mWirelessGames презентация

Different Handheld Devices Support mWirelessGames supports various handheld devices We have clients for WAP enabled mobile devices J2ME powered mobile devices We are developing client for i-Mode

Слайд 1mWirelessGames
developed using our own technology, which based on enterprise standards of

client server applications

6 May 2002

Intellisoft Ltd.
tel.: +7 (095) 366 27 03

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Different Handheld Devices Support
mWirelessGames supports various handheld devices
We have clients

WAP enabled mobile devices
J2ME powered mobile devices
We are developing client for
i-Mode mobile devices
In nearest feature we plan to develop clients for
mobile devices working under EPOC control
mobile devices working under Pocket PC 2002 control
In fact, mWirelessGames solution allows to develop network oriented games for any connected to Internet device

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mWirelessGames Design Features
Design features
Automatic detection type of user’s handheld device

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mWirelessGames Design Features
Design features
Automatic detection type of user’s handheld device
Formatting game

screens and graphics according of user’s device type

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mWirelessGames Design Features
Design features
Automatic detection type of user’s handheld device
Formatting game

screens and graphics according of user’s device type
Real full screen game graphic for mobile devices

Слайд 6mWirelessGames Player Features
Player Features
A player can save game session and start

with saved game later
A user can play from handheld device and from desktop computer as well
A user can play with computer or against another user

Слайд 7mWirelessGames content

Black Jack
Slot machine
Developed games
We plan to produce

5-10 new games per month

Слайд 8Contact Information
Intellisoft Ltd.

33, prosp. Budennogo, Moscow, 105275, Russia
Phone: +7 095 3662703
Corporate email:
Web site:

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