Facebook Video: How Local Business Can Design Ads That Work презентация

Facebook videos received more than 80% of video all interactions in December 2014! How can local business tap that market?

Слайд 1Facebook Video: How Local Business Can Design Ads That Work

Слайд 2Facebook videos received more than 80% of video all interactions in

December 2014!

How can local business tap that market?

Слайд 3Fact
The Facebook algorithm currently prioritizes videos to make up 30% of

the News Feed


Слайд 4The secret to  Facebook video ad success?
Big brands design videos specifically for


Lexus created 1,000 ads in a recent campaign!

Слайд 5Facebook video Ads Play in a user's news feed without sound

unless tapped

Design the video to achieve your ad's objective without sound (like a silent film!)

Слайд 6Understand the mindset of the users
Feature video ads that are entertaining,

emotional, and viral.

Слайд 7You have 7 seconds
To grab your audience. Focus on the opening

of the video.

Слайд 8Trigger positive emotions
Positive emotions are found consistently in viral campaigns.

Слайд 9Ignite a conversation
Focus on content that speaks to existing followers –

something critical!

Слайд 10Rely on strong visual cues
Brands should be recognized by visual elements

in their videos

Слайд 11Use Facebook's targeting tools
Get personal! Take advantage of segmentation to target

specific audiences by location, likes, and more.

Слайд 12Fact
50% of people in the US who visit Facebook daily are

watching one video every day


Слайд 13Facebook gets interactions when…
Local businesses avoid the "spray-and-pray" approach to designing

Local businesses show great content that entertains the audience
Local businesses avoid over-branding their content

Слайд 14
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