10 Steps To Be More Productive презентация

Do The Hardest Task First. Many times we put off the task that will take the most time and effort. Set up your day to get it out of the way

Слайд 110 Steps To Be More Productive
Brought to you by: MaidPro Central


Слайд 2Do The Hardest Task First.
Many times we put off the task

that will take the most time and effort. Set up your day to get it out of the way first thing. Leave the rest of your day free to complete quick tasks.

Слайд 3Stop Multitasking.
Prioritize, don’t multitask. Multitasking often leads to a lot of

work that only touches the surface of projects. Set aside time to complete or make a difference in projects.

Слайд 4Set Aside Email Time.
Don’t constantly respond and check your email all

day. Have you ever noticed how what was supposed to be 15mins of checking email turns into an hour? Instead, set aside time to respond to emails.

Слайд 5Create at To-NOT Do List.
Write down the things you revert to

that keep you from being productive. This will help you catch your self in those moments and stay on track.

Слайд 6Manage Your Energy Levels.
More hours at your desk doesn’t mean you

get more done. Set yourself up to get in the zone. Make sure you get enough sleep and eat so you can be productive.

Слайд 7Time Yourself.
Competition can be a great motivator. Time yourself during certain

tasks to help ensure you get things done on time and don’t get distracted.

Слайд 8Establish A Routine.
Routines make us more efficient & help us to

complete tasks quickly. Our brains are wired for routine. Use this process to help you streamline the work day.

Слайд 9Write Things Down.
Don’t expect to remember everything. Beat the brain drain

by keeping track of the Must-Do and Do-Later tasks on your phone or in a note book.

Слайд 10Say No.
Focus on what you are looking to achieve. Don’t agree

to meetings or projects you don’t have time for. Stay focused.

Слайд 11Take Short Breaks.
Look up from your desk every 30 minutes. Take

a moment to re-focus and prioritize.

Слайд 12Let MaidPro Central CT check cleaning off the list.

Слайд 13Get your free estimate, today!
www.maidpro.com/centralct or call (203) 630-2033

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