Fail Yourself Fitter презентация

Fail Yourself Fitter Dan Slee comms2point0. Fail Yourself Fitter: How Epic Comms Fails Can Be a Path

Слайд 1 Fail Yourself Fitter

Dan Slee

Слайд 2 Fail Yourself Fitter

Dan Slee

Fail Yourself Fitter: How Epic Comms Fails Can Be a Path to Success

Слайд 3Let’s climb

Creative Commons By Adha65

Слайд 4
You will fail.

You will fail

Слайд 5
You will fail. Failure is good.

Слайд 8
The Mount Everest of fails.

Слайд 10Censored

Слайд 11
The K2 of fails

Слайд 17Failure isn’t bad. Not learning the lesson is.

Слайд 18
Fail forward.

Слайд 19

Слайд 22Be like a rock climber with failure. Learn.

Слайд 24LESSON: don’t make half a billion pounds of profit then put

prices up £120 and then have a Twitter Q&A

Слайд 25
My biggest fail.

Слайд 30.

LESSON: change the password, use a different platform for work and


Слайд 34LESSON: make a mistake, learn from it, move on…

Слайд 35
It isn’t just digital fails.

Слайд 36If you just send out stuff you are failing…

Слайд 37If you aren’t thinking about strategy you’re failing…

Слайд 38If you do not have time to experiment you are failing…

Слайд 39If you have a team that isn’t as comfortable with digital

than traditional you are failing

Слайд 40If you aren’t making friends with channel shift and customer services

you are failing

Слайд 41Take-homes:

Fail forward. Be more like a rock climber.

Слайд 42
A short clip to round things off. Google and failure or

a dancing man?

Слайд 43Thank you!
Dan Slee
@danslee @comms2point0

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