Get Ready For Summer презентация

Слайд 2Summer has knocked the door and the sun is all set

to be brightened as much as it can. The time has come when we must get ourselves prepared for one on one with summer.

Слайд 3Avoid direct sun exposure as much as possible. The sun’s rays

are most intense from 11.00 am to 4.00 pm

Слайд 4Wear sunglasses with total UV protection and wide-brimmed hat

Слайд 5Apply sunscreen that offers UV protection before going out

Слайд 6Avoid staying longer in the sun despite the fact that you

have applied high SPF products

Слайд 7Go outdoors when the sun is lower such as in early

morning or late evening

Слайд 8Re-apply sunscreens after swimming or even waterskiing

Слайд 9Wear long clothing such as long sleeved shirts and trousers

Слайд 10Keep the children out of the sun’s reach as they have

less resistance to fight with UV rays

Слайд 11Drink plenty of water even if you are not thirsty as

it keeps you away from being dehydrated

Слайд 12Apply solar blinds to all your windows to block the sun

rays coming inside your house

Слайд 13Brought to you by

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