Content Architecture in WordPress презентация

I’m a WordPress developer - Information Architect - UX Designer - general Content Enthusiast at I live in Portland, OR. Hi, I’m Jamie Schmid find me online: @jamieschmid

Слайд 2
I’m a WordPress developer - Information Architect - UX Designer -

general Content Enthusiast at
I live in Portland, OR.

Hi, I’m Jamie Schmid

find me online:

Слайд 39Advanced Custom Fields Plugin for WordPress
Conductor Plugin: WordPress Content Types Without


Tuts+ Guide to Content Types and Relationships in WordPress


* This is an amazing 9-part series by Rachel McCollin that explains content types in WordPress starting with the database itself.
It gets technical, but I highly recommend it!!

Custom Post Types UI Plugin: Create Post Types and Taxonomies

Smashing Magazine: The Complete Guide to Custom Post Types

Example Content Inventory/WP Content Types Spreadsheet

Слайд 40BrainTraffic: An Intro to Metadata and Taxonomies
Web Style Guide: Online Resource

for the whole Web Dev process

UX Booth: Complete Beginner’s Guide to IA

The Information Architecture Institute Information Architecture Basics

Слайд : Tips on How to Create a MindMap
Content Inventory/Audit Description

and Resources

Annotating Wireframes

Cleve Gibbon's Awesome Guide to Content Modeling

Karen McGrane: Adapting Ourselves to Adaptive Content

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