How GoDaddy’s Engaged Employees Fueled a Branding Reset презентация


#EngageU How GoDaddy’s Engaged Employees Fueled a Branding Reset Stacey DePolo Social Media Manager at GoDaddy @sdepolo Dave Hawley VP of Marketing at SocialChorus @DaveHawley33

Слайд 1
How GoDaddy’s Engaged Employees Fueled a Branding Reset

Слайд 2#EngageU
How GoDaddy’s Engaged Employees Fueled a Branding Reset
Stacey DePolo

Social Media Manager

at GoDaddy


Dave Hawley
VP of Marketing at SocialChorus

Слайд 3When employees are engaged and well-informed, they will engage and inform

their network.


Слайд 4Employee Engagement Leads to Employee Advocacy
Employees who feel connected with

the brand are also more empowered to advocate for the brand.
93% of employees say they would be good at advocating for the brand
87% of employees see the career benefits of advocating for the brand


Слайд 5Why Don’t Employees Already Advocate?
55% of employees don’t share about the

brand because they are worried they’ll get in trouble
44% of employees don’t know what information they can and can’t share


Слайд 6What inspired GoDaddy to get started with employee advocacy?

Слайд 7GoDaddy Wanted to Change their Brand Image
Edgy advertising was off-putting to

customers -- reputation and brand sentiment was at a low
Reset the brand image by aligning brand messaging to internal culture
Employees know the brand best -- tap into their pride to share the real GoDaddy story


Слайд 8#EngageU
“If we really wanted to make this about-face as a brand,

we needed to harness our employees’ passion to tell our story.”

Stacey DePolo

Social Media Manager at GoDaddy


Слайд 9GoTeam Gets the Green Light
Launched in January 2015
Allows employees to discover

and share the latest company and industry news and content
22,000+ employee shares
44,000+ audience engagements
$50M+ social impressions


Слайд 10#EngageU
“The GoTeam employee advocacy program has been vital in scaling brand

awareness beyond the capacity of our social team.”

Stacey DePolo

Social Media Manager at GoDaddy


Слайд 11What types of content engage GoDaddy employees?

Слайд 12Content that Engages GoDaddy Employees
Thought Leadership Content
Helpful tips and content for

Take Action Now
Company programs and contributions
GoDaddy Life & News
Company news and content
Employee Generated Content
Employee submitted content in the program


Слайд 13How GoTeam Champions Customer Stories
Enable employees to live the brand promise

-- Manifesto of Kickass
Help very small businesses globally, start, run and thrive
Make it easy for employees to celebrate customers’ successes with their networks


Слайд 14How GoTeam Drives Change
GoTeam empowers employees to support causes that are

important to them, the company, and their customers
Women in Tech
Net Neutrality
Veterans in the Workplace

Слайд 15GoDaddy Empowers Employees to Join the Conversation

Слайд 16#EngageU
“GoDaddy employees are proud to be part of an organization that

takes a stand on these issues. Knowing this motivates and inspires them.”

Stacey DePolo

Social Media Manager at GoDaddy


Слайд 17How does GoDaddy keep employees engaged in the program?

Слайд 18How GoDaddy Activates Employee Advocates
Started rolling it out by department
Company-wide town

hall meetings
Recruitment roadshow
Continue to motivate employees through:
Email notifications and prompts
Fresh and relevant content
Competitions and incentives


Слайд 19What do you see for the future of GoTeam?

Слайд 20Looking Ahead: Accelerate Engagement with Better Content
Optimize content strategy
Employee feedback and

Improve content relevancy through Content Channels
By customer vertical and interests
By employee location


Слайд 21Looking Ahead: Accelerate Engagement Through Mobile Apps
Improve internal communications
Mobile app
Push notifications



Слайд 22#EngageU
“With the mobile component, we hope to activate our advocates with

real-time notifications and content.”

Stacey DePolo

Social Media Manager at GoDaddy


Слайд 23Communication Messages and Quality
Employees feel
A knowledge worker spends most of the

week gathering and communicating

Reading and answering email

Searching and gathering information

Communicating and collaborating internally

Communicating and collaborating externally

Publishing information

Actual Work: Managing projects and people, analyzing information, creating content, and other structured tasks

Слайд 24SocialChorus surveyed 1,000 employees from enterprise companies.

Слайд 25Workplace Communication Needs to Improve
Both employees and managers agree that there

isn’t enough effective communication internally.
94% of employees want to hear more about what is going on from leadership
68% of executives believe they do a “good” job of communicating


…Only 21% of employees agree

Слайд 26The use of mobile to accomplish everyday tasks is increasing —

especially for working professionals.


Слайд 27Create a Consumer Experience for Employees
Employee communication strategies that adapt to

consumer expectations work better. The majority of your workforce wants to receive company information via a mobile app.
82% of Millennials
76% of Gen X
54% of Baby Boomers


Слайд 28
Meet the Only Daily News App for Work
The SocialChorus app connects

employees to the latest news and company content to increase productivity, engagement and advocacy.

Слайд 29Interested in Learning More?
Download our ebook
4 Steps to Launching an Employee

Engagement & Advocacy Program in 30 Days

Request a Customized Demo

Слайд 30
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