Criteria of Brand Essence презентация

Слайд 19 Criteria of Brand Essence

Brand is not only name, logo, package

or product. İt is a collection of our thoughts and feelings.

And thoughts and feelings are intangibles.

Every strong brand has differentiated attributes, than it makes the brand powerful competitors.

This intangible differentiated attributes are called as a brand essence.

Also it is named as the emotional heart of the brand.

And the brand essence places top on the brand pyramid.

Слайд 2There are 9 criteria for brand essence.
Consistently delivered
This criteria is about

how the brand is different than others on the same category.

For example, Toyota says that ‘’In the middle of everything we do in Toyota,
there is the environment.’’

When a brand says that we are ecofriendly, at the same time it says the others not

and people care about what is different, not what is same.

Слайд 3Intangibility
Customers must feel benefits or brands attention to what audience feels.


an example, Harley-davidson is associated with independence and power also by the way

it can sell the other products like boots.


To describe the essence of brand should use one or maximum two words.

More focus refers to more power.

Слайд 4Experiental
The essence must be what the audience feels during experience with

the brand.

For example, ‘’wearing asics footwear makes me feel it helps me run faster’’


The essence must be relevant the audience.

For a user who is waiting for comfort it does not make sense to talk about design

Слайд 5Consistently Delivered
The experience promised in the essence must be delivered every

time when customer interacts with the brand.

If safety is automotive brand’s promise, it must deliver it every drive.


The essence must be credible or the brand will be rejected by the audience.

Слайд 6Scalable
The essence must be proper for brand extensions and case of



The essence is durable, and it never changes.

Слайд 7Examples
Here there is consumer’s comment for Mavi jeans
‘’ I am

26 years old. And ı like wear mavi jeans because it makes me feel young, relax and independent.

Also Other brands can gives this feelings but one more thing that mavi has it is from my country.’’
And the other comparative example is
Its values are safety and quality

And it use the slogan ‘’ Volvo for life’’
And here is consumer’s comment for Volvo
‘’Driving a Volvo makes me feel that my family is safe.”

While Mercedes benz uses ‘’ the best or nothing’’

And BMW uses ‘’ the ultimate driving machine’’

Слайд 8Minel Paslı


Слайд 10Definiton of Brand Archetypes
Archetypes are based on Swiss psychologist Carl Jung’s

theory that humans have a basic tendency to use symbolism

to understand concepts. Jung identified 12 archetypes. Each of these has a powerful identity.

Each archetype has its own set of characteristics, values, attitudes and behaviors.

The advertising and marketing industry has applied that concept to create brand archetypes.

The idea is that any brand can relate to one of these 12 iconic models that help define the brand and breathe life into it.

As consumers, we connect with or relate to the personality and aspirations of the brand archetype.

They are universal and eternal and they represent our fundamental needs and desires.

And they bring us closer to the company and its products.

Слайд 11Turkish Brands

Слайд 12Turkish Brands

Слайд 13Turkish Brands

Слайд 14Turkish Brands

Слайд 15Turkish Brands

Слайд 16Turkish Brands

Слайд 17Turkish Brands

Слайд 18Turkish Brands

Слайд 19Turkish Brands

Слайд 20Turkish Brands

Слайд 21Turkish Brands

Слайд 22Turkish Brands

Слайд 24Türkan Saylan
Turkish Army
Kanuni Sultan Süleyman

Слайд 25Fazıl Say
Kemal Sunal
«Mahmut Hoca»
Münir Özkul

Слайд 26Piri Reis
Deniz Gezmiş
Fatih Sultan Mehmet

Слайд 27Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK
Cemal Süreya
Cem Yılmaz

Слайд 28Onur Yılmaz

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