How Moz Does Video презентация

Слайд 1Rand Fishkin, Wizard of Moz | @randfish |
How Moz

Does Video

22 ways Moz uses video to help our mission, marketing efforts, community, and our team.

Слайд 2This Presentation Is Online Here:

Слайд 3Some transparent data about the performance of videos in our marketing


Moz’s Video Stats

Слайд 4Whiteboard Friday in 2014:

Слайд 5Three Items of Note:
#1 – Incredible engagement vs. average visits
#2 –

500K pg. views is ~1.4% of all traffic

#3 - Higher bounce & exit rates

Слайд 6The Top Whiteboard WB Friday Pages in 2014
These are from Cyrus

Shepard, not Rand!

Слайд 7Our Video Projects with the Most Plays
Whiteboard Friday dominates this list,

but marketing videos (those we put on home, product, & help pages) are strong, too.

Слайд 8Our Most Watched Videos
Videos like the ones from our homepage and

the Mozbar get lots of views.

Слайд 9Our Most Watched Videos
Surprisingly, the most successful WB Fridays we’ve ever

done are only 4-6X more watched than the middle of the pack.

Слайд 10Our Video Content Follows a Similar Pattern Each Time:
This pattern is

consistent for each WB Friday – a few days or weeks of traffic, followed by a long tail of ongoing traffic. SEO is huge for that tail.

Слайд 11Our YouTube page doesn’t do anything close to these quantities. We’ve

trained our audience to watch on our site, so YouTube for us is more of an alternate distribution channel & branding play.

Слайд 12How Video Helps
Our Mission

Слайд 13Moz’s Mission:
Help People Do Better Marketing

Слайд 14Help People Do Better Marketing
Help Moz Get Customers

Слайд 15Our Video Content Is Built to Help…
marketers answer specific, tactical questions

Слайд 16Our Video Content Is Built to Help…
support marketers in their pitches

to their managers, teams, and clients

Слайд 17Our Video Content Is Built to Help…
marketers avoid pitfalls and dead


Слайд 18Our Video Content Is Built to Help…
introduce new voices in our

industry and expose marketers to their wisdom

Слайд 19Our Video Content Is Built to Help…
people keep up with the

rapid pace of change in the web marketing field

Слайд 20Our Video Content Is Built to Help…
on very rare occasion, show

off our products to potential customers

Слайд 21For all the content we create, we first ask:
Is this helping

people do better marketing?

Perhaps ironically, this leads to
More successful marketing overall.

Слайд 22How Video Helps
Our Marketing

Слайд 23When we first started with Whiteboard Friday…
it actually performed worse than

average blog post content in text form.

Слайд 24The first WB Friday, featuring horrible resolution, a handheld whiteboard, bad

audio, and a mediocre presenter.

Слайд 25But, we stuck with whiteboards and videos, and eventually, we got

good at it.

Today, video content is huge for every aspect of our marketing.

Слайд 26Videos Help Our SEO:
Video XML Sitemaps & authorship, plus lots of

links & authority mean our video content shines in search results. The fun images don’t hurt either 

Слайд 27Videos Help Our SEO:
Text transcripts, still images, and lots of social

love help give videos the right mix of elements to perform highly in search results.

Слайд 28Videos Help Our Visitor Loyalty:
Loads of WB Friday love is in

these buckets

Слайд 29Videos Help Our Thought Leadership:

Слайд 30Videos Help Our Social Media Efforts:

Слайд 31Videos Help Our Product Demos:
Video is one of the best ways

we can show off the features and value of our software & tools.

Слайд 32Videos Help Our Subscriber Content:
Moz Academy is a video training center

modeled off the success of WB Friday

Слайд 33Videos Help Build Our Personal Brands:
This leads directly (but untrackably) to

invitations to conferences, to interview requests, to press, and indirectly to links & social shares, all of which power our inbound marketing flywheel.

Слайд 34Videos Achieve Higher Engagement & Recall than Any Other Form of

Content We Produce:

Слайд 35How Video Helps
Our Team

Слайд 36We Record Internal Events and Make Them Accessible on Our Intranet

for All Mozzers to Consume:

We held a “ship it week” (aka hackathon) and all of the presentations of projects were recorded so Mozzers could watch them.

Слайд 37We Have a Special Series Called “Shared Thunder” Where Experts Internally

Share Their Projects

Even complex, technical projects can be parsed by almost anyone at the company with a desire to learn thanks to this repository.

Слайд 38We Create Internal Videos to Help
Mozzers with Processes
These videos help new

Mozzers learn the processes we follow and make institutional knowledge more scalable and transferrable.

Слайд 39We Use Video to Help Put the “F” in TAGFEE
We’ve done

a number of videos for events like April Fools, Halloween, and others. It’s fun for our team and our readers.

Слайд 40This One Might Be My Favorite

Слайд 41How Video Helps
Our Community

Слайд 42Video Drives Conversation & Interaction at High Rates
An interaction isn’t

just a “comment” – it’s a chance to build a relationship and a fan.

Слайд 43Video Helps Us Build Relationships With Guests
For years, we’ve been privileged

to host folks from all over the world and across the marketing industry.

Слайд 44We Work to Recognize Others in Our Videos
Recognizing the work of

others is a wonderfully empathetic way to earn recognition for Moz, too.

Слайд 45Five of My Big Takeaways

Слайд 46If someone judged performance & metrics by our first two years

of videos, they’d have shut down WB Friday.


Слайд 47Video cannot operate in a silo. Huge benefits are derived from

the connection between SEO, social, video, & events.


Слайд 48The flexibility of video to adapt and help across the company

came because we invested in dedicated resources.


Слайд 49We’ve NEVER had a “viral video.” But we benefit more from

video than any of the marketers/founders I’ve talked to who’ve had that “viral” hit.


Слайд 50While we can + do measure ROI on video via analytics,

much of the value is both serendipitous and largely unmeasurable – events, branding, loyalty, etc.


Слайд 51Via Liz Climo

Слайд 52Via Liz Climo
Peeps chasing the “viral video”

Слайд 53Rand Fishkin, Wizard of Moz | @randfish |

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