Achimenes catalog презентация

Hybridizer : Serge Saliba Catalog : 2016-2017 A new amazing hybrid with crispy petals and beautiful center hard to be taken by a camera. Believe me ,it’s a rare beauty which

Слайд 1Dear customers , I just want to tell you that this

new catalog contains the best of the best varieties. Unfortunately some of them will not satisfy the demand, they are marked as ‘’limited stock’’, they need to be picked up quickly before they will be out.
From now on , the prices are in Euros this year because I cannot receive payments in dollars in Romania due to the new legislation.
All the new hybrids are very flowerer and easy to grow.
I would appreciate if payments are done through PayPal to make things easier.
I wish you a good growing which will make your summer very colored !!

Слайд 2Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
A new amazing hybrid with crispy

petals and beautiful center hard to be taken by a camera. Believe me ,it’s a rare beauty which could be a must have in any collection. It also can change itself to a big yellow center full of strikes. I just adore it when it is in full blooms when hundreds of flowers show up making an unbelievable display with a long lasting period on a compact plant !!
Price : 10 Euros / pc

Achimenes ‘ Crispy red ‘

Слайд 3Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog 2016-2017
If the sun had a smile

,this is it !!
A gorgeous variety with crispy petals and a big yellow center full of strikes.
The edge is a deep purple which make the flower very attractive.
A compact plant with dark glossy leaves which fills up of flowers very fast and lasts too long . Very easy to grow and a very heavy flowerer !!
Price : 10 Euros / 1 Pc
Limited stock !!!!

Achimenes ‘ Sunny Smile ‘

Слайд 4Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
A special Tetra Hybrid, with thich

stem and leaves. Very Compact with big sized flowers .
The corolla is full of dots which start up from the center and cover the whole surface of the petals which have a white reverse that shows a white crawly edge.
It’s a new master piece which didn’t exist before, very precious hybrid dedicated to a precious friend.
Price : 12 Euros /pc
Very Limited Stock !!!!

Achimenes ‘Igor Gaievoi ‘

Слайд 5Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
Do you know the famous

lemon of Sorrento in Italy ? This is its color !!
A very heavy blooming Achimenantha with a striking yellow color .
I have creating many yellow , but this shade attracts my sight immediately due to the strong brightness.
The plant is easy to grow , compact and makes a stunning display.

Price : 10 Euros / pc

X- Achimenantha ‘ Sorrento ‘

Слайд 6Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
Look at this beauty, it’s

superb indeed. The center is amazing!!! The petals are crunchy and thick.
A compact cultivar with high yielding flowers .
Very easy to grow, compact, and long lasting.
Price : 11 euros /pc

Acimenantha ‘ Dor ‘

Слайд 7Hybridizer : Serge Saliba.
Catalog : 2016-2017
A purple hybrid which has attracted

me due to the way of blooming , the flowers shape and colors …Really I couldn’t select it even though I have created some purples in the past, but something special told me : ‘’it deserves to be chosen’’
Very generous, easy grower, compact and makes some super displays.
Price : 9 Euros/pc

Achimenes ‘ Moha ‘

Слайд 8Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog 2016-2017
A hybrid selected for the amazing colors

of the flowers. The petals are fringy , the extra petal(s) is purple, the center is Gorgeous and can vary during the season making the flower to be more and more attractive, it can surprise you with any shape you can imagine , it’s really a must have due to the high yield and the shape of the plant.
The following slide has another colors of the same hybrid.
Price : 12 Euros /pc
Limited Stock!!

Achimenes ‘Brandy Time ‘

Слайд 9Another flower of the same hybrid ‘Brandy time’
Achimenes ‘ Brandy Time

Слайд 10Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
A delicate flower with a beautiful

creamy melon colour, with s blush of red and some dots .
Highly appreciated during selection’s evaluation. The plant is very elegant, with medium green leaves, very resistant, compact and heavy bloomer.
It’s a delicacy of beauty.
Price : 9 Euros .

Achimenes ‘ Creamy Melon ‘

Слайд 11Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
When I looked at it ,

I said it should be selected !!
Sometimes simple beauties are the very appreciated.
The color is gorgeous, very tropical. It needs a Tropical sun to gives what it has in its genes.
Price : 7 Euros
Limited Stock !!

Achimenes ‘ Aloha ‘

Слайд 12Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
Woww!!! Here is a Golden Titan

!! Just superb with a big range and shades of colors which varies during weeks and months of the growing.
Big size, Excellent flowerer, Compact and what else? I just like it.
Price : 9 Euros /pc

Achimenes ‘ Golden Titan ‘

Слайд 13Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
This hybrid in the photo is

grown on my desk and look how a single branch did perform.
A perfect Double white with a small hint of pink in the center.
I named it ‘Ella ‘ because it’s very feminine .
Mega bloomer, compact, elegant …
Price : 10 Euros /pc

Achimenes ‘Ella’

Слайд 14Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
Well , I threw a Sicilian

orange and it exploded giving this adorable, very adorable Hybrid !!!
It fills up with flowers and makes hundreds of them.
It’s the perfection of this category.
Price : 13 Euros /pc

Achimenes ‘ Orange Grenade ‘

Слайд 15Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
An exceptional hybrid because :
1- of

the embossed texture of the petals.
2- blooms non stop , no dormancy.
3- makes mostly stolon(like strawberry) instead of rhizomes .
These 3 qualities make it a treasure for Achimenes Genus and botany, it’s a must have since it’s hard to be created. A result of many years of work.
The plant is compact and generous with elegant allure .
Price : 13 Euros /pc or stolon .

Achimenes ‘ Yellow Glory ‘

Слайд 16Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
Finally , I got it.
I am

always trying to introduce new cultivars in the ‘’English Rose ‘’ Serie.
Here one of them with a superb beautiful Lavender and a unique shape of petals. It makes tons of big blooms so the plant should be sustained by sticks to not break under the heavy blooms weight.

Price : 13 Euros /pc

‘Lavender English Rose ‘

Слайд 17Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog 2016-2017
I look at it and I fall

in love for thousands times !!!
A gorgeous trailing Hybrid with big white perfect double blooms.
And the most attractive are those red splashes on the white background.
Very heavy blooming but since it is a trailing hybrid , I advice to pinch it twice to make a mass of colors .
Price : 13 Euros /pc

Achimenes ‘ Sue Ad ‘

Слайд 18Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
My Goodness !!!!!
Compact plant with tiny

salad green leaves and full of giants huge salmon flowers.
The corolla is perfectly doubled , so proud that I have created this salmon.
Price : 13 Euros /pc

Achimenes ‘Salmon Pride ‘

Слайд 19Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog 2016-2017
I have created many from this category,

but small details do always count.
It’s a trailing Hybrid ,ideal for Hanging baskets, and with a stunning contrast between the light green leaves and the intense red.
Very flowerer, extremely appreciated during selection.
Pinch twice.
Price : 11 Euros / pc

Achimenes ‘ Assault ‘

Слайд 20Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog 2016-2017
My tiny Achimenes !!! It’s a very

compact hybrid which maintain its height even in shade .
And the blooms are unique, fringed , thick, double or semi double with a pink blush which accentuates with low temps . Heavy bloomer, a new category of Acimenes which I will enrich with many colors in the future.
Price : 12 Euros /pc

Achimenes ‘Cloud Maker ‘

Слайд 21Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
A stunning Achimenantha with wonderful Orange /yellow

The foliage is very dark green . I consider it as a masterpiece but ….the petals and leaves are very sensible to extra watering.
The petals have a delicate silky texture ,so please do not spray water or overwater the soil , otherwise it will burn up.
Price : 10 Euros
Limited Stock!!

Achimenantha ‘ Alexandra Shvelidze ‘

Слайд 22Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
This is from the same category

of ‘ Peach Pride ‘.
Small leaves, huge perfect double flowers. The color varies from white (high temperature), pale white pink (medium temperature) and pink (low temperature).
I will not repeat what I have commented about ‘Peach Pride ‘ , all what I can say that it’s a treasure !!!!
Price 13 Euros /pc

Achimenes ‘ Guadalupe ‘

Слайд 23
Achimenes ‘ Golden Buck ‘

Слайд 24Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
A small x Achimenantha which is

supposed to appear in the last catalog ,but for technical reasons in propagation I was obliged to launch it now.
It’s a beautiful cultivar with small flowers , a warm pink BonBon and with a large white area around the star in the center .The plant is compact but I advise to pinch it one time to be more . One more thing , it has an attractive white neck.
I consider it as a new category of Achimenanthas which I am working to shrink their size more and more .

Price : 8 Euros /pc

X Achimenantha ‘Petite Rosette ‘

Слайд 25Hybridyzer : Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
If you want to know how

is the power of fire , grow this one . You will have cascades of fire red blooms, some are simple and others with extra petal.
The center is gorgeous !!
Grow it in hanging baskets sine it’s a trailing plant. I advise to pinch 2-3 times to maximize the flowers number .
Price : 8 Euros /pc

Achimines ‘Fire Power ‘

Слайд 26Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog 2016-2017
My darling ‘’Nia’’ !!
Very tough lady

, but I adore her ☺)
It makes 2 -3 types of flowers in the same time , very big and elegant ones.
It’s difficult to control the color, and this makes it very special!!!
I will publish more different blooms to show you its beauty.
Very Generous, very long lasting and compact .
Price 10 euros /pc

Achimenes ‘ Nia ‘

Слайд 27Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
A new amazing hybrid with crispy

petals and beautiful center hard to be taken by a camera. Believe me ,it’s a rare beauty which could be a must have in any collection. It also can change itself to a big yellow center full of strikes. I just adore it when it is in full blooms when hundreds of flowers show up making an unbelievable display with a long lasting period on a compact plant !!
Price : 10 Euros / pc

Achimenes ‘ Crispy Red ‘

Слайд 28Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
Oh yes!! This is the third

member in the ‘’English Rose ‘’ Serie.
Amazing hybrid with a bluish lavender pastel color. The shape of the corolla is very elegant.
It’s compact, generous, absolutely a breathtaking beauty!!
Price : 13 Euros /pc

Achimenes ‘Blue English Rose ‘

Слайд 29Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
A stunning compact hybrid with amazing

flower shape and colors( sky colors : white purple and yellow)
Purple veins can appear on the whole petals emerging from the center (see the another pic),it’s very compact and high yielding, giving some stunning small pots .
It’s very dear to me because its name is related to an extremely dear person.
Price : 10 Euros/pc.

Achimenes ‘ Ionica Istrate ‘

Слайд 30Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
First, sorry for the poor quality

of the photo’s content, usually I do not Publish something like that. I took many shots of this hybrid and all are somewhere or deleted by mistake. Fortunately I found this one which I took for a single stem planted in a small coffee plastic pot and exposed to the harsh summer elements.. But anyway you can see how this plant thrives and blooms in a small amount of soil in August direct sunlight. The capacity of blooming is amazing!!!even without pinching(photo).
Wonderful indeed!!
Price : 9 Euros/pc

Achimenes ‘Rhonda Thornely’

Слайд 31Hybridizer : ‘Summmer Ray’
Catalog : 2016-2017
When the summer sun rises, this

is its first ray which announce that is summer time !!
Very early hybrid, easy to grow, fills up easily with tons of orange edged blooms around a beautiful center. It’s a peach version of Achimenes ‘ Dot ‘ which is very famous and successful hybrid.
Price : 10 Euros /pc

Achimenes ‘ Summer Ray ‘

Слайд 32Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
This ‘Hungry Fire ‘ which eats

everything especially the Achimenantha’s leaves ☺
I am saying that because the hybrid blooms very early and in a short RECORD time, no leaves will be visible !!! The bright fire color eat everything and shows up into a wonderful display!!
This is the earliest Gesneriad at all, it blooms very early, and the plant is VERY compact.
This Serie of this category will not end here, beautiful hybrids :White , yellow and very dark purple)almost black) will be ready in the next serie and the amazing thing is that this category bloom very early and lasts very long until dormancy.

Price :11 Euros /pc

Achimenantha ‘ Hungry Fire ‘

Слайд 33Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
So attractive pure Achimenantha ,superb flowers

with a new beautiful shade of pink combined with a light pink around the center.
The texture is like Velvet. It’s so appreciated by me during testing and evaluation.
The stems are 45cm tall(in my conditions) that’s why I advise to pinch it twice at least.
Price : 8 Euros /pc

Achimenantha ‘ Scarlet Velvet ‘

Слайд 34Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog :2016-2017
A unique tiny Achimenes with small leaves

and flowers.
The flowers are double and shows a beautiful yellow center.
It’s very suitable for small pots like mini Sinningias and make a small cascade full of bluish purple blooms . I consider it a new breakthrough in double Achimenes.
Price : 11 Euros/pc

Achimenes ‘Miniscule ‘

Слайд 35Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
This one is amazing due to

the generosity in flowers. It blooms even when it is neglected .
Tons of flowers appear with different colors.
Just adorable , I mean it.
Ideal for hanging baskets.
Price : 10 Euros.

Achimenes ‘ Golden Buck ‘

Слайд 36Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
What a beauty !!! It’s named

Cupidon because it makes you fall in love with it.
A beautiful strong magenta on a double elegant flower.
You will discover lots of details on the petals which are not shown in the photo. A superb color combination with the light green leaves.
Compact, generous and a must have !
Price : 10 Euros/pc

Achimenes ’Cupidon ‘

Слайд 37Hybridiser : Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
This is a stunning hybrid which

can have many appearances , A total white, a bluish purple, half white half purple and the one in the photo.
The interesting thing that you can have all of these on the same plant in the same time.
The medium dark leaves make a nice contrast with the flowers ,especially when they are white.
A mega bloomer, Compact and a must have of course.
It was named Oxygen because it gives life to the soul , like the oxygen to any living being.
Price : 11 Euros /pc

Achimenes ‘ Oxygen ‘

Слайд 38Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog 2016-2017
This hybrid is dedicated to my dear

friend Charles Lawn.
I have created something similar, but this one has a strong resistant pink pigment in the center. Also the way of blooming is amazing , it makes showers of flowers !!
Very elegant , compact, resistant, and simply adorable !
Price : 10 Euros /pc

Achimenes ‘Aussie Beauty’

Слайд 39Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
Here is a hard core of

this collection, unbelievable new hybrid with light green petals and a pink center. The plant is very generous and compact.
A perfect hybrid indeed!!
I cannot describe my feelings when the first flower opened ,it was a memorable day !!!
Price : 12 Euros /pc

Achimenes ‘ Hassiba Saliba ‘

Слайд 40Hybridiazer : Serge Saliba
Catalog 2016-2017
A marvelous Achimenantha with beautiful flowers that

have a special texture and fine dark orange lines on the petals which are not caught in the photo .
One more special thing is the very light green leaves which give a such beautiful combination.
Very resistant, excellent bloomer .
Price : 9 Euros
Limited stock !!

Achimenantha ‘ Jana Libalova ‘

Слайд 41Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog 2016-2017
This is a double version of Achimenes

‘Candy Girl ‘ which had a big success and was a best selling variety.
Same qualities. I am sure that it will have a success like its sister .
Price : 9 Euros
Limited Stock !!

Achimenes ‘ Pink Punch ‘

Слайд 42
Achimenes ‘ Oxygen ‘

Слайд 43Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
A very compact Achimenes with double

fringed petals ,so white and delicate like a white paper. Very special due to the very short stems and the abundant flowers .
Price : 10 Euros / pc

Achimenes ‘Paper work’

Слайд 44Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog 2016-2017
I really don’t know what color is

this. It’s a complex mix with a hint of silver on it. Really Special.
In the hot months with extreme heat and direct sunlight it becomes white and yellow with a peach purple edge. So appreciated also for the huge elegant double blooms .
Price : 12 Euros /pc
Very Limited stock !!

Achimenes ‘ Vanilla Custard ‘

Слайд 45Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog 2016-2017
Look at this color cocktail ,isn’t amazing

with these dark green leaves?
It’s a mix of three pastel colors: Pink , yellow, and orange.
The plant has an amazing look due to the contrast between the dark leaves and the light colors of the BIG petals, it’s also so flowerer and does very well under any condition.
Price : 9 Euros /pc

Achimenes ‘Pastellina ‘

Слайд 46
Achimenes ‘ Nia ‘

Слайд 47Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
Anew splendid trailing hybrid with a

special shade of pink combined with the peach in the center.
Very successful, resistant and will not let you down!!!
Price : 10 Euros .

X – Achimenantha ‘Julia Hudson’

Слайд 48Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
This one is a masterpiece!!
If it’s

well grown , it gives you a mosaic of all colors combinations.
Very unusual, very Exceptional !!
Excellent bloomer and elegant.
Price 13 Euros!!
Very limited stock !!!

Achimenes ‘Cold Spot ‘

Слайд 49ybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
O ,LA , LA !!
This gorgeous

Achimenantha is something else. I think if 10 growers grow it , it will not be the same colors for all. It’s a very complex colors combination controlled by many genes which are shut down and turns on depending on every stimulus. But this photo is what it looks like in most cases and periods.
A very elegant corolla, and plant.
Please pinch at least once .

PRICE : 13 Euros / pc

Achimenantha ‘ Grape Smasher ‘

Слайд 50Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
A stunning compact hybrid with amazing

flower shape and colors( sky colors : white purple and yellow)
Purple veins can appear on the whole petals emerging from the center (see the another pic),it’s very compact and high yielding, giving some stunning small pots .
It’s very dear to me because its name is related to an extremely dear person.
Price : 10 Euros/pc.

Achimenes ‘ Ionica Istrate ‘

Слайд 51Achimenes ‘ Golden Buck With another look!!

Achimenes ‘ Golden Buck ‘

Слайд 52Hybridizer : Serge Saliba
Catalog : 2016-2017
This one is a masterpiece!!
If it’s

well grown , it gives you a mosaic of all colors combinations.
Very unusual, very Exceptional !!
Excellent bloomer and elegant.
Price 13 Euros!!
Very limited stock !!!

Achimenes ‘ Cold Spot ‘

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