3 Stocks Crushed by the Market This Week презентация

Слайд 13 Stocks Crushed by the Market This Week

Слайд 2Health care saw plenty of huge winners this week – but

some stocks also got crushed by the market. Here are three of the biggest losers.




Слайд 3The biopharmaceutical company’s shares plunged 35% for the week.
Provectus Biopharmaceuticals


Source: Yahoo! Finance

Слайд 4A blog posted on an investment community website alleged that Provectus

appeared to have failed to win Breakthrough Therapy Designation for cancer drug PV-10
Provectus responded publicly on Wednesday, stating that the FDA had not reported any status as of yet
On Friday, however, the company announced that the FDA had indeed denied Breakthrough Therapy Designation for PV-10
Provectus stated that it remains committed to bringing the drug to market

Why Provectus shares were pummeled

Слайд 5Shares of the biopharmaceutical firm dropped 18% this week.
Intercept Pharmaceuticals


Source: Yahoo! Finance

Слайд 6Emails were made public showing that Intercept didn’t disclose lipid abnormalities

related to use of its liver disease drug obeticholic acid, or OCA, when it announced an early stop to a clinical trial in January
Intercept’s stock shot up over 280% after the clinical study ended early, having met its primary endpoint
The company announced in March that there were 10 cardiovascular events in a study of OCA, but the number was not statistically significantly different than the placebo arm of the study

Why Intercept’s stock imploded

Слайд 7The stock of the biotech fell nearly 11% this week.


Source: Yahoo! Finance

Слайд 8Pharmacyclics announced on Friday that Paula Boultbee, Executive VP of Sales

& Marketing, resigned
Boultbee had worked with the company’s collaboration partner Janssen, a unit of Johnson & Johnson, on commercialization of mantle cell lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia drug Imbruvica
This news followed another staff change earlier in the week, with Greg Wade being named as Executive VP of Business Development

Why Pharmacyclics shares faltered

Слайд 9Any of this week’s big losers could mount a comeback
Pharmacyclics seems

to be the best bet for rebounding
This week’s sell-off on news of the sales VP resigning seems overdone
Despite potential competition from other drugs in development, Imbruvica still has solid prospects
Barring any damaging revelations about Boultbee’s exit, Pharmacyclics shares should regain steam

Best shot at bouncing back?


Слайд 10Find out which stock The Motley Fool’s chief investment officer selected

as the top pick for 2014 in our free report!

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