Get paid in tweets and go viral on Slideshare! презентация


Uploading your slide deck to Slideshare is the best start obviously

Слайд 1Get paid in tweets and go viral on Slideshare!

Слайд 2Uploading your slide deck to Slideshare is the best start obviously

Слайд 3But once you have your audience’s attention

Слайд 4Are you making the most of it?

Слайд 5Here is a guide to getting more tweets

Слайд 6At the top of your deck viewers have five options

Слайд 7Why not ask for the ones you want?

Слайд 8A bit like this

Слайд 9‘Thank you, please share this presentation’

Слайд 10Dude, calls to action are so cool

Слайд 11But you have no control over whether anyone takes action

Слайд 13Apart from when you use pay with a tweet, like this…

Слайд 15Your reader can share, email, embed and like as usual

Слайд 16But they will only be able to download in return for

a social post

Слайд 17It is quite the popular new way to pay for content

online and it is quick for your viewer to do

Слайд 18Three steps to setting up a pay with a tweet campaign

Слайд 20Go to pay with a tweet, click new campaign and complete

the form

Слайд 21Post the link to your presentation even though it does not

have a pay with a tweet button yet

Слайд 22Upload you slide deck, then copy the URL from the address


Слайд 23Paste the URL in the website URL field

Слайд 25If you don’t have a website or somewhere else to host

the slide deck, set up a free dropbox account

Слайд 26Save your presentation as a pdf on dropbox

Слайд 27A pdf can be used but not changed so you can

control your original work

Слайд 28From the dropbox icon click share link and then click the

box that appears

Слайд 29Copy the pdf link

Слайд 30Paste the link you just copied in the Content-URL field

Слайд 32Complete the form until you get to this page

Слайд 33This link will go in your presentation to make your button


Слайд 34You can attach a link to a button, text box, specific

text or shape

Слайд 35Add the pay with a tweet link to your presentation

Слайд 36Re-upload the new version of your slides

Слайд 37And set allow downloads to no

Слайд 38A click will now lead to a social post

Слайд 39Like facebook, twitter or linkedin

Слайд 40Research suggests that each post leads to 5-100 new interactions

Слайд 41One final consideration

Слайд 42If you want people to share your slide deck

Слайд 43Pick a topic that is interesting or solves a problem

Слайд 44And create slides that look good

Слайд 45It is not as tricky as it sounds

Слайд 46Copy a style you like on slideshare or

Слайд 47These presentations might help

Слайд 48Want to learn more? Contact us

Обратная связь

Если не удалось найти и скачать презентацию, Вы можете заказать его на нашем сайте. Мы постараемся найти нужный Вам материал и отправим по электронной почте. Не стесняйтесь обращаться к нам, если у вас возникли вопросы или пожелания:

Email: Нажмите что бы посмотреть 

Что такое

Это сайт презентаций, докладов, проектов, шаблонов в формате PowerPoint. Мы помогаем школьникам, студентам, учителям, преподавателям хранить и обмениваться учебными материалами с другими пользователями.

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