5 Keys to Local Search Success in 2014 презентация


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Слайд 1Rand Fishkin, Wizard of Moz | @randfish | rand@moz.com
5 Keys

to Local Search Success in 2014

Слайд 2Download this Slide Deck

Слайд 3This presentation is about how to stand out from the crowd

and perform in competitive local niches, not about how to do the basics of Local SEO.


Слайд 4I.E. If you’re trying to get listed in this block:
Check out

a resource like this one.

Слайд 5But if you’re trying to have a dominant local listing presence

like this, forge on!

Straight-up domination

Слайд 6Local businesses must be doing something unique, memorable, & marketing-worthy to

stand out in competitive online results.


Слайд 7Unique: San Diego’s Cucina Urbana lets you buy wine at retail,

then charges corkage, rather than the usual markup

Слайд 8SEO Benefits? The quantity of mentions, links, articles, and coverage of

Urbana’s unique wine pricing almost certainly helps their rankings (and their Yelp, Urbanspoon, Zagat, etc. ratings).

Слайд 9Marketing-Worthy: The Oregon Shakespeare Festival realized that without young theatre-goers, they

would eventually be out of business, and thus launched low-priced tickets for patrons between the ages of 19–35 years old.

Слайд 10Business Benefits? Although theater attendance nationally has fallen, OSF is breaking

their own records every year, achieving 85-95% of seat capacity filled (in a season that runs from March-November)

Via http://www.mailtribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20131110/NEWS/311100340/-1/TEMPO

Слайд 11Creative: In 2011, this bookstore in New Jersey pre-wrapped books, hid

the titles, and relied on the clever descriptions and surprising concept to sell the product.

Слайд 12Results: The marketing concept spread like wildfire (some articles online suggest

it began first in libraries). Today, hundreds of bookstores use it.

Слайд 13The Wallingford Beast? Using an old newspaper article as inspiration, the

crew from Seattle’s Archie McPhee concocted an entire series of videos, a website, and a tourist attraction inside their store.

Слайд 14Margins on $0.50 Tchotchkes Suck. To survive, McPhee had to become

a remarkable, unique destination for Seattle’s residents and its visitors. Flexing that marketing muscle over and over again has led to online success, too.

Слайд 15
Remarkability is what creates the potential for virality and inspires the

act of sharing. Those who do/will not create share-worthy local businesses will likely find their niche dominated by someone who does.

Слайд 16Breaking up your web presence will seriously get in the way

of the rankings you’ve earned & deserve.


Слайд 17Main website
Where I schedule appointments
Where I find discounts & specials

Слайд 18Lack of consistency costs: Each of those pages was used as

the primary site on different listing sources (for a while, Google even had Bang’s Schedulicity page as the primary map result for their brand)

Слайд 19Their main site has everything you might need in a single

place, and they’ve never used any other web addresses.

Слайд 20Ranking #1, even without the reviews or references their competitors have.

Слайд 21Don’t do this. You cannot control the user experience, nor can

you guarantee you’ll always have that address.

Слайд 22Ditto here – splitting up the main site from the blog

can cost citations, visits, and link equity.

Слайд 23Saving potential customers a single click or a few seconds can

mean the difference between a sale and losing out to the competition.


Слайд 24Our brains are rewiring themselves.. As generations who grew up with

technology mature, consumers’ expectations for instant gratification from the web & apps will continue to accelerate.

Слайд 25Let’s try an experiment: I’m visiting Northern Queensland and check out

local attractions on my Tripadvisor app. This crocodile one looks cool…

Слайд 26But are they open today?! Tripadvisor usually has an “hours” field,

but I guess it’s not here so I’ll have to visit their site. Maybe they have a really complex schedule or something.

Слайд 27Oh great, a non-responsive website. Let me just pinch and zoom

around and accidentally click the wrong menu item until I click the right one and… man, if they only had the hours on the homepage!

Слайд 288:30am-5pm every day of the year?! Why didn’t Tripadvisor have that

information?! Ugh. Three clicks and almost 200 seconds down the drain!

Слайд 29
Actually, I was wrong about Tripadvisor. They don’t have an hours

field, but they do allow businesses to put hours into their description/info field. This is a very useful hack for all sorts of FAQs you might get.

Слайд 30
Compare & Contrast: This is my optometrist’s mobile site. It’s not

much to look at, but it does get me every piece of info I need extremely fast.

Слайд 31Many Platforms Let Consumers Save Time. Filling out Foursquare’s hours, location,

menu, etc. can all save an extra click.

Слайд 32

Many Platforms Let Consumers Save Time. Enabling apps like Yelp to

directly hook into a reservation system can yield more bookings.

Слайд 33A Basic Checklist:

Are the 5-10 most common questions asked in-store, over

the phone or in search queries answered (or at least obviously linked-to) on the site’s homepage?

Is there a process to regularly review information online (on your site and on any portals) for accuracy?

Are the sites that rank in searches for your business name as complete with information as possible?

Does the mobile version of your site load quickly and display properly on iOS, Android & Windows Mobile?

Have you enabled features that may save consumers clicks/time on popular apps & listing sites?

Слайд 34Ignoring non-Google players in the local ecosystem can be fatal to

your long-term success.


Слайд 35Even if you think your customers only use Google.. Watch out.

Local listings are often playing second-fiddle to content sites, local aggregators, and roundups.

Слайд 36Barnacle SEO: The process of optimizing your listings, site, business, and

marketing to appear in OTHER sites that rank well may be a huge win. Excellent piece by David Mihm here.

Слайд 37Side Benefits: Outreach to content sites, inclusion in listing sites, and

the process of jumping through the hoops to get these mentions yield links & citations that help rankings.

Link & address citation!

Слайд 38Creativity and willingness to invest in web/inbound marketing are becoming less

the exception, and more the rule.


Слайд 39Some marketing ideas are simply awful

Слайд 40But, hey, at least they’re trying something.

Слайд 41
Critical Mistake: Many local businesses assume that if the message/marketing doesn’t

reach their target customer, it’s not worthy of investment.

Reality: Reaching influencers (press, media, bloggers, online reviewers, social accounts, etc) may actually have a stronger impact that trickles down through increased mentions/links/rankings/etc.

Слайд 42How does domination like this happen?

Слайд 43Not only is Canlis the first brand on Google, they’re also

at the top of most of the other lists in the SERPs

Слайд 44It almost seems unfair that brands can have this level of

influence in the SERPs.

Слайд 45But there’s a pattern to all of these businesses

Слайд 46
They invest an overwhelming amount of time and energy into marketing

efforts – most of which fail.

Слайд 47Memorable: Pittsburgh defense attorney Daniel Muessig launched his independent practice with

a video that received national media attention.

Слайд 48Web Results? Despite Daniel’s tragic lack of investment in any web

marketing (no website, no local SEO efforts), searching for any keywords around his video brings it up, often above the local results.

Слайд 49
“I’m trying to run a business here. I don’t have time

to figure out the web or try crazy marketing stuff. I need to focus on my customers and my bottom line.”

-The 99% of local businesses that don’t dominate their niche

Слайд 50
“Remarkability lies in the edges. The biggest, fastest, slowest, richest, easiest,

most difficult. It doesn't always matter which edge, more that you're at (or beyond) the edge.”

- Seth Godin

Слайд 515 Keys to Local Search Success in 2014
Rand Fishkin, Wizard of

Moz | @randfish | rand@moz.com


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