How to promote local business with instagram презентация

a picture is worth 1,000 words but on Instagram it’s also worth 1,000 “likes,” retweets, and shares!

Слайд 1How to promote local business with instagram

Слайд 2
a picture is worth 1,000 words but on Instagram it’s also

worth 1,000 “likes,” retweets, and shares!

Слайд 3Instagram is an imaged-based platform with …
300 million monthly active users

million daily active users
13% of the internet uses Instagram

Слайд 4Most photos fall under two categories: beautiful imagery or humor

Слайд 5Be consistent with your brand
The millennial generation loves strong visual content.

your Instagram photos as high quality, but low posting volume.

Слайд 69 Tips to Connect to Your Customers

Слайд 7Tip #1 Take photos of all aspects of your business.
Special events

the scenes
Customer pictures

Слайд 8Tip #2 Tag your photos with a hashtag. Use a hashtag with the

location of your business #Nj #NewJersey

Слайд 9Tip #3 Tell a story with your photos.
Track the process of an

event by publishing a photo every day

Слайд 10Tip #4 Encourage customers to post photos
Your customers become your publicists when

they post images of your business


Слайд 11Tip #5 Share your photo on other social media
Instagram gives you the

option to share with other platforms when uploading a photo


Слайд 12Tip #6 Add text to your photos.
Write a ‘call to action’

or inspiring comment on your image

Слайд 13Tip #7 Use the @mention.
Use the @mention to tag other Instagram users

in your photo’s caption (and in comments)

Слайд 14Tip #8 Run an Instagram contest.
Ask your customers to tag photos of

your business with a hashtag and then select a winner

Слайд 15Tip #9 NEWclickable links feature!
Take advantage of the new multi-photo carousel by

creating four branded images in sequence to swipe through

Read more:

Слайд 16Capitalize on the popularity
The technology of the platform and the ease

of use makes this the perfect platform for visual storytelling.

Images are powerful and will sum up a brand moment in a few seconds - and makes a stronger, lasting impression.

Слайд 17
Socialize with us!

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Что такое

Это сайт презентаций, докладов, проектов, шаблонов в формате PowerPoint. Мы помогаем школьникам, студентам, учителям, преподавателям хранить и обмениваться учебными материалами с другими пользователями.

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