Gentle Writing Advice… презентация

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Слайд 1Gentle Writing Advice…
Academic Writing

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Слайд 3Use

Слайд 4

?Do: Use Active Voice

Active voice = the subject does the action:

The cat shredded the toilet paper.

The students planned the ceremony.

Tonya cooked dinner.

Слайд 5

?Do: Use Active Voice

Passive voice = the subject receives action:


toilet paper was shredded by the cat.

The ceremony was planned by the students .

Dinner was cooked by Tonya.

Слайд 6Appeal to the audience

Слайд 7?Do: Appeal to the audience
Comedians make everyday topics appealing to an

Anticipate the reader’s reactions to each section of your essay.

Слайд 8Proofread your work

Слайд 9?Do: Proofread for errors
Errors hurt communication of ideas.

Слайд 10Run spell-check to catch typographical errors.
Poor grammar will hurt your

grade in most classes.

?Do: Proofread for errors

Слайд 11? Do:
Concise Sentences

Слайд 12?Do: Write concise sentences
Use fewer prepositions (to, of, in, from, for)


Слайд 13?Do: Write concise sentences
Use fewer
(is, are, was, were)


Слайд 14?Do: Write concise sentences

No? The type of student in ENG 112

class is one who writes essays that are formal and academic.

Yes? An ENG 112 student writes formal, academic essays.

Слайд 15? Do:
Sentence Length

Слайд 16? Do: Vary your sentence length
Use short sentences to emphasize important


Long long long long long long long long long long long long long; long, long long long long. Short short short short. Long long long long long long long long long long long long.

Give your audience occasional breaks from long sentences.

Слайд 17? Do:
Follow Assignment Guidelines

Слайд 18?Do: Follow all assignment guidelines
Instructors expect students to follow all assignment


I think I’ll just make up my own assignment!

Bad idea!!

Слайд 19? Do:
Use concrete, vivid descriptions

Слайд 20?Do: Use concrete, vivid descriptions
The pigsty example…

Слайд 21?Do: Use concrete, vivid descriptions
Imagine someone saying, “Wow, your place is

a real pigsty!”

Слайд 22?Do: Use concrete, vivid descriptions
Pigsty? What does that mean?

Слайд 23?Do: Use concrete, vivid descriptions
People have different concepts of what a

“pigsty” is.

Слайд 24
?Do: Use concrete, vivid descriptions
When writing, merely saying, “The room was

a pigsty” is not enough to convince your audience that you do indeed have a true pigsty on your hands.

Слайд 25?Do: Use concrete, vivid descriptions
Pigsty = the room had not been

vacuumed or dusted in a week.

Pigsty = 3 rumpled outfits on the bed and a spilled make-up bag on the dresser

FACT: Not all pigsties are created equal.

Слайд 26Pigsty = Ten years of brittle, yellowed papers were piled on

the floor.
Pizza boxes created makeshift tables for stacks of moldy fried chicken bones.
The furniture dancing with insects, and each drawer had a beard of dust.

?Do: Use concrete, vivid descriptions

Слайд 27Academic Writing Don’ts

Gentle Writing Advice…

Слайд 28? Do not:
Use clichés

Слайд 29?Do not: Use clichés
“Beating around the bush”

Слайд 30?Do not: Use clichés
“Everything happens for a reason”

Слайд 31?Do not: Use clichés
“Dead as a doornail”

Слайд 32?Do not: Use clichés
Don’t judge a book by its cover

but not least
What goes around comes around
Sick as a dog
Sweet as honey
Old as the hills
(Many clichés exist…
these are just examples)

Слайд 33? Do not:
Make announcements to the reader

Слайд 34?Do not: Make announcements
“In this essay I will…”

Слайд 35? Do not:
Address the reader as “YOU”

Слайд 36? Do not: Use “you”
Q: What’s wrong with “YOU”?
A: It

does not apply to everyone, and therefore writers exclude many of their readers.

Слайд 37? Do not: Use “you”
Who, ME?
When you
put on your

fluffy wings, you feel at peace.

The snowflakes hitting
your body
make you
feel pretty and sparkly.

Слайд 38? Do not: Use “you”
Who, ME?
Seeing a sign like this

makes you wonder why people would dislike you just because you are a shaven head child pick pocket.
Perhaps you should wear a disguise so you don’t look like the picture on the sign.

Слайд 39? Do not: Use “you”
Who, ME?
When you pose for a

family portrait in Winnie the Pooh costumes, you may be surprised at the reactions people have to your photo….

Слайд 40

? Do not: Use “you”

Слайд 41? Do not:
“There are”/ “There is”

Слайд 42?Do not: Use Weak Fillers
Weak Fillers=
There are

There is
There was
This is
This was
It is
It was

Слайд 43No? There are many different classes offered at TCC.

Yes? TCC

offers many different classes.

?Do not: Use Weak Fillers

Слайд 44No? It is necessary for employees to lock their desks.

Yes? Employees

must lock their desks.

?Do not: Use Weak Fillers



Слайд 45? Do not:
Say “I think” or “I feel” or “in my


Слайд 46?Do Not: Say “I think” or “I feel” or “in my


If your name is on the paper, your reader knows that any opinions expressed in it are yours.

Слайд 47?Do Not: Say “I think” or “I feel” or “in my


No need to say? I think iguanas make great pets.

Just say? Iguanas make great pets.

Слайд 48? Do not:
Use 5th grade words

Слайд 49?Do not: Use 5th grade words
AVOID the word:

(use a noun/say

what you mean)

Слайд 50Thing / Things
Many things in the room look dirty.

I studied the

wrong thing for the test.

We learned many things in class.


information for the


new ideas

Слайд 51AVOID the words:

get /got
(received, arrived, became)
?Do not: Use 5th grade


Слайд 52Get / Got
John got many gifts for Christmas.

The ambulance got here quickly.

When I get back, we should talk.

Sophia got her shoes online.

received many




Слайд 53AVOID the word:

(difficult, frustrating, confusing…)

?Do not: Use 5th grade words

Слайд 54Hard
The final exam was hard.

Algebra is a hard subject

for me


challenging subject for me.

frustrating, perplexing, complicated

Слайд 55AVOID the words:

alot (a lot)
till (until)

?Do not: Use 5th grade words

Слайд 56AVOID the words:

stuff (possessions, boxes etc…)
mad (angry, upset, enraged)

?Do not: Use

5th grade words

Слайд 57? Do not:
Use “very”

Слайд 58?Do not: Use “very”
“Very” adds nothing to a description.
In order to

show intensity, use stronger words or figures of speech.

Слайд 59His skin was very dry.
His skin was so dry that

he looked like a shedding snake.

dry skin



?Do not: Use “very”

Слайд 60If someone is confused, he/she is confused.
(Adding “very” does not

change anything!)

?Do not: Use “very”

Слайд 61Use a stronger word and avoid “very”
Very tired
?Do not: Use


Слайд 62And finally, avoid the worst opening line ever written…
(unless your goal

is to present yourself as a dull, unsophisticated writer…)

Слайд 63 This one line will destroy any hope for impressing a

college professor with your essay…

It’s DOOM for any essay…

Слайд 64Ready…?
(I had to force my fingers to type these words...cringe…)

Слайд 65In today’s society, …

Слайд 66Or worse…

“In today’s society, there are many reasons why…”

Слайд 67Remember to apply these Do’s & Don’ts to your writing…
Start today!

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