
Слайд 1


Слайд 2Cannes Lions is the world's biggest celebration of creativity in communications.

For 60 years it’s been home to the biggest ideas changing how brands interact with customers. This year, it turned its attention to health. 800 people from 50 countries gathered to share, judge and celebrate the life-changing creativity of the world’s best healthcare agencies. Inside, you’ll find a quick-scan summary of the conference’s content, including short stories, memorable quotes, great creative, and even a few share-worthy tweets.

Слайд 3Great marketing has more than a message – it has utility

Слайд 4Make things people want
Instead of making people want things
Duncan Arbour,

inVentiv Europe

Created for an association of optometrists, Penny is the first bedtime story that also allows parents to tell whether their child has a vision issue as they read to them. This year alone, Penny is on track to test over half a million children.

Great example: Bronze-award-winner Penny the Pirate storytime eye test

Слайд 5Lift Labs: Empathy-driven design
Dr. John Redmond was inspired by his grandfather,

a dentist whose career was cut short by tremors caused by Parkinson’s Disease. Anyone who uses their fine motor skills - to, say, put on makeup, design a layout, or lift a spoon of soup to your lips - can imagine what it’s like to lose that ability to control your hands.

30 million people in the U.S. and Europe live with essential tremor caused by Parkinson’s, traumatic brain energy, etc. It can be treated with medication, but those pills aren’t well tolerated because of side effects and the only other treatment is brain surgery.

65% of people with essential tremor no longer eat in restaurants because they literally shake their food off their utensils.

Lift Labs’ goal was to help those people regain their dignity and return to restaurants.

Слайд 6The shortlist campaigns inspiring me most are all 'things'. Beautiful or

practical; all smart and life-changing #LionsHealth #inventivlions

Zoe Healey

Mother Book was designed to promote Kishokai's Bell-Net Obstetrics product to expectant mothers. A small bump inside book seems to physically grow as the mothers themselves grow and turn the pages. The campaign encourages mothers to write their personal feelings on the pages and consider the book a gift to their children.

Great example: Grand-Prix-winner, "Mother Book” by Dentsu Nagoya

Слайд 7Unilever: How social marketing helped a child reach age 5

before we type anything else, watch this video (next page)

Слайд 8
Unilever: Social good = bottom line
The numbers are big. But they’re

not enough.

Samir Singh, global brand vice president at Unilever, explained that 1.7 million children, a number equivalent to 20 jumbo jets full of children under the age of five crashing every day, die every year of these conditions. But, those numbers become statistics. Dr, Myriam Webster, global social mission director, Unilever, said “they remain numbers.” It’s stories that change minds.

They have both social and business goals.

For Unilever, the Lifebuoy brand and its good work aren’t about charity or one-off PR opportunities. They’re about changing behaviors to both do good for society and good for the company. Soap saves lives. Selling more soap builds bottom lines.

20 more children under the age of five have died because of diarrhea and pneumonia in the time it took you to watch that video

Слайд 9Unilever: Marketing that earns change
Unilever already supports the largest public

hygiene campaign in the world. Their ambition is to reach 1 billion people.

To accomplish that, they focus in on connecting with mothers at times of high anxiety about hygiene. Times like back to school, change of seasons, and around festivals where people gather and congregate.

In one powerful example, they stamped 5 million roti with a soap washing reminder at Kumbh Mela 2013 in Allahabad, India, where a 100 million visitors pass through.

Слайд 10Brand building is evolving by using stories and big ideas

Слайд 11Stengel: Big shifts are changing our industry
Jim Stengel, CEO of the

Jim Stengel Company and former P&G CMO, believes great work means having a big brand idea, creating a story and telling it, and being the kind of organization that has something to say.

1. Big Brand Ideas

A single idea people think about when they think about your brand, one that’s rooted in a universal truth, is authentic to the brand, and starts with a defined purpose.

2. Told in great stories

Share stories that are authentic and rewarding. Those can be stories that the brand tells or ones it’s audience does.

3. By energized teams

Jim believes talent and organizational energy are the new competitive advantage. Creating that starts with engaging everyone with a purpose.

Just 13% of employees around the world feel engaged at work today. That’s a huge gap because companies with higher engagement have 22% higher profitability. (Gallop)

Слайд 12Great example: Sanofi’s Connecting Nurses

Sanofi brought together 14 million nurses from

over 130 countries to share their ideas on how to bridge the gaps in healthcare and resources that happen around the world.

Sanofi is extending the program to patient communities next.

Слайд 13Dr. Rita Charon is an expert on narrative health. That’s the

art of storytelling and story listening to better comprehend the experiences of the sick and those who care for them. She’s also a doctor (internist) and a professor of clinical medicine. Rita believes her work requires creativity and writing. The creative act is not elective in healthcare.

Слайд 14
Charon: Invite patients to tell stories
After she asks that question, she

stops herself from asking or typing and just listens.

The first patient she did this with told her his grandfather died of kidney disease; his father died of kidney disease. And, that he was having problems with his son and was worried he might do something violent.

Then he started crying.

She asked him why he was crying. "No one ever let me do that before," he said.

Healthcare is a place where people can give accounts of self. There are few other places where that is permitted. Those accounts of self solve two of the big barriers in healthcare: reduction and isolation. Narratives don’t let us reduce people to their condition (the guy with arthritis). And they force us to stand on the precipice with them.

“To be your doctor, I need to know a lot about your body and your health and your life. What do you think I should know?”

Слайд 15Artists are not afraid of the doubt. They mystery of doubt

does not frighten them. They enter it. Not to solve it, but to say it, to represent it, so that the rest of us can experience it. Narratives let us say it, let us reflect it, let us embrace the peril of being alive.

Dr. Rita Charon with a painting from one of the artists who inspires her: Mark Rothko

Слайд 16Meaningful: Why do we generalize our audience so much? Meaningful experiences

are specific to a niche of people the brand knows well.

Fidelino: Confidence and easy connections

The healthcare brands that elicit a reflexive response very confidently state what they’re about. They connect very easily with audiences they care about. And, they show it in everything they do. Their communications are:

Authentic: The greatest brands in the world don’t reject their category, they embrace it. Embracing the category grounds people and lets the advertising focus on the nuance.

Immersive experiences: Great brands create a new world and immerse you in an involving experience. It’s what creates that lasting impression and ultimately drives choice.

Слайд 17Great example: Gold-award-winner Mind Your Meds

The Medicine Abuse Project’s goal is

to prevent half a million teens from abusing medicines by 2017. It’s a multi-year effort led by The Partnership at The campaign aims to help educate parents, teens and the public about the dangers of medicine abuse.

Слайд 18
“The cool compel us to engage. They ask us to identify

with them and embrace them. And we willing do that. Healthcare needs cool. We need people to gravitate toward it. We want people to engage in it.”

- R. John Fidelino, Executive Creative Director, Interbrand Health

Слайд 19Technology has created intriguing new challenges to communicating

Слайд 20
“Many consumers ask: Why do websites know more about my

condition than my doctor?”

- Mike Cooper, CEO, PHD Worldwide

Слайд 213
Number of times a marketing message needs to be shared before

its meaning is degraded by 50%

Curtis Hougland, CEO at Attention

Слайд 22
We have a paradox of choice. Sometimes too many choices

lead to inferior decisions.

- Katie Erbs, Head of Rich Media, Northern and Central Europe, Google

Слайд 23Great example: Silver-award-winner Stryker GetAroundKnee

The GetAroundKnee campaign was designed to get

“fence sitters” to talk to their doctors about knee replacement surgery and the GetAroundKnee—the only system designed to replace naturally circular knee motion.

To reach patients, they simplified a complicated message about the product and its “single-radius” design by letting prospective patients know that there are different kinds of knee replacement systems, and that the choice they make ultimately determines the kind of mobility they enjoy post-surgery.

Слайд 24Number of touchpoints the average consumer uses before making a healthcare



Curtis Hougland, CEO at Attention

Слайд 25VIPs: Very Informed Patients The people who read all the science, follow

the news updates, become arm chair experts, and heavily influence their communities.

Peter Matheson Gay, Creative Director at Weber Shandwick

Слайд 26Great example: Gold-award-winner CancerTweets
Cancer is a silent disease, every year millions

of people die for ignoring their symptoms. That’s why Cancertweets was created. Its 7 Twitter accounts represented 7 types of cancer and 'spread out' the virtual cancer throughout thousands of accounts. Virtual cancer acted as a real cancer: at first, followed silently. Then, started to manifest subtle; finally expressed its symptoms directly. Those who detected on time, virtual cancer stopped following them. Those who ignored it, received a final message.

Слайд 27We’re on the cusp of even more innovation

Слайд 28
We’re on the cusp of so much change. In how

technology is changing medicine, how people are engaging in their own health, and what new innovations in treatment are available.

- R. John Fidelino, Executive Creative Director, Interbrand Health

Слайд 29That data was always there. But the way they looked at

it changed their view of the world, their possibilities.

A life-extending answer found in every-day data

In May of 2008, Leerom Segal, CEO, Klick Health, learned that his father had been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. The experts said there was nothing they could do. Second, third, fourth opinions all confirmed it was too late. Then they got a glimmer of hope from online communities. They found a number of people who had been posting for a long time… longer than the prognosis should have allowed.

That led them to quickly audit everyone posting in the communities by the date of their first post. Only 11 names had been posting for over a year. The family made an appeal to those 11 and 9 responded by the next morning. Most were on the same clinical trial.

Using that information, Leerom’s father lived for 3 more years … that was1000 dinners, dozens of family trips.

Слайд 30Great example: Project Re:Brief
“For my generation that’s absolutely science fiction.”
(Video on

next click)

Слайд 31“Our brains evolved in a world that was linear and local.

We don’t live in that world anymore. We live in a world that’s global and exponential.

If you take 30 linear steps, by step 30 you get to 30. But technology evolves exponentially. You take those same 30 steps, but instead of 1, 2, 3, it goes 2, 4, 8, 16. By step 30, you’re at a billion.

That’s why the phone is your pocket is a million times smaller, a million times cheaper, and 1000 times more powerful than computers that used to take up half a building.”

- Jason Silva, futurist

Silva: Most of us aren’t thinking big enough

Слайд 32“In this world, attention is the new limited resource. We need

a cognitive shift, a way to inspire a generation to reconceive the possible. We need to define and extend what it means to be human.”

- Jason Silva, futurist

Слайд 33
It’s time to marry the greatest challenges of the public

sector with the greatest strengths of the private sector. The next era of innovation in healthcare starts there.

- Kathy Calvin, CEO, United Nations Foundations

Слайд 34Great example: Coca Cola Ekocenter
Ekocenter is Coca Cola’s social enterprise

system - and one big example of what the industry can do. The system is a “downtown in a box.” Completely self-sufficient community centers that filter water, offer power and connect people to the internet. Coca-cola builds products on top of those centers, like access to phone charging and wifi. But also bigger services that matter where people are gathering – like education and healthcare.

Слайд 35Are you creative enough to work in healthcare?

Слайд 36
I spent a career at Proctor and Gamble, trying

to bring purpose and meaning to soap, shampoo and toilet paper.

- Jim Stengel on working in this amazing industry.

Слайд 37“It is the morning of The Day, full of more seminars,

galleries, and then, tonight, the big award ceremony. But what else is Cannes waking up to?

Perhaps the fact that “Healthcare” is not just a judging category, but a central filter for everything we do, buy, and eat (the categories found in the regular Cannes Lions show)?
Is it waking up to the potential and privilege of healthcare creativity to truly change lives versus simply disseminating a differentiating message in a clever way?

As we shake off another night of French cuisine and vin rouge, we have to ask our own selves: Are we waking up, too?”

Bruce Rooke, GSW, Lions Health judge

Слайд 38Students to Healthcare: No thanks.
FCB Health recently surveyed 225 advertising students

at 30 different colleges and universities around the country. They asked those students if they’d consider a career in healthcare advertising. 202 said no. The #1 reason why not was they wouldn’t be able to do good work. It’s a perception that's echoed by professors and friends.

What would change their minds? The majority said they’d only consider it if they had no other option. But, interestingly, 35, a small but important number, would consider it because it’s something they can feel good about.

Слайд 39

“Give me a purpose, a person who is passionate about

it, and a process and we can change the world”

- Lee Clow

Слайд 40Great example: Silver-award-winner Cialis
Cialis is an erectile dysfunction medication. These reminder

ads from Canada are clever, creative ways to show the ultimate benefit: more sex! In this ad (video on click) a mother negotiates a later curfew for her son, much to his confusion. He doesn't realize she’s doing it so she can have more time to have sex with her husband.

Слайд 41We need to raise our expectations for healthcare advertising

Слайд 42This year, there was no Grand Prix awarded for pharmaceutical marketing.

Why: We’ve got more work to do.

11.5 hours of judging today. My take: most work fails because it aims too low. It is too easily satisfied just relaying a message, but not wanting to change something, transform an experience, make something happen.

Thinking big in creative execution starts with thinking big on why you’re doing this execution in the first place. Customers (and Lions Health judges!) are too bombarded by messages to pay attention to more of the same. Raise the ambition of your work!

Bruce Rooke, GSW, Lions Health judge

Слайд 43Congratulations to all the 2014 winners!
See creative from all the winners

and short listers at

See you in 2015!

Слайд 44 TALK TO US
To discuss this report live, please contact Leigh Householder

at 614-543-6496 or

Visit us as

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