Dr. Itiel Dror Cognitive Neuroscientist University College London Nir Wegrzyn CEO BrandOpus #NailingJelly презентация

Слайд 1Dr. Itiel Dror
Cognitive Neuroscientist
University College London

Nir Wegrzyn


Слайд 2The vast majority of decisions made in the supermarket are not



But in reality, we still assume rationality.

Слайд 3And even when we do accept that decisions are not rational, we don’t

know what to do with it.

Слайд 4Even forensic science is open to subjectivity and bias. Human decisions are

always subject to non-rational context and other influences.


Слайд 5Brands fail because we drive literal, explicit messages through our creativity, restricting

its effectiveness


Слайд 6It’s not enough to be presented. It’s not enough to be seen. It

needs to be remembered. It needs to get the message into the brain and make it stick.


Слайд 7Make messages into memories
Encode in the appropriate parts of the brain
Tell a

relevant story,

and tell it well


Cognitive neuroscience teaches us to stick, we must

Слайд 8We know that the mind does not perceive and encode most

of the information that is available. In fact, we only take on board a small part of the world around us.. If we take it in at all.


Слайд 9Things are defined not by their sameness,
but by their QUIRKS, their



Слайд 10Focus on rational messaging
is a

Слайд 11Consumer shopping behaviour is affected more by emotion than rationality.. Even

if they don’t know it.


Слайд 12#NailingJelly
We must care more about the consumer
Not what they
‘think they


Слайд 13The brand frames how
consumers feel about the brand and products

Слайд 14Having a story matters. Having an emotionally engaging story matters more.

Слайд 15#1
Your identity itself must be distinctive & quirky
not just attention grabbing

the brand in a story
don’t depend on the rational brain to encode the message

The story must create a meaning
emotion and context drive behaviour and generate action, not facts

Слайд 16Thank you.
Calling marketers, we’d love to present the full talk to

If you’d like us to do a lunch and learn at your offices
please email us at events@brandopus.com

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