Enabling the Connected Healthcare Revolution презентация

Слайд 1Enabling the Connected Healthcare Revolution

Слайд 2 How will the US continue to provide quality health care for

everyone with: - an 18% increase in population by 2030 - a geriatric population increasing from 35 million to 54 million - a projected shortage of 136,000 physicians by 2025 - skyrocketing cost of delivering services by traditional methods - rapid growth of patients with chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, CHF and COPD
In 2013, the US spent $1.6 billion on acute episodes that would have been preventable if…
- Clinicians monitored patients to make sure medication was being taken as prescribed
- Additional relevant patient information had been relayed to caregivers for rapid response to facilitate early interventions, reduce hospitalizations and readmissions

Health care delivery in the United States is facing a crisis

Слайд 3Healthcare Industry Problems

The Challenge
Rapid acceleration of costs, aging population, and

chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, CHF, COPD
Need to facilitate early interventions to reduce brick and mortar doctor visits, hospitalizations, readmissions and associated penalties
The Reaction
Explosive Growth in mHealth Monitoring
Prolific Expansion of Digital Health Data Silos

The Resulting Problem
Rapidly growing need for a Data Integration Platform to securely unify information from 100’s of Devices & 1000’s of Apps

Слайд 4HealthSaaS Solution
David Cerino, General Manager, Microsoft Health Solutions Group states “HealthSaaS

is making it even easier for people to incorporate chronic care management into their daily lives.”

Слайд 5How It Works

Слайд 6The HealthSaaS Platform

Слайд 7
Remote patient monitoring HealthSaaS provides HIPAA secure, unified and integrated data

to the “point of care” wherever the clinician is located.
Patient device monitoring /Adherence tracking (e.g., alarms, faults) Monitoring patient device data and care plan adherence can enable clinicians to rapidly respond to clinically relevant patient health information. Rapid response to patient events can facilitate early interventions, reduce hospitalizations, readmissions and associated penalties.
Device prescribing, program management and asset tracking Enable clinicians and payers to prescribe patient devices, manage programs and track assets to minimize loss
Questionnaire Framework Disease specific questionnaires with branching logic Patient surveys

Why Customers Choose the HealthSaaS Platform

Слайд 8
Sandra Elliott, Director, Consumer Technology and Service Development, Meridian Health said

“The HealthSaaS Connected Outcomes Platform will enable iMPak Health to not only provide consumer centric devices, but to offer solution based information to the clinicians in an actionable manner,” “The ability to provide a low cost, end-to-end solution will ultimately create the most value for providers and patients.”
Dr. Beth Darnall, OHSU states “HealthSaaS technologies were a key differentiator in receiving the grant award from IASP. This project is exciting because we are using the latest technologies to facilitate "borderless" case consultation with real time access to actual patient data. The best part is that patients, care providers and researchers can use the HealthSaaS Connected Outcomes Platform to access a patient’s information anywhere there is a connection to the internet.”

Dr. Gordon Irving, Medical Director of the Swedish Pain and Headache Center states “Utilizing the connectivity, tools and graphical reports offered by the HealthSaaS Connected Outcomes Platform can assist health care providers in managing patients more effectively. We are confident that patients will gain significant benefit from an interactive site which allows them to securely share results with their health care providers.”

Our Customers to Date

Слайд 9 Connected Health Market Opportunity

Target Market
Health System Providers, Insurance Payers &

Pharma that serve these patients
Sub-sector of the General Market
Mobile & Electronic Digital Health Vendors & Resellers

*Parks and Associates estimates that the Connected Health Market will have a 44% CAGR and reach $30 billion in revenue by 2018.

Chronic care Management *A $9+ billion opportunity by 2017

Independent Living *$1.2 billion in revenues by 2018

Health and Fitness *A $6.5 billion market by 2018 (without Apples impact)

Virtual Care *$14 billion potential by 2018

Слайд 10Strategic Technology Integration
*Harry Greenspun, Sr. Adviser for Healthcare Transformation & Technology,

Deloitte Center for Health

“Integration, not innovation, is the missing link in Health IT.”*

Qualcom Life Partner Devices

iMPak Connect

Data Integration Platform

Patient Intervention IVR, SMS, Telehealth

Microsoft Azure

mHealth apps

Слайд 11Frank Ille, Co-Founder & CEO
1 successful startup exit
20+ yrs. Enterprise

Biz Dev for Oracle & Microsoft and others, producing over $500M in revenues

Alan Paget, Co-Founder & CTO
1 successful startup exit with Frank Ille
Following exit employed by Microsoft Consulting Services
25+ yrs. designing complex integrated software and hardware technology solutions

Trinity Dow, VP Executive Operations
Deep expertise & skills in internal and external communications, partnership relations mgmt. & team building
15+ years of operations management, business communication, human resources and administration

Cohesive & Proven Exec Team

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