hhs.gov/idealab @damonldavis презентация

We are now living in a health care system where data is driving change

Слайд 1hhs.gov/idealab


Слайд 2
We are now living in a health care system where data

is driving change

Слайд 3Payment reform
Data is changing…
Individual health interactions
Treatment @ the point of care

Слайд 4Changing the default setting for data from closed to open

Слайд 6U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Слайд 8
What’s being liberated and how is it used?

Слайд 9Using Data to Spur Health System Transformation…

Data Navigator

Quality Indicators

Virtual Research Data

Center (VRDC)

Слайд 11OpenFDA

More data available in more useful formats via API and raw

structured file download

Medical Device Adverse Events

Recall reports

Prescription Drug, OTC Drug, Biological Product Labeling

Слайд 14Catalyzing and testing new ideas rapidly
Accelerating proven ideas through investment

HHS Ignite Accelerator

HHS Ventures Fund

Recognizing HHS employees’ innovations

HHS Innovates Awards

Слайд 15
Partnering with not-for-profits to recruit external talent to work on a

shared problem

Recruiting external talent to work on high-risk, high-reward projects over a 12-month period

HHS Entrepreneurs-in-Residence

HHS Innovators-in-Residence

Слайд 17Demand-Driven Open Data

An introduction for data owners


Слайд 18

Evaluation & feedback

Complete use cases

Prioritized use cases

Incoming use cases

Prioritization is at the level of program owner

Consider implementation cost, savings from avoided future requests (such as FOIA), revenue opportunity for future cost recovery, risk of PII/PHI, risk of misinterpretation

Including strategic relevance, agency mission, org priorities, recognition

The decision to implement is not binary. It involves requirements management for potentially multiple interested parties

Input from data users

Cost, savings, risk

Internal & strategic factors

All prioritization and implementation decisions are made by Data Owners.
We found there are typically 3 drivers.

Слайд 19HealthDatapalooza.org

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