How to Monitor Social Media in 10 Minutes a Day презентация

Слайд 2
Lauren Pedigo

Inbound Marketing Specialist

Brittany Leaning

Content Strategist


Слайд 3In 10 minutes you can …

Слайд 4Run a Mile

Слайд 5Eat a Snack

Слайд 6Fill Your Gas Tank

Слайд 7Drink a Cup of Coffee

Слайд 8And now, you can monitor your company’s social media in 10

minutes too.

Слайд 10A little teamwork will get you there.

Слайд 11Want to learn more?
Check out these free resources.
Download the Ebook

keep on clickin’ for quick tips.

Слайд 12
There’s so much to do and so little time. So, split

it up.

Слайд 13Your Marketing Team Should Monitor:
Activity of your leads
Activity of thought leaders

in your industry
Conversations with words that are core to your brand

Слайд 14Your Sales Team Should Monitor:
Open leads’ Twitter & LinkedIn conversations
“Closed lost”

leads tweets related to your product
“Closed won” leads to follow up with them after the sale

Слайд 15Your Support Team Should Monitor:
Questions people have about your product
Conversations customers

are having about your product
Positive and negative feedback about your product

Слайд 16Your Executives Should Monitor:
Conversations people are having with other execs
Conversations about

your company vs. competitors
The activity of competitors in your industry

Слайд 17Which social networks should be your main focus?

Слайд 19Mentions and searches
Questions about your company or industry
Requests for support
Complaints and

Competitor Mentions


On Twitter, monitor:

Слайд 20Mentions and searches
Questions about your company or industry
Requests for support
Complaints and

Competitor Mentions


On Twitter, monitor:

Слайд 22On Facebook, monitor:

Слайд 24On LinkedIn, monitor:
Company Page
Group Discussions

Слайд 26With Google Alerts, monitor:
Quora Questions
Blog Articles


Слайд 27With Google Alerts, monitor:
Quora Questions
Blog Articles


Слайд 28
10 Minute Checklist
4 minutes on Twitter
2 minutes on Facebook
2 minutes on

2 minutes on Google Alerts

Слайд 29Want to learn more?

Слайд 30Download the Full Ebook

Слайд 31Get a full website report, including a grade on your social

media strategy.


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