Why making choices based on intuition can be successful? презентация

Слайд 1Why making choices based on intuition

can be successful?

By David Navarro

Слайд 2“Is the intuition a source of knowledge, as valid as the

“logical thinking”?”

Слайд 3“Only a small part of our brain structure takes care of

the knowledge learned conciously”

Слайд 4“the rest, which is almost everything except the neocortex, takes care

of the intuitive unconscious, the knowledge we receive almost imperceptibly, and the emotions”

Слайд 5“the conscious part of the brain is very good at imagining

the future based on past experiences”

Слайд 6But this needs to be trained, too. In the childhood, the

past and the future are unknown concepts which need to be inculcated.

Слайд 7The consciuos is not able to understand or even see things

which is not ready to.
Barriers like timings, social prejudgements, fears, needs, make our conscious to discard/filter many information.

Слайд 8The kind of human values inculcated in the childhood has a

heavy influence on the filtering criteria of conscious.

Слайд 9By contrast, the unconscious, in a disorderly manner, receives all the

available information, virtually with no filter or barrier.

Слайд 10“Only in the unconscious can be carried out complex cognitive processes.”

there where the so-called intuition appears.

Слайд 12“The heart has reasons that
the reason can not understand.
Blaise Pascal”

who have fewer barriers than adults, are faster to detect feelings and intentions which are invisible to adults.

Слайд 13“All big decisions are rooted at the information received in the

Unknowingly, it influences us and gives us signs and answers.”

How could we take more advantage of this fact?

Слайд 14Light up your brain by allowing both sides to communicate well

supply the right energy

Слайд 15do not let to limit your mind

Слайд 16The great difference of being humans, is that each one of

us are unique individuals, which can cooperate with others.

Let not into oblivion what makes you unique,
while working in community with others.

Слайд 17Keep feeding it with good contents
Water it with high human values

Слайд 18Remember : Your unconscious, the “heartly part”, will always “knock you”

faster and stronger.

Слайд 19Is fully operative while the other sleeps,
and has more information.

Слайд 20Expedite the comunication

between them.

Слайд 21Get rid of mental garbage.
See more at http://www.slideshare.net/hudali15/clean-your-mind-cache
By Ali Anani


Слайд 22Provide your mind with appropiate environment.
A balanced, peaceful mind takes

better decisions.
Why? Because then the unconscious is able to “speak” openly to our conscious, thus a bigger picture of the issue can be exposed

Слайд 23
This presentation is inspired by and dedicated to:
Ali Anani PhD
Rod Kuhn

Shrutin Shettin

All the sentences in “brackets”, are atributed to: Dr. John Bargh, Yale’s University Psicologist

Thank you for your time.
Your Comments are more than welcome.
David Navarro.

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