5 Keys to Cultivating aHigh Performance Sales Culture презентация

Agenda Why Culture is the Main Driver of Sales Performance 7 Indicators of a High Performance Sales Culture 3 Sales Performance Killers 5 Keys to a High Performance Sales Culture: Formation

Слайд 1 5 Keys to Cultivating a High Performance Sales Culture
Michael Hanna Co-Founder &


Слайд 2Agenda
Why Culture is the Main Driver of Sales Performance
7 Indicators of

a High Performance Sales Culture
3 Sales Performance Killers
5 Keys to a High Performance Sales Culture:
Formation through Vision and Values
Guidance through Content & Capture
Expansion through Capacity & Compensation
Nurture through Community & Cadence
Simplification through Clarity & Consistency

Слайд 3Why Culture is the Main Driver of Sales Performance
Sales Culture: The

environment in which sales people collectively develop the attitudes and habits that organically determine their sales results.

Image from http://www.hbcanoekayak.co.uk/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/kayaking-grade-2.jpg

Слайд 47 Indicators of a High Performance Sales Culture
Poor performers feel out

of place.
Top sales reps are referring other top sales reps.
Top performers persevere. When the going gets tough they get creative instead of drawing back.
Clashing personalities suck it up for the greater good of the company’s vision.
Excuses stand out like a soar thumb. Reps are quick to accept responsibility and slow to shift blame.
People hold each other accountable.
Family members feel like part of the corporate family.

Слайд 53 Sales Performance Killers
Skepticism: Lack of trust in leadership and lack

of conviction that the vision can and will be achieved.

Passivity: A lack of ownership over the vision. Being quick to give up. Always seeking the path of least resistance rather than the path of greatest benefit.

Gossip: Lack of trust in among peers. Unhealthy competition. A feeling that “my colleague’s demise is my benefit”.

Слайд 6Formation through Vision and Values
Vision (where & why):

Values (how):
Enable the vision


They are to be applied, not just written.
Application must be systematic deliberate.

Слайд 7Guidance through Content & Capture
6 Steps to Establish a Healthy Capture/Content


For each stage in your sales cycle identify three key activities that will get your prospect to the next stage.
Configure your CRM system to capture and report on those activities.
Dedicate one full day each month to analyzing that data, looking for trends that tie specific sales activities to sales results. Those are your high-impact sales activities.
Create content and tools to make those high-impact sales activities as easy and natural as possible.
Reinforce the use of those tools and content until those high-impact activities become high-impact habits.
Rinse and repeat.

Слайд 8Expansion through Capacity & Compensation
Hire High-Capacity Performers
Increase Their Capacity
Keep Them Performing

Near Capacity

Слайд 9Nurture through Community & Cadence
People commit to a company by contracts

and compensation, but they are loyal to a leader by love and legacy.

Contract + Compensation = Commitment
Love + Legacy = Loyalty
Leaders who care about them: this provides a sense of safety.
A vision and chance to contribute to a legacy: this provides a sense of significance.

Слайд 10Simplification through Clarity & Consistency
Sales Operations is the keeper of clarity

the and protector of simplicity.

Слайд 11Agenda
Why Culture is the Main Driver of Sales Performance
7 Indicators of

a High Performance Sales Culture
3 Sales Performance Killers
5 Keys to a High Performance Sales Culture:
Formation through Vision and Values
Guidance through Content & Capture
Expansion through Capacity & Compensation
Nurture through Community & Cadence
Simplification through Clarity & Consistency

Слайд 12Questions

Слайд 13Contact Michael

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