Addressing Gaps in Clinically Useful Evidence on Drug-drug Interactions – overview of aims презентация

My Lab - Translational Informatics Applied to Drug Safety (TRIADS)

Слайд 1Addressing Gaps in Clinically Useful Evidence on Drug-drug Interactions – overview

of aims

Richard Boyce, PhD
University of Pittsburgh

Department of Biomedical Informatics
NLM Training Conference
June 18th 2014

Слайд 2My Lab - Translational Informatics Applied to Drug Safety (TRIADS)

Слайд 3The focus of todays “Show Case”
Improving drug-drug interaction knowledge representation and

information retrieval

National Library of Medicine

Слайд 4What is a drug-drug interaction
Drug-drug interaction:
a clinically meaningful alteration of the

effect of a drug (object drug) occurs as a result of coadministration of another drug (precipitant drug) [1]
Potential drug-drug interaction (PDDI):
two drugs known to interact are prescribed whether or not harm ensues [1]

Hines LE, Malone DC, Murphy JE. Recommendations for Generating, Evaluating, and Implementing Drug-Drug Interaction Evidence. Pharmacotherapy: The Journal of Human Pharmacology and Drug Therapy. 2012;32(4):304–313.

Слайд 5The clinical importance of PDDIs
Exposure to PDDIs is a significant source

of preventable drug-related harm [2,3]

Studies of drug-drug interactions
Harm 1.9 to 5 million inpatients per year
Cause 2,600 to 220,000 emergency department visits per year

2. Magro L, Moretti U, Leone R. Epidemiology and characteristics of adverse drug reactions caused by drug-drug interactions. Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2012 Jan;11(1):83-94. doi: 10.1517/14740338.2012.631910. Epub 2011 Oct 25. Review. PubMed PMID: 22022824.
3., Last Accessed 12/06/2013

Слайд 6Knowledge is important
Borrowed from Phil Hansten and John Horn

Слайд 7Key point
Many drug information systems disagree about PDDIs
the specific ones that

their potential to cause harm

This leads to
confusion and frustration for clinicians
greater risks of harm to patients

Слайд 8The danger of incomplete drug-drug interaction knowledge

Слайд 9Evidence of drug compendia problems
Three PDDI information sources agreed upon only

25% of 59 contraindicated drug pairs found in black box warnings [28]

18 (28%) of 64 pharmacy information and clinical decisions support systems correctly identified 13 clinically significant DDIs [29]

Four sources agreed on only 2.2% of 406 PDDIs considered to be “major” by at least one source [30]

Слайд 10Evidence from the drug compendium perspective
Pre-market studies
Post-market studies
Product labeling
Reported in
Clinical experience


Rarely reported in

Rarely reported in

Reported in

Rarely reported in

Drug Compendia synthesize PDDI evidence into knowledge but
May fail to include important PDDIs
Often disagree about PDDI evidence and seriousness ranking
May include numerous PDDIs with little evidence for liability reasons

Source for

Source for

Слайд 11 There is a need for a new PDDI knowledge

representation paradigm

This paradigm should do for PDDIs what the Pharmacogenomics Knowledge Base (PharmGKB) and Pharmacogenomics Research Network (PGRN) have done for clinical pharmacogenomics

Слайд 12PharmGKB as inspiration for a new drug interaction knowledge base (DIKB)

single point of entry to nearly all relevant pharmacogenomics research
A network of researchers and stakeholders
A growing set of clinical pharmacogenomics guidelines

Future DIKB
A single point of entry to nearly all relevant DDI research and case reports
A network of researchers and stakeholders
A growing set of clinical guidelines for PDDI exposure

Слайд 13Informatics foundations for a new DIKB: Aim 1
Derive a new PDDI

meta-data standard that can meet the information needs of drug compendia editors and pharmacist working in different care settings
the best thinking of drug information system designers and the biomedical ontology community
extends existing national drug terminology efforts
will have a high likelihood of widespread adoption

Pre-market studies

Post-market studies

Clinical experience

A framework for representing PDDI assertions and evidence as interoperable Linked Data available for community annotation

Semantic annotation pipeline

Слайд 14Aim 1 – Highlights of the approach
…the best thinking of drug

information system designers and the biomedical ontology community
a new OBO ontology for PDDIs and evidence
grounded competency questions
qualitative analysis of interviews with clinical pharmacists, drug compendia editors, and the results of a systematic search of the literature
…extends existing national drug terminology efforts
interoperability with RxNorm and the NDF-RT
…will have a high likelihood of widespread adoption
stakeholders from FDA, NLM, W3C, Pharma, and Cochrane Collaboration

Слайд 15

Слайд 16Informatics foundations for a new DIKB: Aim 2
Apply a novel evidence

synthesis process to enhance drug product label PDDI information
implement a pipeline for extracting PDDI mentions from product labeling and integrating them with other public sources
annotations can be “curated” by a distributed group of drug experts and non-experts
dynamically enhance product label content

A framework for representing PDDI assertions and evidence as interoperable Linked Data available for community annotation

Data driven:
Synthesis of public PDDI sources
Web-based scientific discourse

Knowledge curation

Aim 1

Aim 2

Слайд 17Aim 2 - a step toward the next generation of drug

product labeling

PDDI Extraction algorithm

Lovastatin product label

Human curation

Semantic tags

Linking to other relevant sources

Слайд 18Take the drug interactions section of a drug product label…

Слайд 19Make it simple for the reader to see claims that could

expand or update the information in this section…

Слайд 20Example: an interaction affecting venlafaxine that may not be in this


Слайд 21Aim 2 – Highlights of the approach

Слайд 22Aim 2 – Highlights of the approach continued

PDDI information interlinking
Drug name

mapping across sources [1]
Identification and merging of PDDI public information sources [2]
Advancing PDDI evidence reviews
A “Micropublication” model for drug-drug interaction evidence [3]

1. Hassanzadeh O, Zhu Q, Freimuth R, Boyce R. Extending the "Web of Drug Identity" with Knowledge Extracted from United States Product Labels. AMIA Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2013 Mar 18;2013:64-68. PubMed PMID: 24303301; PMCID: PMC3814463
2. Ayvaz S., Zhu Q., Hochheiser H., Brochhausen M., Horn, J., Dumontier, M., Samwald M., Boyce, RD. “Drug-Drug Interaction Data Source Survey and Linking.” Abstract and Poster presentation to appear in AMIA Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2014.
3. Schneider, J., Collins, C., Hines, L., Horn, JR, Boyce, R. “Modeling Arguments in Scientific Papers.” at the 12th Annual ArgDiaP Conference: From Real Data to Argument Mining. Warsaw, Poland, May 23-24 2014.

Слайд 23SPL/DailyMed Jamboree Workshop

Using DailyMed Drug Product Label Data
September 18, 9:30 AM

to 4:15 PM
Lister Hill Auditorium, National Library of Medicine

Topics include:
extracting indication and drug interaction data from structured product labels using natural language processing
Linked Data and structured product labels

Слайд 24Informatics foundations for a new DIKB: Aim 3
Pilot test new methods

for PDDI information retrieval supporting drug information experts
Develop a high performance PDDI information retrieval algorithm

Develop and iteratively refine multiple initial prototypes based on feedback from end users

Report on a single end-user validated design implemented for public demonstration

Слайд 25Informatics foundations for a new DIKB
Product labeling
Scientific literature
A framework for representing

PDDI assertions and evidence as interoperable Linked Data available for community annotation

Semantic annotation pipeline

Reduced risk of a PDDI medication error!

More efficient synthesis of PDDI evidence, easier identification of gaps

Expected benefits:
More complete and accurate PDDI evidence
Better informed pharmacists and other clinicians
More effective PDDI alerting and decisions support systems

Data driven:
Synthesis of public PDDI sources
Web-based scientific discourse

Knowledge curation

Dynamic enhancements

Слайд 26Acknowledgements - People
Co-investigators: Harry Hochheiser, Phil Empey, Carol Collins (UW Seattle),

John Horn (UW Seattle), Dan Malone (U of A), Lisa Hines (U of A), William Hogan (UAMS), Mathias Brochhausen (UAMS)
Programmer: Yifan Ning
Students and Research assistants: Katrina Romagnoli, Andres Hernandez Camacho, Jeremy Jao, Serkan Ayvaz (Kent State), Majid Rastegar-Mojarad (Mayo)
Advisors: Rebecca Crowley, Steven Handler, Chip Reynolds, Jordan Karp, Wendy Chapman (U of Utah), Tim Clark and Paulo Ciccarese (Harvard), Robert Freimuth (Mayo, PGRN), Qian Zhu (U of Maryland)
Additional stakeholders: FDA, Cochrane, W3C Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group, ASHP, IBM Research

Слайд 27Acknowledgements - Funding
The American taxpayers via:
NLM (1R01LM011838-01 and T15 LM007059-24)
NIH/NIA (K01AG044433-01,

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (K12HS019461 and R01HS018721)
NIH/NIGMS (U19 GM61388; the Pharmacogenomic Research Network)

Слайд 28Discussion

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