The Future of Content Marketing презентация

Great marketing is great storytelling

Слайд 1The Future of
Content Marketing

Michael Brenner
NewsCred – Head of Strategy

Слайд 2

Слайд 4Great
is great

Слайд 5Today’s always-on, connected world presents a huge challenge and an opportunity

for Brands

Слайд 6We need to connect with our audience through stories people love!

Слайд 8Today we are all connected

Слайд 9

Слайд 12Buyer Journey Has Changed
Source: CEB

Слайд 14

“Content Marketing is all the marketing that’s left!”
Seth Godin, 2008

Слайд 15
The Internet - Mosaic browser 1993

Слайд 16
The first online banner ad - 1994

Слайд 17

Newspaper Advertising Revenue: Adjusted for Inflation, 1950 to 2013

Слайд 18Banners
4 X more likely to be struck by lightning
31 X more

likely to win the lottery
475 X more likely to survive a plane crash
31% banners “unviewable” (Comscore)
50% mobile banner clicks accidental (Goldspot Media)
Kraft rejects 75% -85% of banners due to quality (AdAge)

Слайд 1960-70% of marketing content
goes completely unused.
(Sirius Decisions)

Слайд 2073% of people surveyed wouldn’t care if the brands they use

disappeared from their life.

Слайд 21
The half-life of a piece of content
shared on top social

networks is 3 hours.

(Half-life is the amount of time it takes content to reach 50% of the clicks it will ever receive).


Слайд 2280% of CEOs unsatisfied with CMOs
(Fournaise Group)

Слайд 23
Marketing has a marketing problem!

Слайд 24Unique Point of View Trap
How brands can become consumed with their

story, not their customers.

Слайд 25
“Brands need to
take the phrase
‘acting like a publisher’

Mateschitz, Founder and CEO Red Bull

Слайд 26
Effective Content Marketers

Document content strategy
Consistently publish quality content
Track Content Marketing ROI

content to buyer journey
Balance Paid, Owned, Earned Media

Слайд 27Effective Content Marketers
Ineffective Content Marketers
No Strategy

Has a Content Marketing Strategy
Documented Content Marketing


No Strategy

Has a Content Marketing Strategy

Documented Content Marketing Strategy

Слайд 2811/19/14
2. Consistently Publish Quality Content

Слайд 29Boost credibility, publishing cadence and direct traffic with a high-volume of

fully-licensed, compliant content.

Share on-brand stories which are created specifically for you.

Leverage snackable content through UGC that engages your target audience.

Licensed Content

Custom Content

Social Content

Слайд 3011/19/14
3. Track Content Marketing ROI

Слайд 31“Content Marketing ROI is 4X our traditional marketing spend.”
~ Julie

Fleischer, Kraft

Слайд 324. Map content to the buyer journey

Слайд 33Analyze Content by Buyer Stage
Late-Stage Content
Middle-Stage Content
Early-Stage Content

Слайд 34Unilever Marketing Spend 2000-2015
5. Balance Paid, Owned, Earned Media

Слайд 37

Content about us

Content for social

Disconnected digital channels

Campaign-driven content




Content at the core of everything

Brand content hubs / publishers

Continuous “culture of content”

What will change in 2015?

Слайд 38
The Future of
Content Marketing is

Слайд 39
The Future of
Content Marketing is

Слайд 40
The Future of
Content Marketing is

Слайд 41
The Future of
Content Marketing is

Слайд 42Strategies for content marketing success in 2015
Document goals and commit to

measure ROI
Volume, Value and Variety
Map content to your customer’s journey
Focus on visual, social, fun (headlines)
Start with owned, earned then paid

Слайд 43Your audience wants stories.

Will you give it to them?


Слайд 44Questions?

Обратная связь

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Email: Нажмите что бы посмотреть 

Что такое

Это сайт презентаций, докладов, проектов, шаблонов в формате PowerPoint. Мы помогаем школьникам, студентам, учителям, преподавателям хранить и обмениваться учебными материалами с другими пользователями.

Для правообладателей
