and confidential.

Слайд 1How to choose the right social media partners

June 5, 2015

Слайд 2Why does this matter?
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Слайд 3Ten Reasons Why Selecting the Right Firm Matters
#1 – We can

identify the exact influencers and sharers who matter
#2 – We can build our own audience architecture for a brand
#3 – We can use ESO (earned, shared, owned) to make paid smart
#4 – We can optimize our spend if we do #3
#5 – We can see what language, channels and content matter, precisely
#6 – We can magnify the efforts of all agencies if we align
#7 – We can create better content with right insights
#8 – We can move from responsive design to responsive experience
#9 – We can work globally from fewer locations
#10 – We can build ROI metrics that ensure we are no longer guessing

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Слайд 4What’s not working…….
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Слайд 5Most RFPs, scorecards and check lists are ineffective
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Слайд 6Why ineffectiveness occurs
Agencies learn how to take tests
Most questions are the

same, so cut and paste replaces real thinking
Market knowledge is rarely tested
Questions are tactical, not strategic
Background “knowledge checks” rarely done
In today’s world, you can review your team online pre-meeting, but we often don’t
The best firms don’t always do every rfp
Are you getting who is available vs. who you need?

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Слайд 7Our complaints are similar
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Слайд 810 common complaints about social media agencies
#1 – Everyone is an

expert – really?
#2 – Cut and paste plans – same plan, many brands
#3 – Ideas not backed up by data – are conference rooms of people smarter than the market?
#4 – No real idea who shapes the market – who are the 1% and the 9% who create content and share your brand’s story?
#5 – Non-existent or weak campaign metrics – it’s not about page views or hits or views and hasn’t been for a long time

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Слайд 910 common complaints….
#6 – Lack of understanding of the customer journey

-- Lack of understanding of internal approval processes – “can you approve this so I send right now” vs. “how do we prepare so we are agile?”
#8 -- Non-actionable insights in a pretty dashboard
#9 – Lack of industry knowledge – that’s great you understand Facebook or Twitter, but what about my marketplace?
#10 – Lack of experience ingesting data streams – earned, shared, owned, paid media and sales data

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Слайд 10What do agencies dislike from clients?
#1 – The impersonal cattle

6+ firms implies agencies are commodities
3 firms implies the client cares
#2 – Lack of clarity in brief
Info is same stuff we can see online
#3 – Inability to get questions answered clearly
In effort to be fair, the direction becomes unfair
#4 – A focus on price too early in the process
The worst are auctions to make final decision
#5 – Being referred to as a vendor
Are you going to become a trusted partner or just a service?

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Слайд 11Agencies are thinking “you don’t know us well enough….how can we

get you to know more about our tremendous knowledge, skills and people?”

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Слайд 12The answer is simple. Select your agencies in a different manner. If

you want the best, let your agencies show you why they are Pick great athletes and teams

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Слайд 13#1 – If you have to do an RFP, make it

a RFK Request knowledge, not a presentation

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Слайд 14Test by scenario
Develop the scenarios important to your brand
Assume 3-5

scenarios so you have a range
Ask each agency to listen to a scenario, take 15 minutes and then explain what they will do
You’ll see how they think and if they do it together
You’ll see what their models really are vs. slides
You’ll understand how much experience they are drawing on

The move to “Knowledge” vs. “Presentation”

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Слайд 15#2 – Assess the social media presence of your agency and

the team on your business

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Слайд 16Three areas to assess
#1 – Thought Leadership – what do they

write about related to your business?
#2 – Your Team – what does your team do socially on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn Instagram, other? Are they leading by example?
#3 – Willingness to Evolve – is the agency or your team challenging the status quo in the public domain? Or just toeing the line?

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Слайд 17#3 – Ask a few questions that test market knowledge if you

are passionate about an area, you are learning continually

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Слайд 18Examples of questions to ask today
What data streams do you ingest

Should name specific partners & channels
What’s your view on security for our brand?
Could discuss spam, malware, bots, click-fraud
What’s your favorite software to use for your products?
Java? Use elastic search? Apache?
How do you use social media to market your own firm?
Walk the talk?

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Слайд 19#4 – The clues are all available Your firm should be

insight-driven and know how to identify what to do, based on analytics

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Слайд 20The questions to ask
Influencers – how many drive a market and

how do you know who they are?
Language – how many keywords drive people to our story and how do you know?
Content – how do you determine the content we need to put out vs. what we do today?
Channels – how do you know which social/media channels are most important?

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Слайд 21#5 – Understand how the buyer’s decision-making process is impacted in

an omnichannel landscape

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Слайд 22How to assess omnichannel abilities
Attitudes/Behaviors – how do you assess?
Marketing Funnel

– how do you increase/shape demand?
Causality – how does social media impact SEO? paid media choices? CRM? conversion? reviews?, in-store experience?
Customer Service – how do you improve customer service? Help with returns?
Point of Sale – what can you do to leverage packaging? Displays? Labeling? coupons

Example…..product x

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Слайд 23#6 – How do you help with the “first sale” vs.

the “second sale”?

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Слайд 24Key questions on 1st and 2nd sale
The 1st sale
How do you

map out the customer journey?
Which aspects of the journey are you weak in?
Who do you partner with and why?
The 2nd sale
How do you keep in touch with customers?
How do you build loyalty?
Do you make your client smarter via cumulative knowledge and if so, how?

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Слайд 25#7 – How do you get smarter each day you work

with us?

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Слайд 26Questions to judge if you are getting smarter
Follower Strategy – how

do you build followers for our brand and how does it increase in value over time?
Customer Index – do you track all customers or a representative sample and what does that lead to?
New Opportunities – provide examples of new ways to reach customers gained via your approach

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Слайд 27#8 – New, innovative areas require intellectually scalable models What models does

the firm use to ensure consistency and why do they add value?

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Слайд 28Ask three simple questions
How would you identify our next 100,000 customers?

to use data
What would be your approach to shape their views?
Ability to tie data, creative and engagement together
How would we measure your success?
Ability to show ROI

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Слайд 29#9 – Don’t judge case studies. Judge people and their ability

to assess information

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Слайд 30Why case studies are low value & what to do
Low value

The story is rehearsed
The people in the room probably didn’t do that work
New approach
What are your key learning’s from ALL of your clients and how do you apply them to evolve your offering?
Please give us 5 examples and explain the before and after for your offering

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Слайд 31#10 – How do you partner with other agencies? Why and when

do you do so?

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Слайд 32Questions to ask on partnering
Difficulty of partnering –we know it is

hard. Tell us how you get there.
Reference –do you have a partner we could call?
Results – why were results better together?

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Слайд 33#11 – Ask the agency to explain how they align with

internal processes How client service oriented are they?

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Слайд 34Questions about internal processes
In-house experience – who on the team has

worked in-house and knows how to gain right approvals?
Policies & Guidelines –do you develop policies, guidelines and training for companies today?
Map an example – explain two examples of how you accelerate internal approvals through your approach

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Слайд 35#12 – How to get the right metrics in place

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Слайд 36Establishing the right metrics
Create three buckets
Any action that shows intent from

visits to shares to likes to retweets to views
Measure what your audience does that shows a change in behavior
Increased time reviewing brand story to actual purchase to higher share of conversation for a specific audience
What are the metrics that matter for each brand priority?

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Слайд 37The final question is a question “What questions will you ask yourself

to determine if your strategic plan should change?” How will you share this with us?

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Слайд 38Wisdom of leaders who innovate in social media
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Слайд 39How Transformative Leaders Think…. Key Innovation Traits of Top Leaders
Vision that is

incremental and continual
It just never stops………
Ability to see gaps in the market without full research
Continual learning leads to powerful gut feel
Plans align and change based on customer insights
Politics and trade-offs are not part of their vocabulary…usually
Desire to fight off antibodies
The “debate” is actually fun
Intense desire to learn faster than competitors
Reading, networking, best team and more

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Слайд 40The “Real Lessons” from Global Leaders
Top 10
Transform your company, not a

Empower your COE with goal of full integration
Think of all current models as old school
Issues management to media planning
Centralize strategy, decentralize execution
Build official models and the Brand X way to operate
Have a “social media roadmap” and integrate with IT
Realize your consultants are learning too
Learn from the leaders and teach your agencies
Learn how to Fail Fast
Think in terms of economic concepts, e.g. price elasticity
What is the market sensitivity to your ideas?

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Слайд 41The “Real Lessons” from Global Leaders
Focus on ROI from the beginning

share of conversation, demand and more
Never guess
Answers are right in front of you if analytics are strong
Innovators will drive change. Find them
Dinosaurs protect yesterday’s models at all costs
Watch out for antibodies
Become a student of digital
You will think different, e.g. 27 vs. 10 languages to reach majority of people globally

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Слайд 42The slides will be available on – “Common Sense” blog @bobpearson1845 Book

– PreCommerce Next Book 2016 -- Storytizing

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