Unconventional “Copywriting Hacks”

that you can't learn from books.

Слайд 2 9 Commandments of Great Copywriting

Know your audience
Determine your value proposition
Find a

unique selling proposition
Establish an objective
Use compelling headlines
Avoid weasel words (may, maybe, hope, wish, try, but, could, perhaps and strive)
Don’t use passive voice, Write in the present tense
Include a customer quote if you have one
Keep your copy clean and concise

Source: entrepreneur.com/article/164812

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Слайд 3Landing Page Mistakes That Are Killing Your Chances At Conversions

Using your

regular website design
You don’t have a single focus landing page
Your page is not optimized for mobile
Not having a preview of goods
Uncompressed images are slowing down your page
You are not using their language
No image / your images don’t show context of use
Too much text
No list of benefits
Bad Typography
Too many options

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Слайд 4How To Make Great Landing Pages That Convert

An effective landing page:


it consistent
Grabs your visitor’s attention
Communicates in a clear and simple way
Calls the visitor to perform an action
Builds trust and credibility
Keeps information gathering to a minimum
Gives to get some
Follows up with a thank you page

Source: inboundrocket.co

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Слайд 5
Copywriting hacks to build high converting landing pages @simplilearn


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Слайд 7 Create Compelling Headline
Use specific statistics and numbers


example, “13,000 users are happy with our product” is much more compelling than “our users are happy with our product”.

Evoke emotion

Whether you’re selling digital products, physical products, or even software technology, emotions definitely sell.

Use customers language

I know, I know. This post is about landing page optimization, but you can actually convert much more visitors into leads if you speak the same language they speak.

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Слайд 8 Small changes can improve CTAs
Use weird calls

to action

Many case studies revealed that “weird” calls-to-action convert much better than the common “buy now” or “sign up now”.

Ask for micro commitments

For example, instead of asking people to buy your products, you can offer a 30-day free trial. That way, your visitors will be able to make a more informed decision

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Here’s an example of how changing the possessive determiner from, “My” to, “Your” decreased conversion by 24.91% on a forum payment page.

Слайд 9 Show prices to double lead generation
There are

some things you need to consider before displaying prices.

Time as major benefit

People can perceive more value when you use time as a major benefit

Avoid option overload

Consumers constantly face “analysis paralysis, where too many options actually result in no decision being made”.

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Слайд 10 Get rid of points of friction
Remove social


If you want people to subscribe (or buy) to your products, make it easy for them. Adding social icons to your landing page will only distract them.

Remove distractors

Try to look for things that might be distracting your visitors from your main goal and remove them.

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Слайд 11 Develop a unique & Clear value proposition


Several studies have demonstrated that people feel more motivated to avoid a loss than to win something.

In other words, you can create more compelling value propositions by writing things like “Don’t lose more money” instead of “Save more money”.

Let someone else speak for you

People who have used your product to solve their problems are best suited to describe it. In other words, testimonials are the most powerful value propositions you can use.

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Слайд 12 Create Compelling Headline

Tell stories to connect with

your visitors

Do you know why movies and novels are so popular? Because they’re extremely good at telling stories. Yes, people LOVE stories.

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Слайд 13 Use twitter testimonials
I’m sure you’ve a twitter

account (if not, go ahead and create one). And you probably have a sign-up form on your website as well. What if I tell you that you can leverage the power of Twitter to create powerful sign-up boosters?

Brian Dean(@Backlinko) was able to increase credibility just by incorporating these twitter comments to the page.

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Слайд 14 Use psycho-boosters!
“Buyers do what their instincts tell

them to do — to act immediately on what is important (urgency), and to acquire what is limited (scarcity). “ – Neil Patel

Action triggers

Privacy statements and money-back guarantees are good examples of action triggers. If you incorporate these things into your landing page, you’ll actually boost conversions.

Use scarcity

For example, adding phrases like “4 seats left” or “Price will increase in 2 days” can dramatically increase the number of visitors that actually convert into a lead.

Use risk reversals

People HATE risks!
Especially when money is involved in the equation, and incorporating guarantees into your landing page’s copy can demonstrate people that they can trust you.

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Слайд 15 Make copy sexier for your visitors
Listen: You

can add lots of useful information to your landing page, and it would be great.

Use ‘Bucket Brigades’

Basically, Bucket brigades are words and phrases that entice people to read the next sentence.


Whether you’re selling digital products, physical products, or even software technology, emotions definitely sell.

Use customers language

I know, I know. This post is about landing page optimization, but you can actually convert much more visitors into leads if you speak the same language they speak.

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Слайд 16 Use video to increase conversion up to


Tell your product’s story

If you look at the majority of landing page videos, the focus is mostly upon describing features of the product itself, but very few focus on telling the story behind the product.

Remember the rule that storytelling is powerful?

Well, video is the best way to tell your product’s story (especially on landing pages).Well, video is the best way to tell your product’s story (especially on landing pages).

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Слайд 17 Use proven objection blockers to build credibility


Your visitors are more likely to convert if they see that other people already took action. So, why not show them how many subscribers your newsletter has or how many people have bought your product?


Testimonials are powerful!

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Слайд 18 Use these words to convert more visitors

into leads

I’ll tell you something awful:
Most people will only read 20% of your landing page copy.
But do you know that there are some words that convert better than others?

So use words wisely.

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Слайд 19 Give your visitors some love with extra


Everyone (included me) LOVES gifts, and your visitors are no exception.
Dr. Jerry Burger found that people are more likely to buy from you if you offer an extra “something” for free. For example, you would be more likely to buy a Burger if that came with free potatoes and a soda.
When it comes to boosting landing pages conversion, you can apply the same psychology.
For instance, take a look at the right side landing page:

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Слайд 20 Support your copy with the right image

good image is worth a thousand words”
And it’s true. Sometimes, you can add more value to your landing page copy by including the right image.

Use Images that support your value proposition
Add Pictures of Real People

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Слайд 21 Cull useless words
Return on time invested (ROTI),

is one of the first things you should focus on when creating your landing page. That way, whether people take action or not, they’ll feel that the time spent on your page was worth it.
That’s why you should spend time cutting out unnecessary stuff and useless information from your landing page.

For example, plague words. These are words that add no extra value to your content. Instead of writing “ask a question”, you should write only “ask”, because those words only waste time.

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Слайд 22Your Turn
Now that you know how to create landing pages that

convert better, it’s time to put these techniques into practice!

Just remember, don’t try to apply all of them at the same time. Grab 2-3 and move forward. Wait a few days and analyze results.

Detailed guide: http://www.simplilearn.com/copywriting-tips-for-landing-page-conversion-article

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Слайд 23Learn from the pioneer of marketing

www. Simplilearn.com

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Слайд 24Life is Short Build Stuff that Matters!
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