Management of Male Infertility What the future holds презентация


Learning objectives At the completion of this presentation, participants will have an overview of: Sperm biomarkers as diagnostic and treatment tools Prospects of male fertility preservation Stem cells as new

Слайд 1Sandro Esteves, MD., PhD.
Medical & Scientific Director, ANDROFERT
Campinas, Brazil

Management of

Male Infertility
What the future holds

Reproductive Andrology Surgery Workshop II
Reproductive Medicine Unit - Jahra Hospital - Kuwait 2014

Слайд 2Learning objectives
At the completion of this presentation, participants will have an

overview of:
Sperm biomarkers as diagnostic and treatment tools
Prospects of male fertility preservation
Stem cells as new agents for the treatment of male infertility

Слайд 4Infertility Figures

Infertile couples worldwide
(50-80 million people)

male factor infertility

Up to 50%

seek assistance for fertility issues

1 in 8 men

Слайд 5Irvin S, et al 1996, Auger J et al, 1995, Irvine

DS 1994, Jørgensen N et al 2001, Jørgensen N et al 2002, Swan SH 2003, Feki NC et al, 2009

Слайд 6Male reproductive relatively simple anatomy hides an overwhelmingly complex system

Слайд 7Spermatogenesis Process

Слайд 8Genetic and epigenetic- regulated process
~2,000 genes, but only 30 in the

Y chromosome

Hamada et al 2012

Слайд 9Extremely specialized cell type

Слайд 10Unexplained infertility affects up to 40% of infertile men
1 in 100

men have no sperm in ejaculate (azoospermia)
Up to 50% aspermatogenic (absolute sterility)

Слайд 11Limitations of current management

Conventional semen analysis

Conventional surgeries

Empirical medical treatments

ART overuse

Слайд 12Recent Advancements
Sperm Function Testing
Genetic diagnosis
YCMD molecular diagnosis by PCR

Слайд 13

Слайд 14 Genomics
The Era of Biomarkers

Слайд 15Researchers first to determine entire genetic sequence of individual sperm
We can

look at a particular individual, make some calls about what they would likely contribute genetically to an embryo and perhaps even diagnose or detect potential problems, and identify healthy sperm for use in IVF

Слайд 16DNA Micro-array Technology
Glass or silicon slides where thousands of features are

Gene expression is measured hybridization process
Microarrays are read using laser-based fluorescence scanners
Determine which genes are active and at what levels
Compare with controls, etc.

Слайд 18 Potential Clinical Applications of Sperm Molecular Genetic Fingerprinting
Infertility diagnosis
Assessment of treatment

outcome (medical, surgical)
ART outcome (IUI, IVF, ICSI)
Sperm selection techniques

Слайд 19Seminal Fluid Molecular Genetic Fingerprinting

Слайд 21Proteins are also critical to understanding disease

Слайд 22Proteomics

Слайд 24Sperm & Seminal Plasma Proteomic Profiles

Слайд 25Sperm Proteomics

Слайд 26Camargo M et al. Hum. Reprod. 2013;28:33-46
Change in proteomic profiling in

seminal plasma of adult men before and after varicocelectomy

Слайд 27

Слайд 32Spermatogonial stem cell preservation and transplantation
Boys facing gonadotropic treatment
Klinefelter syndrome patients

before SSC loss
Extraction: testicular biopsy
Freezing : slow-freezing and storage of testicular tissue or cell suspension in LN
Cryoprotectant: DMSO
Grafting: ectopic or homotopic (mouse)
When to graft: unknown
Fertilizing capacity in humans: unknown

Слайд 33


Слайд 34
Nonobstructive azoospermia irreversible condition
Esteves et al. Clinics 2011; 66: 691-700

Слайд 35Current method for identification of sperm production sites in nonobstructive azoospermia

et al Int Braz J Urol 2013; 37: 570-83; Deruyver et al Andrology 2014; 2: 20-4

Слайд 36Morphometric Evaluation of Seminiferous Tubules
Verza Jr S, Esteves SC. Fertil Steril

2012; 98: S242

N=54; Tubule Diameter: KW-H (1;54) = 25.2; P<0.001

Слайд 37Novel methods for identification of sperm production sites in men with

nonobstructive azoospermia

Najari et al, J Urol 2012; Smith et al J Urol 2012; Ramasamy et al., J Pathol Inform 2012

Слайд 38No residual sperm production in up to 50% of men with


Слайд 39
In mice, transplanted stem cell-derived male gametes resulted in proper spermatogenesis

Слайд 40In mice, derived gametes generate viable offspring
Aponte et al, Clinics 2013

Слайд 41Biotechnological advancements in the treatment of aspermatogenic men

Слайд 42Conclusions
Novel genomic and proteomic biomarkers could add to work-up and clinical

treatment strategies

Advances in immature germ cells cryopreservation/transplantation will expand fertility options for oncological boys
Biotechnological approaches for generating male gametes last frontier to be accomplished

Слайд 43Why we should do all that …
Courtesy of E.N. & T.A.S.

with permission

Слайд 44


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